View Full Version : Your Big Pick

21-10-2008, 12:04 AM
I posted another thread in the Tackle section and it got me thinking....... I spend a LOT of time online looking up all things fishing trying to be on top of everything that is coming out.

I guess there must be people out there just like me. So I want to know what YOUR BIG PICK for tackle, techniques, technologies or anything that you think will make a big impact on the fishing scene in Australia in time to come. It doesn't need to be something that will be amazingly popular. Just something that might raise a few eyebows (think frogs for Barra 18 months ago). I know mine are both about Barra, but it can be about anything.

My two would be the Megabass OR-POI and the Jackall Ninja Swimbait

The Megabass OR-POI looks like it could be a high end "Stiffy" type lure for Barra in the impoundments (even though it is designed for bluewater use). It is a slow sinking big bibless lure that has the looks and is built to handle big fish.

The Jackall Ninja Swimbait has a massive amout of hype floating around about it after a japanese pro tournament angler called Jackall in Japan to send him more via courier for a big comp as they were what he was catching good fish in the prefish but lost all the ones he had. There wasn't enough time to courier them so they sent the only exisiting 8 on a plane with some guy from the company at a cost of US$6000 or around about $800 per lure. They will be a big "mask" lure and even finding a photo of one is hard at the moment but I think they would be the balls on impoundment Barra

Here are a couple of links http://www.megabass.co.jp/or-poi/


Looking forward to seeing what other people have, Josh

21-10-2008, 01:12 AM
the new frozen packs of pillie and squid arent too bad either.
just go to the tweed baits link ?????

21-10-2008, 05:58 PM
LOL brian you kill me

21-10-2008, 07:59 PM
Awesome guys....... thanks for your input and letting this thread get off the ground.

No wonder they had to move the thread. It seems I must have originally posted it in "meato chat".

21-10-2008, 09:24 PM
Yep I thought the same for the ninjas and have been sitting here patiently awaiting them to be available only for me to have to cancel my barra trip and now they are available.

They ninja's are a good lure but i can see them being a 1 fish per lure as they are very soft and will be damaged easily enough.

They are available now for around $35-$40 and I am sure Harry will be getting these in ASAP if he has not already got a few trial ones in already



22-10-2008, 08:22 AM
Australia seems to be a little behind when it comes to lure/soft plastic techniques and products, Swimbaits have been a big deal in the USA market now for a long while and yet we don't see too many here, The ninja doe not seem seem anything special as far as swim bait go, there are plenty out there especially in the US market that really good (both soft plastic and hard bodied) and really pricey. As far as new innovative techniques and products well I'm not sure we will see a whole heap of new ones hitting our shores. I think in generally most of the products and techniques designed for the Japanese and US bass market, work just as well (sometimes remarkable well) on Australian fish. We don't however seem to have a lot of these products available or use a lot of these techniques because Australian market just doesn't seem to respond as well as the Japanese market or US market to new fancy lures, techniques etc.

Anyway thats my 2 cents
Cheers Chris

Little grey men
22-10-2008, 08:27 AM
I saw the most amazing bass lure last night. It was made of highly polished metal in the shape of a detailed Christmas beetle, when you turn the lure in the sun it changes colour like flip flop paint on custom car paint jobs. About two inches long. It has wings on the side which tuck into the body of the lure when casting, When the lure hits the water and sinks to the desired depth you start the retrieve. The wings open from the body and start spinning, sending off heaps of flash and vibration.
The only problem with getting one of these things is that I dreamt it last night.
I told my wife about it over breakfast....she was fascinated ( not really ) but I thought it was a cool dream.

Steve B
22-10-2008, 04:32 PM

the Boney Bream (Stiffy) head and shoulders for me..barra lure anyway.
Followed by 'Flaps' River 2 sea' swimbait.

Headlights on the boat !! ....great at Mondy at night.....Its not tackle, but l I got excited anyway!;)


22-10-2008, 06:24 PM
Stupid computers wiping out my reply.............. I just can't type fast enough.

The shorter version.

