View Full Version : "Jelly Bean"
09-07-2008, 04:11 PM
Here's a new model that we have just introduced into our range.We had tillers earlier but decided to come up with a complete new design. It's 4.3 mtrs long and has a 2mtr beam. Deadrise is 15 degrees. Inside side height is around 600mm and has a full self draining deck.
The idea behind this boat was that you could go up the creek but also head into the bay or slip out the front on a nice day.
It is really easy to clean out as well which to us is important when your crabbing or prawning. The checker plate is painted and the rubber matting lifts out easily if you don't want it.
The canopy comes off easily and the light weight side and front covers are to keep a bit of wind and rain off you when anchored up. They come off easily and go into a bag ....thanks Ray!
The 50 Suzi 4 stroke pushes it to around 27kts. We have it interfaced with a Lowrance combo so you can monitor fuel, rev's ect. There's a trim switch on the gunwhale whicch makes it easy when running.
The pics will tell the rest.
Cheers Col
09-07-2008, 04:18 PM
I like it. How much as I see it, Col?
Nice one Col. A serious creek weapon with true offshore ability. Side console will make a great sportfisher. Whats the expected retail for an on water package with this spec?
Cheers Roo.
09-07-2008, 04:24 PM
Nice one Col. A serious creek weapon with true offshore ability. Side console will make a great sportfisher. Whats the expected retail for an on water package with this spec?
Cheers Roo.
I said that in 10 short words, Roo
09-07-2008, 04:56 PM
I like the idea of the canopy thingy for the tinnie, wouldnt mind doing that to mine,
09-07-2008, 05:22 PM
Now thats right up my alley i would like something like this with a side console as well ,i really like the shape of it great work again col ...matt
as above.. side console would be great too!
09-07-2008, 06:04 PM
Cheers guys
Haven't worked out the exact price yet will get back with it and a side console price.........tillers are easy heaps of room!
09-07-2008, 06:41 PM
Bloody nice boat Col. I think your onto a winner.
09-07-2008, 06:45 PM
nice looking boat, love the basic tiller steer
Could have done with a better looking model to show the boat off though:P
09-07-2008, 07:14 PM
Another work of art hey Col?
Really like the setup, and would expect a casting deck would be easily added?
I saw your 4x4 side console down at john crawfords and damn you build a good boat
09-07-2008, 07:58 PM
Very nice, could you stretch the lenght to say 4.6 od?
What depth of water will she draw (roughly)
love the fly sides and front. better than clears IMO
09-07-2008, 08:04 PM
nice looking boat, love the basic tiller steer
Could have done with a better looking model to show the boat off though:P
Yeh............sorry about that;D time;)
09-07-2008, 08:10 PM
Thats one sexy looking boat. I like the idea of the clears and canopy. Adds versatility for hot or rainy days.
Are there any kill tank/storage areas under the deck ?
09-07-2008, 08:15 PM
Another work of art hey Col?
Really like the setup, and would expect a casting deck would be easily added?
I saw your 4x4 side console down at john crawfords and damn you build a good boat
Cheers Dave........the guys build them, have a great crew! Casting deck ect is easy, just wanted this one as open deck....... kiss principle
Neil.......I agree ,the thin material folds up small and it's all you need ,pretty strong and durable and heaps to choose from.
Be good on those winter nights sitting up the creek when it's blowing 8-)
09-07-2008, 08:28 PM
Thats one sexy looking boat. I like the idea of the clears and canopy. Adds versatility for hot or rainy days.
Are there any kill tank/storage areas under the deck ?
no mate the decks fully sealed and foam underneath...trying to keep them basic....just a big work deck.
tin can marlin
09-07-2008, 08:30 PM
Hi col great looking rig it is a real credit to you how you keep new models coming out all the time. A freind of mine lives up north and he is looking for something like that do you have a outlet up there he could go and have a look at your boats.
