View Full Version : keen to organise an overnighter offshore
Captain Seaweed
30-06-2008, 07:25 PM
Hello Fellas,
I would like to do an overnighter on one of the reefs offshore north of straddy in my boat. Just wondering if anyone else is interested. I am a little nervous about doing one on my own but maybe there are others out there who would be interested and have their own boat?Not trying to organise a meet and greet just seeing if anyone is interested for a little added safety.
01-07-2008, 01:38 AM
Hi Marty,
After the first overnight fish you'll want to do it again.
Just be prepared to be buggered on Monday morning.
Captain Seaweed
01-07-2008, 06:09 AM
Thanks Mate! Looking forward to it just hope the crew dont get crook with no horizon to stare at otherwise it will be a very long night for them with plenty of burley!
01-07-2008, 06:59 PM
hey mate were keen to do an overnighter out there as well the only thing is we dont fish down that way as we leave from shorncliffe or scarbrough most of the time. so we fish the northen reefs would be good to do an overnighter but we as we dont fish down there we have no spots or anything.
Captain Seaweed
02-07-2008, 06:37 PM
I have a mate in another boat (sea-mac off ausfish) who fishes from scarbrough and I am keen to travel up there and see how we go. I have some marks for some coffee rock off moreton plus the usual tempest and wrecks but either way I am keen. I normally keep an eye on and if it looks good we are on. We could do one off Moreton and maybe one out the south passage if you like. Only weekends or can you do mid week?
03-07-2008, 05:46 AM
I'm pretty keen to get involved in this sort of hijinx too, now that the radar's going in.
Never done it before - how do you make it happen with a few boats and no bumping together?
03-07-2008, 07:28 AM
you dont all need to be right next to each other as long as you are in the general area just in case, square patch is a great area to fish overnight, just be prepared to get bricked by some big fish and usually you can get a bag of snaps pretty quickly. good luck and keep us posted if any trips are planned could be interested. cheers lethal
Captain Seaweed
04-07-2008, 12:08 PM
Sounds good fellas , I guess its a case of watching the weather and finding he next available weekend??What are your thoughts.
04-07-2008, 02:34 PM
Marty, I'd say that's smack on the money. My Missus likes the idea (she'll make coffee!)
I want to be on the coffee rock at 4 am drifting pillies. Time to catch me a Cobe...
Captain Seaweed
04-07-2008, 10:31 PM
TimiBoy sounds great. Not sure about next weekend seabreeze looks a little bad but it is a week away and as we all know the predictions that far away always change. I have my fingers crosed and hope it improves.
Captain Seaweed
04-07-2008, 10:33 PM
Correction..... just checked seabreeze again and at the moment Thursday looks a pearler hopefully the weekend is the same
04-07-2008, 11:03 PM
G'day Marty, I Would Be Interested ,if The Weather Comes Good.thanks Mac...
Captain Seaweed
05-07-2008, 11:50 AM
No worries mac knew youd be in!
07-07-2008, 07:18 PM
I have a mate in another boat (sea-mac off ausfish) who fishes from scarbrough and I am keen to travel up there and see how we go. I have some marks for some coffee rock off moreton plus the usual tempest and wrecks but either way I am keen. I normally keep an eye on and if it looks good we are on. We could do one off Moreton and maybe one out the south passage if you like. Only weekends or can you do mid week?
hey mate sorry about the late reply can only do wkends as we arent as lucky to be able to do mid week altho im sure tim would be able to go by goin form his offshore reports. top of morteon sounds great only reason why not so sure about south passage is because of the bar neva been through one(south passage is bottom of morteon and straddie isnt it?). but yeah there are a few wrecks that we were keen to hit on the nite time heard of big jew and snapper feeding round them late at nite or the usual shallow tempest. really doesnt matter where we go as long as we get the fish hey! so if u guys dont end up goin mid week and do a wkend trip we would be up for the trip!
Captain Seaweed
07-07-2008, 07:31 PM
I think its probably best to leave it to the next good weekend as it seems to suit more people. If anyone sees some weather they like maybe post it up and see who we can gather. I think maybe a Saturday Night would be a little better as we could get out in the afternoon. What you guys recon?
