View Full Version : Only buy 2-3 reels for all your fishing

02-10-2008, 02:57 PM
How many out there can do all there fishing using 2-3 reels for every thing.
To get some feed back on this I’ll refer to spinning reels as these are today’s most versatile reels.
I think its quite possible.
A example:

Saragosa,stella or spheros in a larger size reel for heavy fishing..snapper,shark,mulloway.

Stradic,sustain or Capricorn for the smaller fish..whiting,flathead,snook

With the right set up including a second spool and choices in mono or braid I think its quite possible to just have 2 reels.

I think too that these reels need to be above the average dollar value for quality and reliability.

Third reel might be for chasing bream..you know what I mean..

Reel selection would be a personal pick between brands and size for the fish targeted.

Your thoughts on this.
Can we all get away with this.If we really wanted too.

02-10-2008, 03:21 PM

Yes is the answer, same with cars, or anything,

A choice of the various different models simply makes the task more enjoyable, easier, quicker and safer to do.


02-10-2008, 03:53 PM
you could get by with 1 reel if you realy wanted to, but who would, as mentioned, just like cars, you need and electric for shopping, a ute for doing "stuff" a V8 for being a hoon, a Landcruiser to tow the Boat, it never ends, but in fact the 4X4 would do for most of your needs, same as Boats, a Centre Console for fishing, a V8 inboard for skiing, a canoe for "padling"about, a 50' game boat for way out fishing, a yacht for cruising the coast, it never ends! you compromise or you spend the dollars as best you can!

02-10-2008, 04:23 PM
How many out there can do all there fishing using 2-3 reels for every thing.
To get some feed back on this I’ll refer to spinning reels as these are today’s most versatile reels.
I think its quite possible.
A example:

Saragosa,stella or spheros in a larger size reel for heavy fishing..snapper,shark,mulloway.

Stradic,sustain or Capricorn for the smaller fish..whiting,flathead,snook

With the right set up including a second spool and choices in mono or braid I think its quite possible to just have 2 reels.

I think too that these reels need to be above the average dollar value for quality and reliability.

Third reel might be for chasing bream..you know what I mean..

Reel selection would be a personal pick between brands and size for the fish targeted.

Your thoughts on this.
Can we all get away with this.If we really wanted too.

Not alot of differant species of fish down your way is there spears;) Heavy -: snapper ? what the????

How about Heavy -: Black and Blue marlin,
Medium -: black and striped marlin
Light -: Black Marlin and sail fish

Now depending one your boat this could mean

5x 8kg outfits
5x 15 kg outfits
5x 24 kg outfits

or you could go with

4x 60kg outfits
5x 37kg outfits
5x 24kg outfits
5x 15kg outfits
5x 8kg outfits
and maybe a few 6kg's thrown in for live baiting;)

Now that's just for billfishing add in

reef fishing with bait
reef fishing with plastics
estuary bait
estuary plastics
black bream gear
whitting gear
surf gear for tailor
surf gear for whitting
surf gear for jew
salt water spinning rods for slug chucking
salt water fly gear

All of the above you'll probably have multipuls of for people who come out on your boat!;)

and i haven't even looked at the fresh water stuff::) but add in atleast 4x spinning rods and 2x bait casters

2 or 3 rods !!!!! No chance in hell!!!;D


Ps spears , see how easy it is to get to 40 plus outfits!!;)

PPS> You really do seem to have issues with how many outfits some fishermen have!

02-10-2008, 04:37 PM
Nah I’ve had hundreds of set ups over 40 years.
Just trying to see is there people out there fishing this way.
I have sold a lot this year and trying to narrow my gear down to some sensible out fits and not having stuff around collecting dust.
And we have certain types of fish in SA but it depends where and how far one wants to travel.

As for marlin..I saw a picture of those once..LOL

see how easy it is to get to 40 plus outfits

But its not everybody's going to need 40 plus outfits at every spot around australia.
This maybe for your area and some other spots.
Some one may disagree with you and say its an over kill.But if you think that's what you need then that's what you need.