09-07-2008, 08:50 PM
Here's a new model that we have just introduced into our range.We had tillers earlier but decided to come up with a complete new design. It's 4.3 mtrs long and has a 2mtr beam. Deadrise is 15 degrees. Inside side height is around 600mm and has a full self draining deck.
The idea behind this boat was that you could go up the creek but also head into the bay or slip out the front on a nice day.
It is really easy to clean out as well which to us is important when your crabbing or prawning. The checker plate is painted and the rubber matting lifts out easily if you don't want it.
The canopy comes off easily and the light weight side and front covers are to keep a bit of wind and rain off you when anchored up. They come off easily and go into a bag ....thanks Ray!
The 50 Suzi 4 stroke pushes it to around 27kts. We have it interfaced with a Lowrance combo so you can monitor fuel, rev's ect. There's a trim switch on the gunwhale whicch makes it easy when running.
The pics will tell the rest.
Cheers Col
Looks like another beautiful Australian made boating design with structural integrity that will deliver years of trouble free pleasure and proud ownership. Well done Col ! Go the plate boat !
10-07-2008, 07:45 AM
this boat will be my next creek boat
what a nice bit of gear
Reel Nauti
10-07-2008, 11:35 AM
That's a bloody terrific looking boat Col. A price would be good when you can?
I think this is going to rattle some competitors in the 14 - 15ft range!
reel scream
12-07-2008, 02:31 PM
Bloody nice weapon Col. The missus wants one so she can follow me out. When Dazza and Boof get rid of the Hains you might get two orders hey.
Cheers Scott.
reel scream
13-07-2008, 10:24 PM
Col- minister for war and finance( and celebacy:-X ) wants to know a ball park figure? Does that include the burley muncher????? Thought you were plastic only now mate??
Cheers Scott
15-07-2008, 08:53 AM
Col- minister for war and finance( and celebacy:-X ) wants to know a ball park figure? Does that include the burley muncher????? Thought you were plastic only now mate??
Cheers Scott
Hey Scotty...Boof went for a spin on Friday and wants one.
No still bait fish ...we get into everything we can.
A ball park without the Bimini,flys and GPS/Sounder but with everything else as the pics is around $26,000.00. A side console set up in it is an extra $850.00
Going by the Lowrance it averages 5 ltrs /hr. Most I could get it to use was 7.5ltrs/hr.
Just had it in the water for a few days and it's a great little/big boat ;)
If anyone wants to check it out or go for a spin let me know.
Cheers Col
15-07-2008, 01:50 PM
nice boat col but are you on the right track. a tiller for open sea you got to be nuts. think about it whos going to hold the tiller when a large mackeral is swung in.someone has to be continually steering so it wont swing in a swell. all that weight at the back sooner or later a wave will come through . for a few bucks throw in a side console or centre which will balance the hull. this tiller boom might be alright in the creek yeah it might save a few dollars but in sea i wonder how many coffin boxes we have to see before this idea comes to rest.
15-07-2008, 02:10 PM
Whoa there mate :o .
As a NQ person you would /should know that most all open water pro dories (incl pro mac fishermen) are open tiller steer.
Just comes down to balancing the boat gear /load & a bit of common sense doesn't it ?
Seems most fishing in this rig would be done at forward seat slots anyway.
Can't see a problem here - then again, nothings idiot proof. ;D
PS very few large macks in SEQ anymore - all been hammered by NQ & CQ pros ;D ;D ;D :P
15-07-2008, 03:03 PM
pro doriers in the open sea have the advantage of being amongst the reef for protection mother ship is not very far away . when you get boats going from land to sea is where the trouble begins . simple fact is most people have never felt how much pull a tiller boat can have on you when broaching in a sea and also how easy they will spit someone out. tillers are a bit like riding a motor cycle its a great feeling i must admit but when the fall comes even with a lanyard attached all that hp goes into full lock for ever action their is a equal force in the opposite direction which usually the poor bugger up front finds himself swimming.
