View Full Version : All things polarised
22-10-2008, 02:32 PM
G'day all,
I would like to hear about your eye wear as I have no clue. I have a dodgy pair of shimano's that cost around $50 but you see some real good looking sunnies out there.
What are the 'big' brands? How much does everyone pay for there sunnies?
Forgetting the additional protection for your eyes, is there a difference in the ability to see through the glare on the more expensive models?
If I went out and bought a ~$200 pair of polaroids would I catch more fish?
All these questions and more.
Whats everyone's opinion?
22-10-2008, 04:41 PM
I've got a pair of polarised oakley hijinx' and they are the ducks nuts compared to my old cheaper polarised sunnies.
Oakley claim to make the best polarised lenses on the market. Whether thats true or not i dont know but they are noticeably better than any others i've tried.
I think like anything you get what you pay for.
Mine were $270 in oz but i got them for $180 delivered from the US.
22-10-2008, 05:00 PM
I got a pair of Legend Fatboy C1's from Bright Eyes shops. Thhey were $120, polarized etc. I looked at Oakleys but none in their line were true wrap around style like the Legends. Anyway I'm pretty happy with them although I have scratched the crap out of the lenses on the front, they still work fine. Definitely worth the extra $ because apparently some of the cheaper sunnies are actually BAD for your eyes.
Definitely get polarised though... Good for removing the bright reflections off the water.
22-10-2008, 05:41 PM
Some of the cheap sunnies you can find at your local tackle shop are quite good for the job. I spose it all depends on your budget.
If i had to recommend a brand it would have to be Mako. Not sure if it would help catching more fish. It just a comfort thing.
22-10-2008, 07:16 PM
I like my Spotters.....1st pair lasted 9 yrs with one tiny scratch on the glass. 2nd pair are going strong at 4 yrs old now still not a single scratch and perfectly clear vision.
The original Spotters Photochromatic bronze colour was probably two shades lighter then the current versions and could see that little bit deeper into the water with them. The new bronzes are better at cutting surface glare as well as polarising than the lighter shade did in the previous model.
As far as catching more fish that would depend on your fishing style.... actively sight fishing trout or jacks or whiting in the shallows or snags....possibly yes. tossing lures at every snag, won't make a bent brass razoo difference if they are a $20 buck speccy or $300 real dealers.
22-10-2008, 07:25 PM
i got some maui jims real cheap off ebay a couple of years ago. Worth every cent!!
22-10-2008, 07:51 PM
I've owned a pair of spotters with glass lense for a little over ten years and still goin. The glass lense is scratch resistant and give great vision. Paid around $200 and will do the same for the next pair as it's pretty good value for money!!
22-10-2008, 08:51 PM
One word ...'Spotters'
Best I have ever owned.....Photochromatic Bronze glass lense.
Best ever.
22-10-2008, 09:04 PM
I've got a pair of polarised oakley hijinx' and they are the ducks nuts compared to my old cheaper polarised sunnies.
Oakley claim to make the best polarised lenses on the market. Whether thats true or not i dont know but they are noticeably better than any others i've tried.
I think like anything you get what you pay for.
Mine were $270 in oz but i got them for $180 delivered from the US.
Keep an eye on the lenses Plaztix, mine and also my wifes delaminated almost a year to the day and having a 1 year warranty we were told bad luck.
Spotters are the Gun Glasses but I found were hard to keep clean.
I am now using Mangrove Jacks, about the $50 mark and happy with them
22-10-2008, 09:12 PM
I used Mako till I sat on them...
probably going to go with the Maui Jims next.
But for the reality of it, they will not help you catch fish.
A cheap pair of polarised glassed will let you see through glare on water, they just won't last all that long, and the claritywon't be as good through a cheap plastic lens compared to a high end glass lens.
Sunglass choice is only about personal comfort only. Spend more, and your will typically be more comfortable
Unless your budget would make you feel uncomfortable buying an expensive pair!!!
your call, but don't expect to catch more fish!
22-10-2008, 09:41 PM
when i went to buy sunnies i tried all the good brands on in all their styles.
what i settled on was a pair of mako sleeks. they fitted perfect, photo chromatic bronze lense (glass).
awesome! cost was $280 & after 3 yrs they are still in tip top condition.
i wear them for fishing & driving around never for work.
so go & try heaps of different ones on until you find yours.
a good pair of sunnies will let you see more fish in glare or dirty water even snags that you cant see without them on.
