View Full Version : Lure Retriever

09-09-2008, 10:59 AM
Hi all, I have been looking for an alternative to the store bought models that run upwards of $120.00 for the 3 piece models. I don't play golf but have seen ball retrievers that telescope out to 18 feet and with a bit of a modification making the pigs tail end I could save a few bucks, they run at about $30.00. Has anyone else done similar or can share there ideas. I have used the tacklebacks b4 and find thay foul running over doubles etc. Cheers, Pete.

09-09-2008, 11:38 AM
Pete, I've just got my old man (he's a bit of a hobbyist, Lathes ect.) to make up some new ends 4 an old hand spear I've had 4 years, haven't used it yet, but I reckon it'll work a treat, and cost me nothin.3427334274

09-09-2008, 11:41 AM
Just noticed the sticker on the spear,what a coincidence;D

09-09-2008, 12:23 PM
Thanks, Didley, mate that is a coincidance, I dropped a reel off there this morning to get a service. Those extensions look the goods, did u consider a little pigs tail like the store bought ones?
Thanks for the pics much appreciated. Cheers, Pete.

09-09-2008, 12:39 PM
did u consider a little pigs tail like the store bought ones?

Yes I did Pete, But I thought this would be a lot stronger, There is a small "pig tail" at the base of the bar, a bit like a "Tackle Back", to hold it against the line, then just giggle it around till u hook up with the trebles. I think it'll go well.

09-09-2008, 12:47 PM
Cheers, Didley, I can see that now, mate your dad has done a great job for you and the 2 piece hand spear is a top idea as well. A piece of equipment we must have but hope we don't have to use them to often, bit like flares. Thanks again. Pete.