15-07-2008, 03:04 PM
nice boat col but are you on the right track. a tiller for open sea you got to be nuts. think about it whos going to hold the tiller when a large mackeral is swung in.someone has to be continually steering so it wont swing in a swell. all that weight at the back sooner or later a wave will come through . for a few bucks throw in a side console or centre which will balance the hull. this tiller boom might be alright in the creek yeah it might save a few dollars but in sea i wonder how many coffin boxes we have to see before this idea comes to rest.
Settle down ozbee...coffin boxes hey::) the deck doesn't hold any water at all, it runs off so the hulls a lot safer then most out there that I know of.
If your worried about holding onto a tiller don't do it and read my first post...good for a run outside on a good day and if you don't like tillers side consoles are an option you can have.
There are a hell of a lot of tiller steer boats that I've seen on the water.
Also where did I mention we are doing anything to save a few dollars.
Have a good day
15-07-2008, 03:12 PM
good to see a boat that size he built handy for the close shoals up here for mackeral fishing especially the sealed floor thou im sure most will put a console in
15-07-2008, 03:27 PM
Give me a tiller in a boat like that anyday over a console. Spent many hours at sea in a 445 pressed boat with a tiller and if it wasn't for the rugrats I would still have one. More workable room and no breaking parts.Matter of fact I think I need 2 boats:-/ Dont like my chances with the minister though. Great looking boat Col and if I was in the market I would love that beast.
15-07-2008, 03:30 PM
good to see a boat that size he built handy for the close shoals up here for mackeral fishing especially the sealed floor thou im sure most will put a console in
It's too easy ....horses for courses.... we'll do whatever is needed to keep you all happy;)
Sealed decks are good but you also need to get rid of the water!
15-07-2008, 03:33 PM
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and as a result I would have to disagree with yours:P . I own a 5m open tiller steer dinghy that has taken me to the shelf off the SE Coast of Tasmania;D . I think I'd be safe in saying the southern swell there would average a touch larger than around here. A boat that has it's weight set up correctly and motor height set correctly has no problem in swell even for a relative novice. I admit you do get a feel for driving a tiller steer offshore after a while but it's not as though it's rocket science.
Where was that when I was looking for my rig last year - NOT HAPPY JAN !!!!:'(
15-07-2008, 04:07 PM
The difficulty with tiller steer when crossing a bar at slow speed you can not see the next wave and you can not stand up to see as there is nothing to hold onto.
have you col tried this hull in a short south easterly chop that can blow on you.
The down side of this boat is not its short comings but it ability to handle a sea which it can handle very well but the ability of a tiller steer person being able to physcially able to control it over distance.
Ifeel you are going into danger with this idea as you have given this boat a reasonable vee which is great for ride but the ability of a person to hold this boat in a wave broach would be very hard to hold if not impossible.
15-07-2008, 04:29 PM
I think U guys have got to except this boat for what it is , an estuary and bay (on a good day) boat that on a great day you might stick your head around the corner for a couple of hours and have a fish on a close reef. If your going outside every chance you get, it's not the boat for you.
Top work Col, I'm sure there is a good market for it, thanks. It may be my next boat.
Cheers Dids
15-07-2008, 06:00 PM
OzBee, chill out mate, accept the boat for what it is, a medium sized tiller built bloody well
No-one's asking you to cross bass straight with it.
Again Col, bloody nice rig, and very reasonable on the $$
15-07-2008, 06:11 PM
i had a large tillier steer boat, (5,25m), it was awesome.
and dead set one of the best and safest boats ive crossed bars in.
mine didnt have a self draining deck, but it would be a godsend! i use to comfortably travel 40 miles offshore, no worries. there is also a member on here that takes a similar sized tiller to the shelf chasing marlin.
the only fault with big tillers like these is that they tend to be a bit wet.
i wish i still had mine!
f#$k i loved that boat.
tin can marlin
15-07-2008, 06:56 PM
I have always wanted to ask you lippa were did you get that good catch of crabs did you get them in the pine river.
