View Full Version : Abu Garcia 6500CS Chrome

30-07-2008, 05:59 PM
Just looking at a 6500CS abu garcia ambassadeur rocket chrome baitcaster made in Sweden.It has no mag cast control,which I don't think will be a problem.
Anyone know anything about them,any idea what the CS stands for.

04-08-2008, 05:49 PM
Yeah the CS abu's are the pro rocket series I believe. Usually sold with a special oil (they call it rocket oil). Nice reels in my opinion!

04-08-2008, 08:12 PM
Any idea how much the 6500 goes for? In regards to line capacity, is it bigger than a 7000 (red)??

I'm in the market right now for a new overhead for beach, rocks and breakwall fishing. I guess I'll get out in deep or in the bay every now and again with it too.

05-08-2008, 03:49 PM
The chrome Rockets are a little heavier than other 6500 models, due to their chromed brass sideplates, as opposed to the usual alloy ones.
The cs signifies a levelwind model, ct for no levelwind.
I have a cs which I use for floating pillies for macks etc.
It has a strike alarm which is handy.
I have 8kg mono on mine, and a carbontex drag.
They don`t hold as much line as a 7000.

05-08-2008, 06:36 PM
Reggy ,spot on they are a bit heaver ,that can be a good thing for balance when casting ,if the reel is down low it will help to increase butt speed in a full blown cast , cs is the level wind and ct is non level wind .
this is one of mine 6500 ,they also did a 5500 for there 75 anniversary reel .

http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/7955/dcp02465ds9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/8402/dcp02462mj7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

05-08-2008, 09:58 PM
Hey Fellas. You reckon they're better than the old trusty 7000?

I just picked up a 7000 for $179 ... Took it out tonight in the darkness. I put too much line on it, I got greedy and tried to fit a whole 500 yard of 15lb platinum on it.

Birdnest city.

The reel in general though didn't seem to be casting that well. I backed the mag control right off, took off about a 100 yards of line and it still was lucky to get 30 metres.

I had a 7000 years ago on my 9ft rod and I'd cast 50 metres without trying, and around 120+ if I tried.

Is this the new 7000's problem, it doesn't cast like the older versions? Mine is made in Taiwan, if that makes a difference.

06-08-2008, 09:11 AM
Hey Fellas. You reckon they're better than the old trusty 7000?

I just picked up a 7000 for $179 ... Took it out tonight in the darkness. I put too much line on it, I got greedy and tried to fit a whole 500 yard of 15lb platinum on it.

Birdnest city.

The reel in general though didn't seem to be casting that well. I backed the mag control right off, took off about a 100 yards of line and it still was lucky to get 30 metres.

I had a 7000 years ago on my 9ft rod and I'd cast 50 metres without trying, and around 120+ if I tried.

Is this the new 7000's problem, it doesn't cast like the older versions? Mine is made in Taiwan, if that makes a difference.
Is it possible for you to post a pic of your reel so we know exactly which model you are talking about?

06-08-2008, 10:08 AM
Sure, here it is.


I took it out this morning and just practised casting in the shallows. I can about a 50-60 metre cast out of it, but I'm maxing out getting there.

I took it all apart when I got home to see if I could tweak it. I noticed, the spool itself is a light weight aluminium. I remember my old one had way more weight to it. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I don't think so. I think this might be the problem.

Any ideas where I could buy the old 7000 made in sweden original spool? Would it even fit if I did?


06-08-2008, 05:20 PM
There is no magnetic cast control on that model. The dial you are probably refering to puts weight on the spool axle to slow the spool down, but should allow the weight you are casting to slowly pull line off your reel when the rod tip is held high and the reel gears are disengaged and ready to cast.
Refer to your manual.
Hope this helps. Good luck with your casting.They really are a great casting reel.


06-08-2008, 08:09 PM
Brabbit ,this is part of a reply I posted on casting shimano overheads .it goes for all overheads ,

(TLD.s cast fine the amount of line you have on them is important part of your tuning a overhead ,the biggest mistake made by most is they use to thinner line trying to get more on the reel)

you have to take into account the size ,weight ,width of the spool of your over head ,to thin line and full it will blow up all day long , thicker line will drop the dia of the spool of line quicker allowing the spinning spool to control its self as
been thicker line will make the reel very safe .there are only two times you should touch your spool in a cast first is when you let it go and the other is when the lead hits the water to stop it .tune you reel with line dia and thicker oil in the bearings and you will never look back ,

06-08-2008, 09:11 PM
Brabbit ,this is part of a reply I posted on casting shimano overheads .it goes for all overheads ,

(TLD.s cast fine the amount of line you have on them is important part of your tuning a overhead ,the biggest mistake made by most is they use to thinner line trying to get more on the reel)

you have to take into account the size ,weight ,width of the spool of your over head ,to thin line and full it will blow up all day long , thicker line will drop the dia of the spool of line quicker allowing the spinning spool to control its self as
been thicker line will make the reel very safe .there are only two times you should touch your spool in a cast first is when you let it go and the other is when the lead hits the water to stop it .tune you reel with line dia and thicker oil in the bearings and you will never look back ,

Thats really interesting about the line diameter. So if I move up to 20lb platinum I'll see improvement in the distance I'm casting right off the bat? At the moment the 15lb Platinum (.30mm dia) is so fine it gets caught between the spool and the casing from time to time.

I was fishing this arvo off the rocks and I was getting a good 50 metre cast happening consistently, but I was giving it everything to get there. You are right the only times your thumb touches the spool is when you hoyk it, and when the lead hits the ocean.

And thicker oil in the bearings? Will this really have an impact, why is this? I think my 7000 uses bushes, not bearings. I take off the spool after ever session and wipe the salt from the chamber, level wind and the cage. I oil the drag and the spool gear once a fortnight/ week depending on how many times i take it out. Would a thicker oil for the gears and the cog make a difference?

Thanks a million for your post. Gives me alotta food for thought. ;)

07-08-2008, 07:19 PM
Brabbit ,thicker oil in bearings ,Will try and keep it short ,to cast a lead over 300 yards the spool only needs to spin for 7 seconds ,start to finish ,

In tuning a reel for casting distance or control is done by spool blance ,oil ,or mags ,and of course line dia's

If as most do you put tension on your spool shaft thru the tension knob on one side of the reel .This will make your reel behave ,but it will kill your distance due to friction on the shaft or bearings , A reel with no tension on the shaft will spin to fast for most ,so if you put in a thicker oil you will have a reel that is free running with a slower speed instead of a reel that is slow running due to excess tension and pressures on the shaft and bearings thus killing your the ability of the reel to run free to give max distance ,

Do a search on tuning a spool on a overhead its worth a read as a lot has been proved to be true.

07-08-2008, 08:10 PM
Thanks HST. I'll go do a search right now.

Do you know off the top of your head an oil which is thicker than the standard ABU oil?

07-08-2008, 08:54 PM
oil from your cars engine

07-08-2008, 09:37 PM
Deadset? Who woulda thought.

Thanks mate.