View Full Version : Is 10lb castaway light enough for bream and whiting?
28-07-2008, 02:56 PM
Just got my new 2000 certate :D and am pretty well sold on 10lb castaway but is it too heavy for bream and whiting? Keeping in mind this outfit will double as a light squire outfit as well.
I was initially planning on running 4lb fireline but the 10lb castaway is so thin and soft for its weight.
What does everyone else run on their bream gear?
The 10lb castaway would be as thin as the 4lb fireline and since fireline 4lb breaks at close to 10lb anyway.....why spend twice the price on the castaway? I know the fireline will be stiff at first but it soon loosens up. If anything, I'd be going for the 6lb Sunline Super PE. Should be just as thin as the other 2 and equally strong for tackling a few bay squire.
Cheers Roo.
28-07-2008, 03:22 PM
Castaway would be fine for what you want.
If you want to go a little lighter try the new sunline rock PE. Its super thin and casts light wieghts a mile. Ive already swapped half of my light bream gear to this stuff and i only got my first spool 2 weeks ago. It comes in 6, 8 and 10lb and is fluresent orange in colour. Have a look at it. Great stuff.
28-07-2008, 03:51 PM
Hey Plastix ..... I thought you were going light?? :-X
I think Roo is on the money there, as the Fireline breaks well above its rating. You may find that the Castaway breaks below the 10lb test, being IGFA rated. Just go and spool up with some 3lb Fluorocarbon and have some fun. Can you use a Sol 2000 spare spool on your Certate by any chance????
28-07-2008, 04:18 PM
The 10lb castaway would be as thin as the 4lb fireline and since fireline 4lb breaks at close to 10lb anyway.....why spend twice the price on the castaway? I know the fireline will be stiff at first but it soon loosens up. If anything, I'd be going for the 6lb Sunline Super PE. Should be just as thin as the other 2 and equally strong for tackling a few bay squire.
Cheers Roo.
Thanks roo, I've never been a big fan of fireline especially on higher end reels and the feel of it compared to castaway put me off. It seems so rigid and the memory is crazy, does it lose its memory after a bit of use?
I have the 10 and 20lb sunline super pe on my sol and like it but i thought that the certate deserved something better. The 10lb tends to be a bit prone to wind knots if i'm not careful as well, so i imagine the 6lb on a 2000 would be even worse. It is good value pe braid though.
Castaway would be fine for what you want.
If you want to go a little lighter try the new sunline rock PE. Its super thin and casts light wieghts a mile. Ive already swapped half of my light bream gear to this stuff and i only got my first spool 2 weeks ago. It comes in 6, 8 and 10lb and is fluresent orange in colour. Have a look at it. Great stuff.
Cheers Why-ting, Whats the difference between rock pe and super pe? Have you used super pe and how does it compare. Whats it worth? and what lb do you recommend for what i'm aiming at.
Hey Plastix ..... I thought you were going light?? :-X
I think Roo is on the money there, as the Fireline breaks well above its rating. You may find that the Castaway breaks below the 10lb test, being IGFA rated. Just go and spool up with some 3lb Fluorocarbon and have some fun. Can you use a Sol 2000 spare spool on your Certate by any chance????
haha yeah Matt i know, its a fineline between light enough in one case and not enough in the other ::) I do need another spool hugh.:-/
I dont know if the sol spool would fit. I know the tierra spools wont fit on a sol and vice versa. I will probably get one eventually but need to get a new rod first.;) I'm contemplating throwing on the free spool of 5lb nitlon gaga mono i got with the reel just in the mean time. i wont use it otherwise. If nothing else it will remind me how much i love any braid over mono:P
28-07-2008, 05:43 PM
Mate i run 3lb, 4lb, 6lb and 12lb on my bream outfits.
10lb is overkill for breaming and whiting, but considering it is goign to be using for reds then its fine. The diameter of the 10lb is very thin anyways.
P.S Did you get my last pm I sent you?
28-07-2008, 05:58 PM
Mate 10lb castaway is 100 million times better than fireline ould ever wish to be. Its awesome line, doesnt fray, smooth as etc. Go the castaway
28-07-2008, 05:58 PM
Its the same thickness as 4 lb finns and 4lb fireline
Hi Plaztix ....... I'm running 4lb Fireline on my 1500 Certate ........ & its OK ( not flash ..... but rarely do I have dramas)
If it was me ........ I'd go 6lb braid as it is a good all-rounder (whatever brand) & just play with leader breaking strains (4 , 8 ,12 & 16lb) .......... Crank up the drag to fish the reel to its max when required as most braids break well over the stated poundage anyway!
28-07-2008, 06:10 PM
leelee - cheers, pm sent
BtotheM - thats what i figured. I'd rather have nice smooth, supple line than line that feels like straw.
28-07-2008, 06:19 PM
Cheers nagg- I guess thats the reason most people stick with fireline 'no drama's'. Not great but cheap and it works, its stiff enough that your not going to get wind knots, so for smaller reels its going to be popular. I just cant get past the feel of it.:P
Cheers nagg- I guess thats the reason most people stick with fireline 'no drama's'. Not great but cheap and it works, its stiff enough that your not going to get wind knots, so for smaller reels its going to be popular. I just cant get past the feel of it.:P
Mate ..... The Certate / T Curve / 4lb fireline combo has remained untouched for 18 months or so ......... which must be a record for me::) (Unlike miss Stella:( ) + I use it for 70% of my breamin8-)
28-07-2008, 07:21 PM
Its the same thickness as 4 lb finns and 4lb fireline
4lb Finns has a test average of 15.78lb (ref. may2008 modern fishing)
Really made me think what line I could run rather than just relying on the stated breaking strain.
