03-08-2008, 06:10 PM
Hi All ........ Just got back from doing something different - Bream Fishing :o Well ok , maybe a different destination then.
DC ... (Formally the Jinx.... Maybe!) Invited me to come up to spend some time at his brother in laws place at Woy Woy .... to do a little breamin.
With a Lousy forecast of Gale force winds + Dcs late arrival on Saturday ...... I ignored the 4am alarm clock ( Howling winds) & got my self some extra shuteye :sleeping: On the road at 8am for the 90 min drive north ( spewin .... no wind & I should have been fishing already) ....... but that didn't last too long as I arrived to very blowy conditions:( .... pretty tough for fishing on the leccy - I really needed to find shelter & with little knowledge of the area ..... It was off to explore Narara Creek. The 10min run across from Koolewong to Gosford ( past Iguana Joes .... Jon Della Bosca / Belinda Neal fame) .... had me frozen stiff!
Now to find my way through this extremely shallow creek mouth ...... Tough job but I eventually got through the 300M section ... ( 30mins) & moved into the Narara proper ........ & motored along ( nice looking creek) After having a chat to a local who was having a bit of a run in his boat , I was encouraged to run further up the creek. I decided to fish a section of bank that was protected from the strong winds.
Now what happened next ...... just shows the importance of attention to detail. - Picking up the Certate / T Curve combo that was pre rigged with .......... no surprise - a lobby , I 've made a casual backhanded cast under a mangrove branch into a dark hidey hole ......... Instantly zzzzzzzzzzz ..... shite , grab the spool - gonee! Some idiot forgot to set the drag ( & a nice fish is blown). ...... you would have heard the @#%&$% & #%@*ing in Newcastle. Not too long after I land a first for me ...32117... A lobby caught Whiting ....... closly followed a small bream.
Continuing up this shallow creek out of the wind became a real pleasure32118 The occasional bream caught to the background sound of Bell birds32119 ..... very nice.
Lots of fish were moving around ..... some stud whiting & bream ........ more fish missed with short takes on the lobby ........ then I manage a nice whiting on a Cultiva Mirashad.32129
Thing went quiet on the turn of the tide ........ & except for a tug o war with a decent fish that wanted my lobby ...... eventually bit the lobby in half ...... nothing !
With the tide falling rapidly ....... I needed to get out of here + was due to meet DC & Alison at Andrews place .................. I managed to get out (JUST)
Caught up with everyone at Andrew waterfront home ( very cool) ........ & we were off for a boys session towards the railway bridge. I managed to miss 5 out of 5 .......... but worst still . My Lobby supply was exhausted:'( Still quite windy & cold we called it quits around 6.30 ...... for a big doughnut!
The next morning ...... up at 5.00 ish .......... Still blowing its ass off , we had little option but to go for the run back to Narara ...... As Andrew had other plans ... it was only going to be a 3-4 hour session.
Well if it was hard getting in & out of Narara before ...... this was much worst.
With DC doing his Captain Cook impersonation on the bow....... we soon ran aground ::) ....... but got off & threaded our way through 1 -2 foot of water into the Creek proper.
Well 3 uneventful hours past ..... with two fish missed ...... THAT"S IT!( where were the lobbys ????) On the way out we did nearly run over a 1M Jew in 4 ft of water.. Then near the shallow mouth .... literally 100s of big bream were spooked ( all on their way into the creek on the rising tide) - bugger .... we were leaving.
Dropped Andrew off at his neighbors jetty ...... DC & I fished some nearby areas ..... for Zip but saw heaps.
Back to the ramp after a couple of hours ...... dropped DC back at Andrews place & off I went.
Once again ...... Brisbane Waters was tough. Not totally discouraged as I can see the potential of Narara Creek ( with a rising tide ........ not to mention seeing a big Jew) Definitely we will return as it warms up ......... As BW is a known Summer Jewie haunt .
