View Full Version : my new sp

15-07-2008, 08:40 PM
hi all,

talking to a mate today & he told me of these new spanish mackerel rigs,they are called live ribbon fish, 18 inch"s long & 155g. 4x strong permasteel vmc hooks, 7x7 s/s cable inner body construction. the brand is williamson lures, you can troll them up to 7 knts but around 4 knts would be better as at this speed he has got a few over the last couple of weeks. if we have good weather on the weekend i plan on going for a troll around the island & over to the cape. depending on the hit you might be able to get a couple of fish on 1 before they are to smashed up, take them home dry them off & super glue them back up.two in a packet for $30.


15-07-2008, 08:54 PM
Where from and what is there designed running depth?

15-07-2008, 09:07 PM
got them from pro tackle,can"t seem to find what depth they run but i think they would sit just under the surface to a mtr depending on what speed you are doing. or you could rig them on a downrigger.


15-07-2008, 10:17 PM
This concept has been around for many yrs fells including hybrids of both hard & soft bodied.