4lb Finns has a test average of 15.78lb (ref. may2008 modern fishing)
Really made me think what line I could run rather than just relying on the stated breaking strain.
Not wrong there mate. the trick is to match each lines characteristics to your needs. I've found some ultrathin braids difficult to fish at or close to their limit due to the fine diameters cutting leaders... but then others are no problem!!! some cast better than others..... some sit better on the reel.
the 4lb Finns is a line I'm keen to try out next fill. it seems very good and the 10lb finns I have on another reel has proved faultless.
The Sol Is a "Real Four" reel so its spools will interchange with the Certate. they both fit RCS parts.
Cheers Roo.
29-07-2008, 04:46 PM
The Sol Is a "Real Four" reel so its spools will interchange with the Certate. they both fit RCS parts.
Cheers Roo.
Thanks Roo. Shame i've got the 3000 sol and the 2000 certate.:P
Might just have to get another sol, i was considering an rcs spool for the certate and they are around $110 + shipping, so for an extra $50 or so i can get a 2000 sol and 2 spools. Brilliant.:D;)
How the hell did i become desktop fishing champ, i'm crap at it!:-/:P
29-07-2008, 05:33 PM
I was going to spool my new heavy plastic reel with 20lb Finns but now think 10lb is more than strong enough.
10lb Finns has a test average of 36.53lb.
29-07-2008, 06:02 PM
Had a look at the Rock FC today. Its so thin, really nice feeling line too. The 8lb was .4 pe.:o
29-07-2008, 06:22 PM
Check out Platypus Super-Braid.
29-07-2008, 06:39 PM
Had a look at the Rock FC today. Its so thin, really nice feeling line too. The 8lb was .4 pe.:o
Hey Plaztix, how much was on the spool as I've seen both 80m and 130m spools ... oh & I guess the inevitable question how much????
Had a look at the Rock FC today. Its so thin, really nice feeling line too. The 8lb was .4 pe.:o
So what does .4PE mean ;)
29-07-2008, 09:42 PM
i got 12lb castaway on my steez. beauty of it is that its so fine it can be used for breaming, casting light weight lures but then has enough balls for those thumper fish who fancy your light weight lure.
29-07-2008, 09:49 PM
Hey Plaztix, how much was on the spool as I've seen both 80m and 130m spools ... oh & I guess the inevitable question how much????
Thats a good question.:-[ You know i automatically assumed it was a 150m spool:-/ it was $65.
29-07-2008, 09:53 PM
So what does .4PE mean ;)
It means its f@*#ing thin! ;D
29-07-2008, 09:58 PM
i got 12lb castaway on my steez. beauty of it is that its so fine it can be used for breaming, casting light weight lures but then has enough balls for those thumper fish who fancy your light weight lure.
Thats it smoked.;) The Rock pe is even thinner than castaway and comes in 6 and 8lb as well. whereas castaway only goes down to 10lb.
I think i'm gonna run with the 8lb Rock pe, now i've just gotta make my mind up on which rod ::)
29-07-2008, 10:22 PM
Thats a good question.:-[ You know i automatically assumed it was a 150m spool:-/ it was $65.
The EJ website has a pic of an 80m spool but lists it as 120m :-/ The Avani Sea Bass Max Power looks pretty nice too .. it seems the choice (as well as the price) is quite varied with the Japanese Braids
29-07-2008, 10:47 PM
for bream. i cant go past 3lb fireline crystal. it dose the job. i never get snaped off on the braid, only the leader when it hits some oysters.
29-07-2008, 11:20 PM
I Use both Fireline and Castaway.
I only use Fireline on my light out fits <6lb. I fine true braids at less than 6lb simply cut through the leader because it is so thin. However, onces fireline gets above the 6Lb, it is way to stiff and thick for my liking.
Casteways is fantastic, I use it for my heavier gear. I have 16LB on my Certate 3000 and have never had a problem with. Can cast a mile with it too.
01-08-2008, 09:27 AM
Ended up going with the 10lb castaway for a bit of versatility and got the new rod too. So my new bream/squire set up is a 2000 certate w/- 10lb castaway on a bear S1.
Love it, cant wait to get it bent.:D
01-08-2008, 09:53 AM
Great outfit, you will be more than pleased.
01-08-2008, 11:00 AM
Nice Setup Plaztix, you'll be happy with the Bear. If you fancy harassing the local Bream population on the river sometime send me a PM .... you might have to stick a 3lb leader on that 10lb rope though :)
01-08-2008, 02:06 PM
Ended up going with the 10lb castaway for a bit of versatility and got the new rod too. So my new bream/squire set up is a 2000 certate w/- 10lb castaway on a bear S1.
Love it, cant wait to get it bent.:D
Hey mate, good choice!! Just don't fill the spool all the way to the lip if you haven't all ready done so.... Castaway is prone to wind knots if spooled to high.
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