View Full Version : Flatty's Galore

21-09-2008, 05:40 PM
Went down the coast today with the kyac. Fished a small creek for a few hours, paddling to banks and then tying the yak to my leg so i could wade around without it floating away. Then jump back on and paddle to the next bank. Great way to explore the small creeks . Scored 20+ flattys for a few hours all pretty small about40cm. One little dropoff i found produced 8 in consecutive casts with a little rios prawn. Great way to spend the day. Ben

21-09-2008, 06:17 PM
Sounds like a fun session Ben. I'm hoping to start targetting a few myself in the passage soon on my kayak, if this wind ever dies off. Do you just give the rio flicks and jumps like a plastic when you target flatties? I have one of the larger ones but I only ever seemed to get bloody pike on it!

21-09-2008, 06:39 PM
It was fun indeed joel. The Rios are an absolute flatty killer , Yep i work mine just as i would a plastic but they also work really well if you just drag them along the bottom aswell. Big whiting also have a crack at the smaller ones but a speedier retrieve with lots of jerks is the go for them. Gotta love the kayak fishing. Get into em. Ben

21-09-2008, 07:24 PM
Good stuff mate,thats would have been a good trip, give us a bell when your keen for a bass down here mate.

22-09-2008, 06:36 PM
on ya mate. i use them tiny rio's on my fly rod, the big eye trevs seem to like them too. i bet ya hanging out for more surface whiting action hay, i am.

22-09-2008, 07:23 PM
rio prawns? tell me more.

22-09-2008, 07:32 PM
Geoff, always keen mate.
Nugg, Have been scoring a fair few tings on the poppers already. Got 8 beautys last wednesday aswell.
jarey, they are a hard plastic prawn imitation.


22-09-2008, 08:21 PM
awsome, you must have a whiting magnet in ya popper or something hehehe, your the man blooey