15-07-2008, 07:06 PM
there stanage bay crab
15-07-2008, 07:39 PM
LIPPA this where the problem lies not every body are as experienced as most ausfish people are and this is ware i see the is in the buying bracket for newcomers specially if priced as a tiller package, the boat is a very good ally but the dangers of going tiller on a vee bottom are very real even in calm water in a sharp turn its not going to slide like most tinnys but most likely dig in and hanging onto that tiller is going to take a lot more effort.
it is a boat that would be in high demand up our way in the burdekin as many owners are looking for something that can do close shoals as well as creek. it is a quality product deserves the respect it has but should come with a console.
i think it should have a high back long shank motor(help to stop waves peeling over the rear in a swell)and especially built in the 4.5 to 5 mtr range as it is a lot roomier than its competitors as it does not need to have side flotation taking up a lot of space.
15-07-2008, 09:03 PM
I thought a couple of posts mentioned that a side console was available as an option so why get stuck on the tiller aspect? Bloody nice tinny, like the layout, places for rods, only thing id ask for is maybe deeper/bigger sidepockets but thats only me. Hell of a tough tinny
tin can marlin
15-07-2008, 10:01 PM
it is a credit to you col i spoke to my mate in north qld and he is getting keener to look at this rig he is even talking about coming downg down soon.
15-07-2008, 10:47 PM
The difficulty with tiller steer when crossing a bar at slow speed you can not see the next wave and you can not stand up to see as there is nothing to hold onto.
have you col tried this hull in a short south easterly chop that can blow on you.
The down side of this boat is not its short comings but it ability to handle a sea which it can handle very well but the ability of a tiller steer person being able to physcially able to control it over distance.
Ifeel you are going into danger with this idea as you have given this boat a reasonable vee which is great for ride but the ability of a person to hold this boat in a wave broach would be very hard to hold if not impossible.
Ozbee....... it's not the first tiller we've ever built, it's a new model along the lines of the old ones. It actually has less vee then the old ones and we haven't had a problem with any of them that I know of.
The boat goes nice..... if you don't like tillers that's your opinion and you have now let us know.
Sorry know what you can do next time round :) When are you heading up this way next?
Regards Col
Geez Ozbee, You must have got run over by a tiller steer when you were a child. You obviosly have something against them which I think is totaly unfounded.
If you think pro dorries only operate in the protection of the reef and close to the mother boat then you've got your head in the clouds.
As for operating tillers on a bar, how many surf boats do you see out there with a side console?
Your making out tiller boats like they are a floating coffin. I have spent years in tiller steer, v-bottom boats without a problem. If you can't hang on to the tiller then you shouldn't be driving a boat. All boats are only as safe as the person operating them.
I own a boat built by Col and from my experience with Col he would not put a product out there if he didn't think it was 100% safe.
Reel Nauti
16-07-2008, 11:40 AM
I can't follow you even for one second Ozbee. If you don't like the boat in tiller steer that's fine, but your argument doesn't hold one drop of water.
People buy a product and will do as they please with it, whether it be a car or a bike or jetski or whatever. Most will operate it according to their ability, some won't, but that doesn't mean the product is dangerous or about to produce a corpse.
Your comment about not being able to see from the tiller when crossing a bar is ridiculous, and that's from a tiller steer owner for many many years.
I think you're assessing other peoples capabilities against your own, which in this instance are seriously lacking.
Get a grip mate
16-07-2008, 12:53 PM
there is a line to a point you can go tiller steer that the forces are to great otherwise you would have tiller in far larger hp. that line would be very close i feel in this case .
yes as a teenager i had the unlucky case of hitting a sub floating object which ripped my arm out of it socket and deposited my companion into the water and because tillers will swing in to full lock when let go the boat spun round and went over him before i could close the throttle. he survied luckly.
second case was two guys went to the shoals coming back side on to the waves came down boat broched motor pulled out of his hands for a second too late shes upside down.
tiller motor engines have increasd in horsepower so you will see more accidents.
i will leave it as that .as this chat is about a very good boat i dont want degrade it in any way but where do you draw the line between tiller or relation to horsepower.