22-10-2008, 10:37 PM
i actually work in a bright eyes sunglasses shop and i can tell you a few things from my personal experience.
legends aren't bad for the price, but i would be wary of future warrenty's. i think they are getting out of this brand... atleast cutting it back big time.
Oakleys may claim they make the best polarized lens, but i can tell you thats just marketing..... compare them to a glass lens and they don't even come close
instead of legends, try to find Dirty Dog sunglasses... a little cheaper, but of much higher quality. they have a polycarbonate lens not a plastic lens like the legends have... if legends have a polycarbonate lens (of which i'm not convinced about) then it is of exceptionally poor quality.
Spotters are the best sunglasses hands down.
Mako's are good if you don't live in the tropics... the lenses delaminate.
Maui Jims are good and very rarely delaminate. though the last 3 months we have seen a few come into the shop.... manufacturing process causing this defect..... maybe, who knows.
not trying to put anyone off buying lesser products, but like all things, you get what you pay for.
22-10-2008, 10:41 PM
Spotters for me. I need scrip sunnies,,,and they come up trumps every time...the rPenetrator lenses are the ducks nuts for sight fishing, and also for driving. I bought a pair of raybans recently and had 'Drivesafe' lenses put in them .....they are crap - a $600 lesson well learnt - back to the spotters for me. Aussie made and back their reputation.
22-10-2008, 11:17 PM
i actually work in a bright eyes sunglasses shop and i can tell you a few things from my personal experience.
legends aren't bad for the price, but i would be wary of future warrenty's. i think they are getting out of this brand... atleast cutting it back big time.
Oakleys may claim they make the best polarized lens, but i can tell you thats just marketing..... compare them to a glass lens and they don't even come close
instead of legends, try to find Dirty Dog sunglasses... a little cheaper, but of much higher quality. they have a polycarbonate lens not a plastic lens like the legends have... if legends have a polycarbonate lens (of which i'm not convinced about) then it is of exceptionally poor quality.
Spotters are the best sunglasses hands down.
Mako's are good if you don't live in the tropics... the lenses delaminate.
Maui Jims are good and very rarely delaminate. though the last 3 months we have seen a few come into the shop.... manufacturing process causing this defect..... maybe, who knows.
not trying to put anyone off buying lesser products, but like all things, you get what you pay for.
I've had to bring my maui jims in for repair for a cracked lense (my fault) but thats it for the past 3years. I find they are very scratch resistant & I can barely tell I've got them on most the time. Plus the model i got (titanium) don't leave those dumb tan lines down the side of my face ;D
The spotters sunnies look the shiz & will prob get a pair for the musses.
23-10-2008, 04:26 AM
Spotter for me, best pair of sunnies that I have owned.
Bought mine this time last year when that Mart Super A? store was going out of them for $39.95 their loss my gain.
Good glasses and they are very resistant to scratching. Especially for careless old buggers.
23-10-2008, 06:08 AM
Spotters are my choice in glass photochromatic Penetrator lens. I have seen nothing locally that comes close.
If you look OS the Costa Del Mar range is right up there and a bit lighter in weight but costa few more $$$$
They will probably not help you catch more fish unless you are sight casting but they certainly take the strain off tired eyes after a day in the sun
23-10-2008, 06:27 AM
Spotters, no comparison. Doing what I do aka detailing, I cop it from the sun, the water and the myriad of white fibreglass all around me consistently and the spotters are the only brand that I will wear. On my third set and would honestly be lost without them
23-10-2008, 07:39 AM
got sick of losing expensive ones years ago
after losing a pair of oakleys i bought a pair of polaroids for $22 in townsville about 8 years ago
still use them just getting worn in the hinges now
whatever these are they have been great value
23-10-2008, 08:06 AM
Yep spotters for me too, hands down best glasses iv owned. i have them in the sandy model with the photochromic glass lenses. in shallow water their brilliant, you can see everything, they really cut the glare.
I figure you only have one pair of eyes youve gotta look after them, whats $200 odd dollars:)
23-10-2008, 09:21 AM
Wheres the best place to get these spotters?
23-10-2008, 06:00 PM
Wheres the best place to get these spotters?
Google their website, a list of retailers will come up
I got mine from bright eyes, but here's a tip If you're near a DFO, check the sunglass stores out there, chances are you'll pick up a set at a damn good price
23-10-2008, 06:13 PM
Wish I hada seen the A mart sale i woulda bought 6 pairs od Spotters at $40!!
