10-07-2008, 12:25 PM
Fascinating footage highlights benefits of Release Weight
Media release http://www.recfishwest.org.au/MediaStateReleaseWeightDVD.htm
Recfishwest today launched the Release Weight DVD and information brochure to promote best practice for releasing demersal scalefish.
"The DVD includes some fascinating above and underwater footage of the Release Weight in action, showing fish clearly suffering the effects of barotrauma swimming off strongly with the aid of the release weight." Acting Executive Director of Recfishwest, Kane Moyle said today.
Recent changes to managing the recreational catch of demersal scalefish in the West Coast bioregion coupled with a changing ethos to catch and release fishing is seeing recreational fishers releasing more and more fish.
"It is extremely important that every fish released is correctly handled and it has been proven that the use of a Release Weight will significantly increase a fish's chance of surviving the capture." Mr Moyle said.
The importance of the Release Weight as an effective means for releasing demersal reef species has been shown through the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Murdoch University, Department of Fisheries and ANSA project, Maximising the survival of released undersize West Coast Reef Fish.
The tag recapture data from this study found the Release Weight to be by far and away the superior method of releasing dhufish. Recaptures were 10.1% for fish release using a Release Weight whereas simple release recaptures were 6.3%.
"Recreational fishers are valuing more and more every fish they catch, a fish released in a healthy condition is one that can spawn and have the opportunity to be caught again later." Mr Moyle said.
Copies of the DVD and brochure will be distributed to tackle stores around Western Australia. A copy of the DVD will be provided free with every Release Weight purchased while stocks are available.
Recfishwest urges all recreational fishers to view this interesting and highly informative DVD. The DVD can be downloaded from http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVD.htm
This project was made possible thanks to funding received through the Australian Government's Recreational Fishing Community Grants Programme.
Media Contact
Kane Moyle - Acting Executive Director Recfishwest
ph. (08) 9246 3366 Mob. 0419 949 118
The DVD is "Using the Release Weight to improve the survival of released fish - Proven best practice for releasing demersal reef fish."
This DVD will be provided to Tackle Shops to be given away FREE with purchases of a Release Weight.
By arrangement with the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, (FRDC) the DVD also contains several video segments from "Gently does it" covering releasing several popular species of fish and general information about deep hooking and barotrauma.
Recfishwest wants to make the information and videos on the DVD widely available via their website. The video from the DVD can be downloaded from http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVD.htm
http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVD.jpg http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVDMainMenu.jpg
http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVDFrontCover.jpg http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVDBackCover.jpg
Beavering away in the background.......http://www.recfishwest.org.au/LogosRecfishwestLogo.gif
Media release http://www.recfishwest.org.au/MediaStateReleaseWeightDVD.htm
Recfishwest today launched the Release Weight DVD and information brochure to promote best practice for releasing demersal scalefish.
"The DVD includes some fascinating above and underwater footage of the Release Weight in action, showing fish clearly suffering the effects of barotrauma swimming off strongly with the aid of the release weight." Acting Executive Director of Recfishwest, Kane Moyle said today.
Recent changes to managing the recreational catch of demersal scalefish in the West Coast bioregion coupled with a changing ethos to catch and release fishing is seeing recreational fishers releasing more and more fish.
"It is extremely important that every fish released is correctly handled and it has been proven that the use of a Release Weight will significantly increase a fish's chance of surviving the capture." Mr Moyle said.
The importance of the Release Weight as an effective means for releasing demersal reef species has been shown through the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Murdoch University, Department of Fisheries and ANSA project, Maximising the survival of released undersize West Coast Reef Fish.
The tag recapture data from this study found the Release Weight to be by far and away the superior method of releasing dhufish. Recaptures were 10.1% for fish release using a Release Weight whereas simple release recaptures were 6.3%.
"Recreational fishers are valuing more and more every fish they catch, a fish released in a healthy condition is one that can spawn and have the opportunity to be caught again later." Mr Moyle said.
Copies of the DVD and brochure will be distributed to tackle stores around Western Australia. A copy of the DVD will be provided free with every Release Weight purchased while stocks are available.
Recfishwest urges all recreational fishers to view this interesting and highly informative DVD. The DVD can be downloaded from http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVD.htm
This project was made possible thanks to funding received through the Australian Government's Recreational Fishing Community Grants Programme.
Media Contact
Kane Moyle - Acting Executive Director Recfishwest
ph. (08) 9246 3366 Mob. 0419 949 118
The DVD is "Using the Release Weight to improve the survival of released fish - Proven best practice for releasing demersal reef fish."
This DVD will be provided to Tackle Shops to be given away FREE with purchases of a Release Weight.
By arrangement with the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, (FRDC) the DVD also contains several video segments from "Gently does it" covering releasing several popular species of fish and general information about deep hooking and barotrauma.
Recfishwest wants to make the information and videos on the DVD widely available via their website. The video from the DVD can be downloaded from http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVD.htm
http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVD.jpg http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVDMainMenu.jpg
http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVDFrontCover.jpg http://www.recfishwest.org.au/ReleaseWeightDVDBackCover.jpg
Beavering away in the background.......http://www.recfishwest.org.au/LogosRecfishwestLogo.gif