View Full Version : Homemade Lure Challenge

14-08-2008, 03:53 PM
G'day all,

I was thinking it might be kinda fun to have a fishing comp using only homemade lures. No shop bought lure kits just stuff you might knock up at home in the "man cave".

Pictures of the lure used and the fish caught are a must and maybe it could run for say a month to allow shift workers or bad weather to be factored in. I think it could also be open to salt and/or fresh water and shore or boat based.

The winner will be judged by the Ausfish membership via a poll after the end of the comp.

Any takers?

14-08-2008, 04:22 PM
Sounds good !

I'll start it off!8-) Here's a pic of a pusher Mark (thunderbird)and i make , it's a pitbull no.5 the biggest of the pitty range. And the second pic is the result of it's first run at the shelf off the Goldy, and 140kg+ Blue marlin:D It worked well!

14-08-2008, 07:09 PM
thats gonna be hard to beat...

14-08-2008, 09:55 PM
it no marlin lure but my woody has clamed over 60/70 odd fish and it is still working. the main fish i get on the woody is bream but iv got a few baby jack on it and heaps of cod, a few long tom a few trevs of all sorts, a few whiting, two mullet (yer mullet) heaps of moses perch, tailor, queenfish and some other cool fish all on the one busted home job. the woody rocks and will be coming back out for a swin this summer. its one of my most productive surface bream lures.

14-08-2008, 10:02 PM
Geez findin time, bring out the big guns straight up::). i think you just scared away all the competition:P looks pretty pro for a homemade jobby too. nice;)

Thats unreal nugg, is that a crack in it. Looks like its broken in two and you've glued it back together. cant believe that thing catches fish. Nice one

14-08-2008, 10:50 PM
Geez findin time, bring out the big guns straight up::). i think you just scared away all the competition:P looks pretty pro for a homemade jobby too. nice;)

Thats unreal nugg, is that a crack in it. Looks like its broken in two and you've glued it back together. cant believe that thing catches fish. Nice one
yer its broken in 3 spots and yes i glued it back to gether and it still works. its a funny lure to use. at the start of a sesh it floats but as i start catching fish on it and have it in the water for a wile, it get water logged and turns it to a verry slow sinking stick bait and still catches fish. it will be a sad day for me when i loose it. i know its going to happen some day

15-08-2008, 08:02 AM
:LMAO: hahaha thats hilarious nugg, maybe its time to make another after it breaking 3 times. nice fish fella's unfortunatly all my lures are bought ones and have had upgraded hoooks and stuff:( i better get down to the back yard :P


the gecko
15-08-2008, 11:45 AM
Ive seen some homemade lures on telly that made me think you can catch fish on anything at all.

Did anybody see the show on TV last year about a guy in NT that makes lures from anything thats lying around, on the spot? It was one of those Sunday weekender shows. I didnt get his name, but he was pretty well known.

well this guy sits on a boat, and says give me the silver paper from your ciggy packet.....ties it up to a hook, bang -barra on. Then he cuts a piece of tin from a drink can, ties it on a hook, bang - more barra. Then he gets a piece of wool/cotton from your shirt, yep, another barra.

Unbeleivable. right spot, right time, I guess.

I reckon the silver paper would work on trevally down here.
I'll let you know.


Red Bull
15-08-2008, 01:32 PM
Andrew, that's Malcolm Douglas you're thinking of, isn't it? I've seen one of his shows where he is in the Kimberleys and he ties a bit of orange nylon rope onto a hook, throws it about 2 m behind his boat, and bang, rat GT climbs on. Also, some white plastic bag is used in similar fashion for the same result. The fish must be thick up there!

finding time.....I don't know if professionally made lures are allowed, are they?! :) Seriously, those marlin lures look really special mate, good work. Any more pics?

nugg, love your work.....looks like a little lump of dog poo! But you must know how to drive the thing if you can catch fish on it. Fair play to you there. :)

I have made the below poppers for GT's on an upcoming trip, but haven't as yet used them in a real fishing situation. Got plenty more on the workbench too.


15-08-2008, 02:02 PM

Thanks for the compliment!:D

I guess we have about 6 differant shapes in our range with about 5 sizes for each shape. We are trying to modify the poorer performing ones and settle on some really gun spreads and colours patterns, then hopfully well sell a few. ! We tend to make batches of about 40 at one time.

15-08-2008, 02:36 PM
my best is a 59KG Yellowfin on one of my 1/4" Stainless Steel rods cut to about 6" long so it looks sort of like a Garfish ,also like the old WK Arrows for those that can remember them, very simple, work a treat, can be jigged, trolled or cast a mile, cost bugger all to make and work a treat.

15-08-2008, 02:47 PM

Thanks for the compliment!:D

I guess we have about 6 differant shapes in our range with about 5 sizes for each shape. We are trying to modify the poorer performing ones and settle on some really gun spreads and colours patterns, then hopfully well sell a few. ! We tend to make batches of about 40 at one time.

i really hope you can establish a market for your lures.

I was kinda thinking of more one off ideas when I posted the thread though......you know the kinda thing, bottle caps bits of tin, old hemp rope etc. But hey, theres no doubt your lures work a treat!!

17-08-2008, 10:52 AM
here's one for you that i make all 23 inch's and 1kg ....

19-08-2008, 08:22 PM
Well, I'm surprised........I really thought more fishos would be experimenting with home made stuff.......... am I wrong?

04-10-2009, 09:07 PM
So where do we get these ^

05-10-2009, 03:58 PM
Be sure to check all threadies caught there has been plenty taken home, if you want to find out more about the lures shoot me a pm and ill put you in touch with the maker

05-10-2009, 04:16 PM
Ive seen some homemade lures on telly that made me think you can catch fish on anything at all.

Did anybody see the show on TV last year about a guy in NT that makes lures from anything thats lying around, on the spot? It was one of those Sunday weekender shows. I didnt get his name, but he was pretty well known.

well this guy sits on a boat, and says give me the silver paper from your ciggy packet.....ties it up to a hook, bang -barra on. Then he cuts a piece of tin from a drink can, ties it on a hook, bang - more barra. Then he gets a piece of wool/cotton from your shirt, yep, another barra.

Unbeleivable. right spot, right time, I guess.

I reckon the silver paper would work on trevally down here.
I'll let you know.


Yep i saw that, it was a doco on one of those NT good ol'boys. he also used a bit of his red shirt as a lure, and a piece of plastic shopping bag, got smashed up by GTs. great show but i wonder what the greenies would think of having fish hit shopping bag lures.

Jarrah Jack
07-10-2009, 08:48 PM
My old man reckons that he used to catch all types of tropical fish in New Guinea on banana skins. Doubt they will catch on here.

07-10-2009, 09:35 PM
Be sure to check all threadies caught there has been plenty taken home, if you want to find out more about the lures shoot me a pm and ill put you in touch with the maker

I saw some identical looking lures today in a tackle shop called Tranzam's... Same lure?