View Full Version : One of the Best Fishing Forums

08-08-2008, 07:49 PM
After reading 9 of the 15 pages on a Estuary Page Post I thought I post this up. Ausfish is one of the best forums around especially for people like me who tend to newly fish Moreton Bay.
Since I joined there were many contributor's reports, I earnestly looked forward to, no longer post on a regular basis, due to unnecessary critisim.
A classic example is a bloke that contributed to my post and I ended up buying the boat due to his recommendations and am very happy. Robjoe copt a bunch of crappy posts on a boat he was selling for no other reason than a stir. Unless he's under a different name, he no longer posts on this site.
There were a number of people that posted great how/where to fish/camp prior and I always looked forward to posts by T1, Tinn, Jeremy, Marlin-Mike, Webby, Pinhead, (sorry if I missed some, I know I did) and newer faces SummerTrance, Leighton, Ddobson, Spaniard King, etc have stepped up to the mark but they too will disappear, if the crap gets too much.
Maybe we could have a Gold Class (decided by owner/mods) that can post a thread and reply but the rest of us only be able to read and thank the post.
I posted this up so next time I catch a fish and post up a photo of it; if you've got nothing nice to say keep it to yourself.;)
Ps ... Anyone you'd like to thank?

08-08-2008, 08:11 PM
Yeah mate this site is a goldmine of info, I found it a few years back when I got back into fishing and using plastics. Infact, it was reading T1's snapper missions and all the zzzzzz's that got me interested in giving it a go and eventually getting hooked on snapper and plastics. Webby gave me some great info about amity when I requested it through a post.

There are lots of people here who have posted some great info and put up some great pics, and I'm grateful for their input. In return, I hope I've helped out those looking for help, sharing some of the knowledge that I've gained in the last few years.

Heres some of the folks on this site, that I've gained valuable info from reading their posts, I'm sure theres more but this is just off the top of my head.

creek vermin; nuggstar
pistol p; the gecko
chief and garret kingtin
ffejsmada; nagg
poodroo; charleville
scalem; silent
timiboy; the BeaR
Little Grey Men; plastix
aquarius; steve78
whyting; mullet musketeer

08-08-2008, 08:25 PM
Since I joined there were many contributor's reports, I earnestly looked forward to, no longer post on a regular basis, due to unnecessary critisim.

Ps ... Anyone you'd like to thank?

Mate....to post or not to post..... that's your's and everybodies choice......

This is a forum open to basically anyone,of any sex,or any persuasion,of any age anywhere in the world that has access to the internet.....If You are going to get upset and stop posting because it upsets you that someone may post an opposing view to your's and this intimidates or offends you ...then it's your loss basically...

No two people ever totally agree on any topic and a healthy debate is both interesting,entertaining and often quite informative as well.

You need to overlook the knockers if they bother you or at least first see if there is any validity in there response and move on ...why get upset if ,for example, some middle class spoilt kid makes a silly post to try and get the attention that he is not getting at home.

Overlook the crap and you will see that the wealth of information on this site is mindblowing.
I learn new stuff everyday...it's a fantastic site.:)

Enjoy mate ...and take ,with a grain of salt,that which you have no control over.http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/wink.gif:)


08-08-2008, 08:39 PM
You need to overlook the knockers

No way, Scott. I cannot overlook knockers. EVER!

Damn whiskey...



08-08-2008, 08:45 PM
No way, Scott. I cannot overlook knockers. EVER!

Damn whiskey...



I already know that about you Tim ;)....but it's friday night for chrissakes...so lets not argue...just keep sipping your whisky and I'll keep sculling my Coopers homebrew ...and remember ...no winging,please. http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/wink.gifhttp://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/rolleyes.gifhttp://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/grin.gif


08-08-2008, 08:58 PM
Slyman ... oops, I did forget a heap of people!!!
Disorderly ... it's not that if that they annoy me but if they annoy a good fisho with a story, we all miss out. Might have a night cap myself.

08-08-2008, 09:48 PM
A few people take it all a bit too seriouisly. Its a chat site. Live and let live. I reckon that unless something is really personal let the cheap shots go by

08-08-2008, 09:55 PM
I have had a few run ins with some people on here but I doubt any grudges are held...I know they aren't by me. Some of us look at things a bit differently to others...just the various make ups of the people involved. State your opinion and back it up..simple as that.

The only people that really do annoy me are greenies.

As for people leaving due to copping some flack over their catch...usually that is just jealousy..I copped some over a catch I had a couple of years back..42 bream in one night...didn't worry me..I broke no laws so I don't care what others think in regards to that. Also copped some crap when i had my previous boat..once again probably based on jealousy.

I have learned one very important thing on this site..there are no bloody fish at Mud Island.

So just continue on and enjoy the site.

08-08-2008, 10:03 PM
I have learned one very important thing on this site..there are no bloody fish at Mud Island.

.......................... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

08-08-2008, 10:10 PM
I have learned one very important thing on this site..there are no bloody fish at Mud Island.

Yes thats right. nobody should bother fishing there :P

Seriously though, its a great site and the advice ive obtained here is priceless. Thanks to everyone that has posted advice when I and others have asked. Im a heaps better fisherman now then I ever was b4 I found ausfish. In turn I now try to help out others where I can.

09-08-2008, 06:52 AM
Slyman ... oops, I did forget a heap of people!!!
Disorderly ... it's not that if that they annoy me but if they annoy a good fisho with a story, we all miss out. Might have a night cap myself.

Forgotton to mention good threads from, Blackened.
What happens to some threads that it degrads to personal attacks (happened to some of my posts) and the original subject gets left out.
I've haven't personally been affected by any personal attacks so no problem to me. Cheers8-)

09-08-2008, 07:29 AM
this is a graet site as i have learned alot of info, i have had my ups and downs on this site, but hasn't everybody? i am not bothering listing everyone that has helped me as the list will be like 100 people long:P. but what i really enjoy is getting those pm's and messages saying thank you for you help i went out this afternoon and got 2 flathead and 3 bream and stuff like that, for instance 2 days ago i told a fellow member a spot to fish as he had never caught a fish on soft plastics, i told him what to use and how and the next day i got a pm saying thank you so much i went out this afternoon to your spot and i caught and released a 50cm flathead, his first on softplastics. Now doesn't that give you a good feeling knowing you helped them to get them there first fish or even there 100th fish. Thanks Ausfish!


the gecko
09-08-2008, 07:43 AM
This is from the FAQ of one of the first usenet forums;
"Rule 1- Seek not to offend, and be not easily offended".

That pretty well sums it up.
Nothings changed, you just have to have a thick skin to survive on forums.


16-08-2008, 03:11 PM
castlemaine I urge you to contribute more to the site again. You and everybody on this site is what makes this site one of the best.

If you don't like somebody's post you can always use your ignore button. But they may well post some good advice somewhere to someone that you can use elsewhere.


03-09-2008, 02:35 PM
A few people take it all a bit too seriouisly. Its a chat site. Live and let live. I reckon that unless something is really personal let the cheap shots go by
To true Horse.
Have a look at Snelly who was bashed on this forum for his deep water drop lining on Tassies west coast for blue eye.Everbody is entitled to his/her opinion/tech. but to make a person feel poorly because of their fishing style is rubbish.I would say any of us over 40 or so has committed a 'modern fishing' crime in the past.
As you say horse Live and let live hay.