Better go buy myself a few more packets of Lobbys ........ I think Mighty Whitey used mine on the last trip:(
Cheers All
DC ... (Formally the Jinx.... Maybe!) Invited me to come up to spend some time at his brother in laws place at Woy Woy .... to do a little breamin.
With a Lousy forecast of Gale force winds + Dcs late arrival on Saturday ...... I ignored the 4am alarm clock ( Howling winds) & got my self some extra shuteye :sleeping: On the road at 8am for the 90 min drive north ( spewin .... no wind & I should have been fishing already) ....... but that didn't last too long as I arrived to very blowy conditions:( .... pretty tough for fishing on the leccy - I really needed to find shelter & with little knowledge of the area ..... It was off to explore Narara Creek. The 10min run across from Koolewong to Gosford ( past Iguana Joes .... Jon Della Bosca / Belinda Neal fame) .... had me frozen stiff!
Now to find my way through this extremely shallow creek mouth ...... Tough job but I eventually got through the 300M section ... ( 30mins) & moved into the Narara proper ........ & motored along ( nice looking creek) After having a chat to a local who was having a bit of a run in his boat , I was encouraged to run further up the creek. I decided to fish a section of bank that was protected from the strong winds.
Now what happened next ...... just shows the importance of attention to detail. - Picking up the Certate / T Curve combo that was pre rigged with .......... no surprise - a lobby , I 've made a casual backhanded cast under a mangrove branch into a dark hidey hole ......... Instantly zzzzzzzzzzz ..... shite , grab the spool - gonee! Some idiot forgot to set the drag ( & a nice fish is blown). ...... you would have heard the @#%&$% & #%@*ing in Newcastle. Not too long after I land a first for me ...32117... A lobby caught Whiting ....... closly followed a small bream.
Continuing up this shallow creek out of the wind became a real pleasure32118 The occasional bream caught to the background sound of Bell birds32119 ..... very nice.
Lots of fish were moving around ..... some stud whiting & bream ........ more fish missed with short takes on the lobby ........ then I manage a nice whiting on a Cultiva Mirashad.32129
Thing went quiet on the turn of the tide ........ & except for a tug o war with a decent fish that wanted my lobby ...... eventually bit the lobby in half ...... nothing !
With the tide falling rapidly ....... I needed to get out of here + was due to meet DC & Alison at Andrews place .................. I managed to get out (JUST)
Caught up with everyone at Andrew waterfront home ( very cool) ........ & we were off for a boys session towards the railway bridge. I managed to miss 5 out of 5 .......... but worst still . My Lobby supply was exhausted:'( Still quite windy & cold we called it quits around 6.30 ...... for a big doughnut!
The next morning ...... up at 5.00 ish .......... Still blowing its ass off , we had little option but to go for the run back to Narara ...... As Andrew had other plans ... it was only going to be a 3-4 hour session.
Well if it was hard getting in & out of Narara before ...... this was much worst.
With DC doing his Captain Cook impersonation on the bow....... we soon ran aground ::) ....... but got off & threaded our way through 1 -2 foot of water into the Creek proper.
Well 3 uneventful hours past ..... with two fish missed ...... THAT"S IT!( where were the lobbys ????) On the way out we did nearly run over a 1M Jew in 4 ft of water.. Then near the shallow mouth .... literally 100s of big bream were spooked ( all on their way into the creek on the rising tide) - bugger .... we were leaving.
Dropped Andrew off at his neighbors jetty ...... DC & I fished some nearby areas ..... for Zip but saw heaps.
Back to the ramp after a couple of hours ...... dropped DC back at Andrews place & off I went.
Once again ...... Brisbane Waters was tough. Not totally discouraged as I can see the potential of Narara Creek ( with a rising tide ........ not to mention seeing a big Jew) Definitely we will return as it warms up ......... As BW is a known Summer Jewie haunt .
Better go buy myself a few more packets of Lobbys ........ I think Mighty Whitey used mine on the last trip:(
Cheers All