OGM...... I was reding your post thinking "wow, I want one"

As far as Aussie's not picking up overseas stuff real fast. I was surprised to find something I had "found" for myself for Barra, was old hat to a couple of clued in Ausfishers and I would love to hear some of those things.

I know Barra has been mentioned a bit so far but I would love to hear about tackle or techniques for any species


22-10-2008, 11:17 PM
OK........ I'm going a bit off topic on my own thread but I found this tonight and I could hardly believe it. Not that it would be any good over here but what kind of fishing mind thinks of something like this?



23-10-2008, 08:15 AM
Certainly one of the strangest rigs Ive seen, I'm not sure it would work well either but never say never. I do a lot of sp snapper fishing these days and am constantly trying new things/rigs both for the US and Japanese bass markets and as mentioned previously am constantly being surprised at how well certain techniques work. Snapper are a great target fish in that they seem to whack just about anything, i have caught them using a variety of techniques such as drop shotting, ripping vibes, swimming swim baits and one of my favorite techniques at the moment a wacky rigging worm. Sometimes it definitely pays to think outside of the box its not only 7inch nuc chooks that catch snaps ;D .

Cheers Chris

23-10-2008, 01:11 PM
I saw the most amazing bass lure last night. It was made of highly polished metal in the shape of a detailed Christmas beetle, when you turn the lure in the sun it changes colour like flip flop paint on custom car paint jobs. About two inches long. It has wings on the side which tuck into the body of the lure when casting, When the lure hits the water and sinks to the desired depth you start the retrieve. The wings open from the body and start spinning, sending off heaps of flash and vibration.
The only problem with getting one of these things is that I dreamt it last night.
I told my wife about it over breakfast....she was fascinated ( not really ) but I thought it was a cool dream.

Her ya go LGM, I found it for ya. BigassBug (http://www.plat.co.jp/shop/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=36_767&products_id=2960)

;D ;D

Little grey men
23-10-2008, 02:00 PM
Her ya go LGM, I found it for ya. BigassBug (http://www.plat.co.jp/shop/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=36_767&products_id=2960)

;D ;D

Nice find Roo, but bloody hell, that thing would scare the crap out of the fish. What a beast, I'm fairly certain that I saw a fifty foot version of that thing on an episode of Godzilla.

05-12-2008, 05:50 PM
I saw the most amazing bass lure last night. It was made of highly polished metal in the shape of a detailed Christmas beetle, when you turn the lure in the sun it changes colour like flip flop paint on custom car paint jobs. About two inches long. It has wings on the side which tuck into the body of the lure when casting, When the lure hits the water and sinks to the desired depth you start the retrieve. The wings open from the body and start spinning, sending off heaps of flash and vibration.
The only problem with getting one of these things is that I dreamt it last night.
I told my wife about it over breakfast....she was fascinated ( not really ) but I thought it was a cool dream.

Sinking kokoda bat wit some shiny paint is pretty much exactly what your talking about. Just they don't sink ha, they are pretty good for surface lures though. Haven't really seen much of a break through in tackle or anything, to be honest I don't think there will be for a very long time. What is there that we could really improve on?

05-12-2008, 06:00 PM
frogs for barra happened 30 years ago, not 18 months ago.
Have a read of some of Vic Mc Cristal`s books.

05-12-2008, 07:33 PM
frogs for barra happened 30 years ago, not 18 months ago.
Have a read of some of Vic Mc Cristal`s books.

Yea he talkes abou t cutting them out of rubber and even old thongs;)

There is not much that is NEW. Technology allows refinements and the fishing media and tackle industry push it as the latest and greatest

05-12-2008, 09:04 PM
I'm going to take a loose stab and say saltwater fly will make a big rise in the next few years. Most of the fads at the moment are just old techniques from 20 years ago that died when the next came out. Take soft plastics, then jigging, then surface lures, (snapper on plastics came in around here) then hardbodys, then the crankbaits such as jackals, then blades and so on. They've all been done a few decades ago, you just have to do your research and find techniques that shouldn't have been put away.