View Full Version : Getting Caravan up to scratch

16-08-2008, 03:24 PM
Hi All
Bought an old caravan in good condition and unregistered. Was going to use it as on site van but thought it'll be good on a few short trips. The chassis and undercarriage have surface rust. I was hoping someone could give me some advice on how I could get the surface rust sandblasted (mobile service would be best) and treated. Also what would I treat it with gal paint or other? Redlands area. Cheer 8-)

17-08-2008, 09:50 AM
I would have a go yourself.
You can buy an air tool (chisel) from places like supercheap that have attachments that have metal fingers. The in and out action will take the surface rust off no dramas. i would also buy a wire brush attachment for your power drill.

You can get cold gal (quite dear) or a cheaper alternative is a rust primer found at any paint shop then put a under body tar like stuff from auto places.


17-08-2008, 12:02 PM
Get some Dura gal, touch up in a spray can that seems to be the latest and greatest rust treatment apart from Hot dip galvanising.

I't a silver frost colour looks okay, if a new van these days is not hot dip galvanised, it will be Dura gal.

Now where to get it, god knows I know Bunnings have just released a very similar pruduct in the knight brand.

Also get on the roof of your van with and look for any peeling sealant try and remove all the old stuff and replace with white Sicaflex.

Also maybe pull the windows out and re-seal them as well.

I guess the old van has over ride brakes, now days they are electric with a controller in the car "Alko" have all the products you might need to change over to an electric system. Or you could find several places that supply all caravan bits and really go to town on it, many have net sites and will post out your order.

Eg: RVdirect
Camec, they even supply older hinges and door latches that match your original, even hatches, doors windows Etc.

I don't think you can spend to much money on a good van these days, there almost a good investment. Ten years ago they weren't worth Sh!t but now geeez .......things have changed.

18-08-2008, 04:46 AM
Good luck with the project - keep us posted. How's the van inside? Are you planning any upgrades there? Post some pics if yoy have a chance.