07-07-2008, 07:34 PM
A weekender is good for me. We should try to recruit Cheech on this little venture, I know he does overnighters a fair bit. He claims he catches fish, too, though I've never seen it happen!!!;D;D;D
07-07-2008, 07:51 PM
I am keen to go with fellow like minded ausfishererers, boat will be back in a month, I'll check it all out then
07-07-2008, 08:12 PM
I think its probably best to leave it to the next good weekend as it seems to suit more people. If anyone sees some weather they like maybe post it up and see who we can gather. I think maybe a Saturday Night would be a little better as we could get out in the afternoon. What you guys recon?
saturday would be a perfect day friday well would just have to sweet talk the boss just a little. just got to hope that that we get a nice 5knot forcast one wkend in the future. can only dream cant we.. :D
07-07-2008, 08:14 PM
A weekender is good for me. We should try to recruit Cheech on this little venture, I know he does overnighters a fair bit. He claims he catches fish, too, though I've never seen it happen!!!;D;D;D
hey if he catches the fish hes more then welcome need to see some of these big reefies have only eva seen them in photos! haha
Captain Seaweed
09-07-2008, 05:49 PM
Hey Fellas,
This Saturday would look ok for an overnighter. It is not going to be very warm but I recon it looks ok. Please look at the link below and let me know who is keen. I recon it will be a case for the woolen undies but having said that I have been out offshore at night on a charter and you could feel the heat coming off the water. In fact it was warmer offshore than at the mariner. Who is in and what you guys recon? can we get a crew organised and where is a safe place to park trailer off Redcliffe? if thats where we would leave from.
09-07-2008, 06:47 PM
yeah mate got your pm looks like a goer if it holds off fingers crossed!
09-07-2008, 08:04 PM
i maybe interested to will see what weather does regards dale8-)
Captain Seaweed
09-07-2008, 08:10 PM
Would be great to have you come along mate.
10-07-2008, 06:09 AM
I'm crying! My Brother in Law is staying here with his wife, and I have to drop them at the airport about 5 am Sunday.
Hope you guys have a great night, I am more than jealous!!!
Captain Seaweed
10-07-2008, 05:42 PM
Hey Fellas, just checked the bloody weather and wind is up a little high for an overnighter in my opinion so its back to the drawing boards for me.
10-07-2008, 07:30 PM
i agree mate there will be another time
10-07-2008, 08:47 PM
yeah not looking to pleasant for a overnighter.. just goin to head out for a day late arvo trip instead!
10-07-2008, 10:25 PM
Giday fellas
I’m going wide tomorrow night (Friday). I’ve been watching the charts on BOM since Monday and once it became apparent on Tuesday arvo that the high was not going to slip away to the south like the last one there was always going to be a hole in the weather late this week!
In my opinion it’s to hard to plan a trip off seabreeze as there forecast vary every time they update and some of the forecasts leave me wondering where they get there info, it’s bizzar!! Your best bet is to study the charts and watch the results to get a feel for what’s happening , then use bom, seabreeze and bouy weather later in the week to confirm your opinions.
If i weren’t going tomorrow but Saturday night I would still go on that forecast as (I) don’t believe that the wind will be that bad , but that’s only my opinion and if it was stronger it wouldn’t worry me that much as I have plenty of experience off shore at night , so I’m not saying you should go but do have a look at the chart(BOM) and also look at the observations Saturday night to get a feel for what happening!
Ps. Another tip is to try and arrange your trip a few days before the full moon as you may find good fish chewing but more importantly you will have so much light ( provided there’s not to much cloud cover) that you will find driving, fishing and avoiding sea sickness a breeze!;)
11-07-2008, 08:05 PM
If The Weathers Good Next Weekend. I'm Keen For An Overnight Trip. Lets See What Happens....mac.
Captain Seaweed
11-07-2008, 09:49 PM
Yeah sounds great a little unsure about an overnighter but I may be keen for a sunday day trip not the best but stilla day out????
Captain Seaweed
11-07-2008, 09:51 PM
actually just looking again how many boats are keen for a trip outside from south passage sunaday?? looks like a good day out?
11-07-2008, 10:19 PM
G'day Marty, I'm Busy Sunday.i Will Be Looking Towards Next Weekend.thanks Mac....
Captain Seaweed
12-07-2008, 02:33 PM
Still standing by then.......
12-07-2008, 04:32 PM
Tested out the radar last night with a 10 pm return to Raby Bay. Night bar crossing was... exhilarating! Scared the living crap out of me, actually.
