View Full Version : 2x Shimano Rod n Reels Stolen - CAIRNS

29-09-2008, 04:22 PM
I was getting ready for a great day tomorrow to discover some ####### has stolen my 2 baitcasters from a locked cage under our unit.
Everything is shimano
2 Baitcaster rods
1 x Calais reel (with clear 6kg line) rigged with a soft plastic
1 x Calcutta reel (with pink hi-vis 10kg line) Rigged with a Gold Bomber
Was going to take advantage of the 5 -10kt variable winds tomorrow!>:( :'(

Please keep a look out at any 2nd hand shops etc


29-09-2008, 07:58 PM
hope you find it mate nothing worse than losing stuff you have spent your hard earned cash on. in the perfect world you would run into the guy using it on a dark deserted pier late at night with no one around to see you ask for your stuff back nicely. ill keep an eyeout on ebay for you!!

29-09-2008, 08:12 PM
cheers mate

04-10-2008, 12:20 PM
Absolute sumbags aren't they. Why would anyone think they could just steal your rods that you've worked hard for to buy. They probably aren't even fisherman either (not that you'd want them using your rod and reels), just going to sell it to get some cash.I'd keep any eye out on ebay, trading post, paper and any other shops etc. for them.