View Full Version : Egrell Baitcast Rods

24-08-2008, 01:12 PM
Hi All ....... With an upcoming trip to Mondy & Awoonga to chase barra ...... I'm trying to help my mate out with a new baitcast rod! ........
With all the good comments about Egrells , I've convinced MW to look at them on the way up......
Now I've seen the specs on the rods ....... but I'm more after opinions from owners to try to work out what model would suit best! ....... a bit of an all-rounder
MW fishes with 30lb braid ...... & is after a rod that would be just as happy throwing slick rigs in the open as it would throwing HBs in the timber!

Looking forward to your opinions



25-08-2008, 08:24 AM
I thought Steve B has one or two, try and PM him.

Steve B
25-08-2008, 08:50 AM
Not long now Chris!!!!

As per PM, mate B6-6 perrrrfect!!

the might whitey will be in heaven!!

cheers steve

25-08-2008, 09:59 AM
I thought Steve B has one or two, try and PM him.

Thanks Tim ....... I knew I could get some good feedback from Steve!


02-09-2008, 01:04 PM
Have the b8-6 and b6-6. I always pick up the b6-6 first unless the lure/plastic that I want to use is above about 35 grams such as a 130 original slick rig. The b6-6 will also handle small weights as well. I comfortably cast 80mm squidgy fish with 7 gram heads a good distance, so I see the b6-6 as a bit better allrounder unless you plan on throwing the heavier lures all the time.

Mind you this is coming from someone who has yet to crack the meter with barra so perhaps the day I do I may be wishing I had picked up the b8-6. But having seen some of the fish that Steve B has landed on his b6-6 I dont think it will be the rod that lets me down, more likely the fool on the end of it.