Radar is magic. I can see you!!! Picked out a couple of plonkers around Peel with no lights, well out of the channel. Picked a couple of solid signals outside in the dark which slowed us down, but couldn't find the culprits - we think they were probably whales.
Next weekend might be a goer?
Captain Seaweed
12-07-2008, 04:44 PM
Thats exciting I was looking at fitting one to my GPS.Can you overlay yours onto a chart?
12-07-2008, 04:46 PM
mate we heading out sun morning early
12-07-2008, 05:08 PM
Thats exciting I was looking at fitting one to my GPS.Can you overlay yours onto a chart?
Yes I can. With Furuno, it requires a heading sensor, which fortunately I had already (with the autopilot), as they are quite expensive...
12-07-2008, 05:15 PM
hey tim did you get a feed fri .late finish mate.
12-07-2008, 06:59 PM
Yeah, the day was shit, actually. But persistence paid off, and we peeled off about 8kg of boned & skun snapper fillets.
Report will come in due course, but I am too rooted today to worry about it...
Captain Seaweed
15-07-2008, 06:37 PM
Where did you fish?
15-07-2008, 06:42 PM
42's. Went there agin last night, and we did ok. I think we might have been better inshore a little, as there was a lot of current.
16-07-2008, 05:51 PM
were heading out saturday arvo and goin to fish into the night. but wont be staying out there as it look slike it might pick up during the night.
wags on the water
16-07-2008, 07:44 PM
skun snapper fillets.
Mate, I can't find this word in my dictionary. Skinned - yes, but no skun.
Cheers;D ;D ;D
Sorry to hijack the thread for some closure on this subject.;D
16-07-2008, 08:11 PM
Well, I've had a chat with a Mate of mine in Adelaide (my Dad, sometime English teacher in the Army, Company Commander and a VERY senior Lawyer). He maintains it is a word, "dialectical" he called it. Australian slang, possible more in use in South Australia, has definitely been in use for a long time. He is looking it up to get exact detail when he feels like it.
Commonest usage is when "skun" at the racetrack, but OK in any situation where "the skin has been removed."
Interesting also, if one prefers to take it further, that to say a word does not exist because it is not in the dictionary is to forbid the language from evolving, which of course it has been doing for many years, and is one powerful reason for the richness of our great language.
Poo to you!!!;D;D;D
Captain Seaweed
16-07-2008, 09:06 PM
Where you heading Saturday looks good to me for a day trip.
17-07-2008, 05:57 AM
Agreed, I think it looks like a day trip. I also wonder whether the overnighter should be kept for a night with less run? She'll be going like a freight train out wide, I reckon.
For Steve
17-07-2008, 11:43 AM
Well, I've had a chat with a Mate of mine in Adelaide (my Dad, sometime English teacher in the Army, Company Commander and a VERY senior Lawyer). He maintains it is a word, "dialectical" he called it. Australian slang, possible more in use in South Australia, has definitely been in use for a long time. He is looking it up to get exact detail when he feels like it.
Commonest usage is when "skun" at the racetrack, but OK in any situation where "the skin has been removed."
Interesting also, if one prefers to take it further, that to say a word does not exist because it is not in the dictionary is to forbid the language from evolving, which of course it has been doing for many years, and is one powerful reason for the richness of our great language.
Poo to you!!!;D;D;D
This is classic - very funny. That's closure as far as I'm concerned.
17-07-2008, 01:01 PM
is this trip still happening???. Saturday is good
Captain Seaweed
17-07-2008, 04:02 PM
I am keen for a fish saturday. Night looks iffy but I am bloody keen for a fish Saturday. What you think timddo
17-07-2008, 07:04 PM
Where you heading Saturday looks good to me for a day trip.
heading out to deep tempest maybe square patch depending were they are biting.. goin to fish into the nite to see if we can get some trag jew. mite head into shallow tempest b4 we go and see if there are some big reefies crusing the reef.. hopefully the forecast is right and will only be a 5-10kn north easter.. :)
18-07-2008, 02:32 PM
Yeah overniter is iffy,,, I mite head out from the goldcoast or from Mainly depending on tonites forcast
18-07-2008, 05:05 PM
Ill be heading out from raby bay saturday, will keep an eye out for you lot..