16-07-2008, 01:05 PM
after all that....nice boat Col, would be excellent for what you have built it for, creek, bay and around the corner on a good day!
cheers - Craig
Greg P
16-07-2008, 01:12 PM
Col - whatever you do dont show the pics of Wild Thing to Ozbee :-X;D;D;D;D
Another top product from the team up there - well done.
Reel Nauti
16-07-2008, 03:20 PM
I was just about to say that Greg!!
You wouldn't be able to hold on to 140hp would you Ozbee??
16-07-2008, 03:38 PM
I'm sorta up here now - Murwillumbah anyway for the foreseable future. Next time I'm driving up to the Sunny Coast I'll call in and say hi.
Still got any second hand tinnies in the yard:-X
16-07-2008, 04:26 PM
no had the experience off tying a oar to a 2oohp yamaha and steering that back from the reef after steering went rs. was quite a effort but we got there.
16-07-2008, 05:16 PM
you've expressed your point of view
think everyone has been remarkably respectful of that, though most had other thoughts
time to let this one slide ??:)
tight lines - MalM
reel scream
18-07-2008, 07:04 PM
Great bloody boat- have driven it mysef...
If you dont like tiller steers get e twinfisher centre console. Had one of them and miss it dearly.
Cheers Scott
24-07-2008, 07:24 PM
Col is this the one from the new post up today?
22-08-2008, 06:59 AM
col , from where i sit and fish this is a beach launcher that i would love to have parked in my shed,just wating for a 440 truck to get built with a few extas,as tiller steer........would have gladly had the jelly bean instead.....GREAT BOAT . col i havent seen any fly out of the front of my tiller !!!
22-08-2008, 03:14 PM
She would be right at home down here in wind blown Tas.
Shes a ripper
23-08-2008, 12:27 PM
I know this thread is supposed to be going to bed, but, at the end of the day it is an engine manufacturer that builds these tiller engines. If these engines were the problem that they are made out to be I guess that 1. no one would buy them or 2. the government would ban them. It would be interesting to see the stats on tiller control boat crashes as apposed to helm control boats. How many motorcycle deaths occur every week? You let go of the handle bars on a bike and you crash. No one sees the need to ban bikes bad enough to actually do it. I think the proportion of bike deaths against tiller boat deaths would suggest that these boats are no drama. You either like them or you don't.
For the record I own 2 large tiller control boats (one is a 480 Fisher in fact). I would not try and round Cape Horne in the thing but for everything else it gives me no reason to suspect it is dangerous - ever. How many people here find it difficult to navigate effectively through a windscreen at night with mainland lights in the foreground. I do.
Only time you will have issues with tillers is in super steep large following seas IMO.
How many people go out in an open tiller steer boat in 3m waves? Im betting not many. So fact remains tiller steers are fine in a small chop/swell. if your in a tiller steer in waves so big you cant hold onto the tiller, then the chances are you're gunna get swamped regardless and you shouldn't be out in the first place.
The only time you have issues with tillers is if your riding down the front of very very steep waves to fast(which you shouldn't be doing anyhow). slow up and drive drive it like a tiller and i cant see any probs.
24-08-2008, 08:12 AM
Went for a run with Col in Jelly Bean the other day and all I can say is I LOVE IT !!
It's not your average tiller steer boat, it's easy to drive and in my opinion it's a safe steady boat.
Chook, Mind if i ask how it went?
what it was like at rest? was it nice and sturdy? did it get up and plain nice and easy?
Im considering one myself for when I go up far north QLD, can go a bit wider and faster in the north QLD chop
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