01-08-2008, 05:47 PM
Decided against a long-ish drive to Crystal Creek and headed down to the rockwalls. Arrived at 5 am. Beautiful morning with 0-5 kn winds. Went with3 rods and one being a surf rod. Decided to go early to avoid boat traffic and use thesurf rod for distance. Loaded up a Patanoster rig with 2 4/0 circle hooks. Put on peeled KING prawn. Big baits are supposed to catch big fish. Other 2 rods were loaded with strip herring and whole smallish mud herring as well as smaler creek prawns caught in the net yestrady arvo. I get rather despondant when you check your baits after sinking them for a while and when you pull them in the prawns etc are untouched. That was a sign that nothing was around. A few other fishermen were around and never saw anyone catch a fish.
Just enjoying the sunrise when the surf rod got a big hit. I was too late.........well that's what I thought, a trevally had taken one of the prawns and came back for the second bait, only this time I had the rod in hand. Another big hit and a big strike follwed that set the hook. The battle was on as this fish took me along the rock walls and tried to bust me up on the rocks. It was all happening as I skipped over boulders attempting to hold this fish. I WON and eventually saw a 61cm GT in my net.
Just enjoying the sunrise when the surf rod got a big hit. I was too late.........well that's what I thought, a trevally had taken one of the prawns and came back for the second bait, only this time I had the rod in hand. Another big hit and a big strike follwed that set the hook. The battle was on as this fish took me along the rock walls and tried to bust me up on the rocks. It was all happening as I skipped over boulders attempting to hold this fish. I WON and eventually saw a 61cm GT in my net.