02-10-2008, 05:35 PM
It is a serious question..... and in truth for most people you could narrow it down to 1 or 2 reel models

You may like to have multiple units of that model and spare spools and rods with different actions..... but yeh I recon 2 reels is reasonable IF you wnat to restrict yourself to spin.

You could do a smallish spin reel and run 2lb to 6Lb braid, 6lb mono, for light stuff like whiting and such braid for the plasitcs mono for the bait 10lb mono 20lb braid.. for a bit of heavier stuff and lures....all without a problem

Then on a larger reel.....15lb mono for the surf, 30lb mono for the reef, 30lb braid for jack and barra...... and for most mortals that would be enough.

If I was setting up again...... that is problay what I would do..... for spin tackle anyway.

It certaily makes things easier for spare spools and other spares.... and it looks better on the rack

I'd have to throw a couple of alvies in there and once I can throw a baitcaster reliably enough to be seen in public a couple of those.


02-10-2008, 07:22 PM
Know what you're sayin' spears and oldboot, but for me that would remove the fun of owning multiple (old) reels!

02-10-2008, 07:59 PM
i think im catching what your throwing.

like having a reel that can me suiting to two or three different fishing applications.

i have a 2500 sol with the two spools.

on one i have 4lb running for lighter fishing in the creek, but with a different rod ofcourse.
and on the other i have heavier braid that i use for chasing anything from barra out awoonga, to plastics out the reef, again with a heavier rod.

so yea i guess it would be possibly to do so with say a 2500, a 4000 and say a 6000, but you would have to have nearly a different rod for each application of fishing style(or spool).

02-10-2008, 08:02 PM
It sounds like "Spears" has been talking to my wife, that sounds like something she would say.

02-10-2008, 08:26 PM
AHH.... but what is more fun....... catchin' the fish..... or catchin' the fishin' bargin;D ;D ;D

The bloke down the local @mart calls me "The Vulture"


02-10-2008, 09:01 PM
Yes you can get away with 3 spin reels to do most of your fishing with.

But the size of the reels is the most important thing as with some makes you can get aftermarket spools that when interchanged allow you do fish for a multitude of species by altering the spool.

Here would be the reels you could use -

1 x Daiwa Cerate 2500r custom could be for squire and mack tuna and small pelagics and spare spools could be 2506 and 2508 for bass, bream, whiting and flathead and school Jews and school Mackerel.

1 x Daiwa Certate 3500HD could be used for Barra, bigger snapper, Jews and reefies as well as bigger pelagics such as Tuna, kings and Cobia as well as Mackerel.

1 x Saltiga 6500 EXP that could be used for everything else that is not covered above and more or less used for the XOS fish such as big Fin, XOS Mackerel, GT's and marlin etc

Of course you would need a heap of different rods to for the different situations and species you are going to fish forand you would need a few spare spools for each reel to hold different classes of line if you wish.



02-10-2008, 09:06 PM
The Vulture :P thats a good one!

I have 1 rod for barra, 2 for Bass and a couple for saltwater stuff.

Suits me down to the ground! If only I had more money lol :(

cheers barra

02-10-2008, 10:39 PM
i think im catching what your throwing.

like having a reel that can me suiting to two or three different fishing applications.

i have a 2500 sol with the two spools.

on one i have 4lb running for lighter fishing in the creek, but with a different rod ofcourse.
and on the other i have heavier braid that i use for chasing anything from barra out awoonga, to plastics out the reef, again with a heavier rod.

so yea i guess it would be possibly to do so with say a 2500, a 4000 and say a 6000, but you would have to have nearly a different rod for each application of fishing style(or spool).
Yes phatty your reading me right and seems like other guys are too.
As nagg would say buy the best you can afford.
And fit them to different rods and be versatile.
In the end you might spend $1500 or $3000 on a few reels but you can only handle one reel at a time.
Instead of having 10-15 cheap reels laying around like i had.

03-10-2008, 06:32 AM
Spears, the problems begin when you have 10-15 expensive reels laying around........:-X ::) ;D