18-07-2008, 05:24 PM
I'm heading out of Raby Bay as well. Yell if you see me! I cannot be missed!!!;D;D;D
Captain Seaweed
18-07-2008, 06:56 PM
Hello Fellas,
I will be heading out around 1pm and fishing the arvo. I will be on 73 VHF and will fish on till dusk. Good luck and look forward to report.
PS Raby Bay will be like a shopping centre in the morning so be early!!!!
18-07-2008, 07:01 PM
I'm not leaving until 3 pm or so, but I'll be coming in late. May even give you a call, we'll see!
Good luck and cheers,
Captain Seaweed
18-07-2008, 07:12 PM
What ramp you heading off from? I will leave from raby bay. I plan on hitting the livies and find some good reef.
0448 833 117
VHF 73 Reel Torque
18-07-2008, 07:57 PM
Check Seabreeze, you might get a nice suprise for your overnighter.. I will be day tripping it.. leave the ramp around 4:45.
18-07-2008, 08:50 PM
I am going to be out there early Saturday afternoon to pickup some livies. Hitting the reefs for a while and watching the waves. Probably sleep near Square patch if its good.
I will make a run over the bar, for the bottom of Moreton for the night if it gets a little rough. Then try and return out on Sunday morning
Vhf 73 "Biteme"
18-07-2008, 08:59 PM
Agreed, I think it looks like a day trip. I also wonder whether the overnighter should be kept for a night with less run? She'll be going like a freight train out wide, I reckon.
Use the wave rider off point lookout to get a handle on current any spikes in temp mean the current is in and running hard!;) And just because the current is rippin inshore i doesn't follow that it's running harder wide , specially during winter! Last week we were fishing real wide in 150m + and there was just a trickle of southerly current running in fact this was perfect as it kept the 5-10 knot southerly from moving us off our mark.:D After bagging on good snapps we headed to the inner ledge of tempest to fill up on a few pearlies and we incountered 2.5 km's of southerly run!:-[ occasionally around may /june you also get a northerly run inclose and little to none out wide. It is very hard to pick, but the wave rider will give you some idea!
19-07-2008, 06:49 AM
I would be keen to go out in my boat, please keep me updated if you do !!!
19-07-2008, 08:09 AM
I always leave from The Redlands Boat Club at Raby Bay. That will change once my new Cruiser arrives!;D;D;D
22-07-2008, 08:34 PM
so how did u boys go on sat wasnt it the perfect nite for doin an overnighter.. we didnt as we had been out since 8 but was still out there till 8 at night and was the best i have ever seen it out there but the amount of boat traffic had to take time and watch every were as to not run into someone.. or vice virsa
23-07-2008, 05:59 AM
Unfortunately, as a result of my experiences on Saturday night, it will be a cold day in hell before I venture out into Brisbane waters on the weekend at night again. Too many a$$holes. I can fish during the week, so I don't need the aggro.
Mind you, I bet I'll be tempted...
I was told yesterday that my new diesel Cruiser won't be here until maybe November, so I will have to wait for a bit before I can go North/South of the cesspit. Once I can, overnighters further afield will be my bag!
24-07-2008, 07:40 PM
november thats a wait for a car isnt it, looking at the barwon banks report we are considering of venturing up north to see wat its like up there!
24-07-2008, 07:50 PM
They now say it might be October, but I bet that won't happen...
For Steve
24-07-2008, 08:28 PM
Unfortunately, as a result of my experiences on Saturday night, it will be a cold day in hell before I venture out into Brisbane waters on the weekend at night again. Too many a$$holes. I can fish during the week, so I don't need the aggro.
Mind you, I bet I'll be tempted...
I was told yesterday that my new diesel Cruiser won't be here until maybe November, so I will have to wait for a bit before I can go North/South of the cesspit. Once I can, overnighters further afield will be my bag!
G'day Tim
Mate, I hear what you're saying. I read what happened last weekend and it's nothing short of disgraceful. There's cases of people doing the wrong thing by inexperience and then there's just downright disrespect.
In search of different grounds, I can't help but think it could be a case of "the grass is greener". However, there's no harm in exploring some new territory.
I reckon you give it another chance. We can't let a few bad eggs ruin our enjoyment – that’s probably what they want.
25-07-2008, 06:23 AM
Yes, I now have it figured out - seems I have to get to my spot early, and drop the pick (now kitted for that). Then he/they will have no opportunity at all, whereas we would all have had that opportunity had they played the game originally.
They reap what they sow...
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