24-10-2008, 01:36 PM
Im with bigbrain47,lost to many (3) $200.00+ pairs by various dump ar-- means:-/ (dropped over the side x 1,sat on x 1,just simply lost x 1)Use cheapies these days in salt and my one good pair (spotters) only come trout fishing.The funny thing is when you use cheapies you NEVER seem to break or loose them.::)
24-10-2008, 02:11 PM
I just went thru 3 weeks of hell betwen my old (12YO) mako's finally dying (missus dropped em off her head and they cracked the lenses on a rock) and buying my new maui jim's. Hell because I had to wear a cheap set whilst i tried to find a set of good ones that fit properly (i must have a weird shaped head as i find it hard to get sunnies to fit me right). I really hate cheap sunnies - they give me headaches.
Anyway - I ended up with the maui jim with brown glass lenses and they are heaps better than even my beloved mako's. Just had my 2nd trip on the water with them and they are bloody awesome. I can highly recommend em - even with the $300-odd pricetag. So much definition of sandbars and general underwater features its incredible.
OH - and whilst we are on the subject of sunnies - if you do buy a good set (and I highly recommend you do if you can afford it) remember the name 'SOS EYEWEAR' in south Brisbane. They are absolute legends at keeping sunglasses going. My old mako's went thru 3 hinges in the 12 yrs I had them - total cost to keep em goin was $70 (over 12 years remember) Whatever you do - DON'T get your mako's etc fixed by the manufacturer - they will slug you way more than this. Go to SOS EYEWEAR - they a bloody marvelous and can work miracles on sunnies you'd swear are destined for the bin. They also do replacement lenses which I was going to get in the mako's but they talked me out of it due to a hairline crack they found in the frames.
For Steve
24-10-2008, 07:52 PM
I wear Gil sunglasses. I think they are targeted at yachties but they are good, inexpensive polarised sunnies that grip well and float too. Got them for $50 from Whitworths.
25-10-2008, 08:01 AM
I am on my third pair of Mako's in 15 years, started with fat boy's and now on the barra2 model. They have excellent vision and clarity, comfortable on and are pretty durable. If you look after them (and don't lose them, 2nd pair) you should get plenty of years out of them.
wags on the water
25-10-2008, 07:26 PM
Mako's for me. Been wearing them for 10years. Only had 3pair. Definately the green/grey/smoke lens for fishing and the brown/copper for playing golf.
26-10-2008, 08:30 PM
Rapid oranage lenses in Spotters. Every eye suits different brands.
29-10-2008, 10:00 AM
Wow! thanks everyone. Some good info there.
Will let you all know what I get when the old tax return comes in.
29-10-2008, 08:58 PM
I currently have mako's i got from the innie and tackle show marked down to $105.00 from $275.00,a bargain in my opinion,remove the glare and are comfortable,in the past I have had a couple of pairs of Sport Optics and they were great as well,got them from the sunglass clearence wharehouse,they have shops all over brisbane.
Cheers Craig
30-10-2008, 08:39 AM
Sorry to hijack the post does anyone think that a lot of the sunnies on ebay are fake cheers
30-10-2008, 09:27 AM
realchippy, short answer YES. on ebay the sunnies to stay away from are the real popular ones... Oakleys, Arnettes, RayBan, etc. some of these fakes are real good, some are plain obvious.
though things like Spotters, Maui Jims and Mako's are generally preety good, you will find no one will want to help you out if you ever have a problem with the sunnies.
in sunglasses shops like the one i work in, we are there to provide you with all the information and spend the time needed to help you choose the best pair.
30-10-2008, 09:38 AM
Iv'e seen this debate so many times it isn't funny... I have compared mako/spotters side by side and tried to resolve it by talking to the manufacturers and even optometrists and feel I have a handle on it now.
It definitely pays to get good (ok, expensive) sunnies, and the brands mentioned like maoi's and others are all top quality products. The quality of frame and the quality of the lens is what you get for your money.
People always ask though if the POLORISING is any better, and no it is not. Yes they are better made etc and you will see better through them because the lens quality is very high but the POLORISING bit is the same as in a cheap pair.
30-10-2008, 09:41 AM
With all the talk i am looking at the spotter range and the photochromatic bronze lense the only thing that sometimes give me the sh#ts is that i aways get foged up lense from my hot head wish there was a pair that could get me over that cheers
30-10-2008, 09:01 PM
With all the talk i am looking at the spotter range and the photochromatic bronze lense the only thing that sometimes give me the sh#ts is that i aways get foged up lense from my hot head wish there was a pair that could get me over that cheers
RC rub dry soap on the lense and polish it off.
If you want a demo try it on your bathroom mirror and it will stop the fogging when you have a shower.
I got Oakley Gascans for my outdoor activities.
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