View Full Version : power bait sunday

30-06-2008, 09:10 AM
i set out sunday to catch a tailor so at 5.30 in the morn i hit the rock wall at maroochy.
i fished there for about 2 hours but no tailor could be found so i droped down a 5inch camo jurkshad and nailed two small flatones, time move on.
i had a feeling i might find some chops around the mouth so i drove there but stoped a twin water for a quick 2 sec cast, i had the power minnow on the loomis and on the cast 3 i got a good hit from a baby big eye but i droped him trying to pick it out of the cannal so a few more cast later i had to move again, time to hit north shore.
i got to my first spot but had no luck there so i thort of trying to get a bream on power bait off the rocks at the pincushon. it worked and i nailed heaps of runts full of row and sporn with a few ok ones to keep me there for a few hours, i got some other fish that i have no idear what it is.
the tide started to get to high so i made it back to my first spot and i ripped the power minnow over a bait school and bang zzzzzz yesss a nice tailor shreds my placky.
i got two more there then they shut down so i chucked it in and went home for a few cold ones verry happy

30-06-2008, 01:43 PM
i forgot to right, all fish caught on 3lb string

Mullet Musketeer
30-06-2008, 02:50 PM
Good effort - cast and move always pays off - no idea what that weird looking thing is!

30-06-2008, 07:06 PM
Nice stuff Nugg, glad you got out there sunday and got some fish

30-06-2008, 07:25 PM
Well done tailor on 3 pond string what size jig. I took the risk last weekend fishing with 4lbs for squire seemed to get the bite

30-06-2008, 08:27 PM
that fish is called a wirrah or old boot. catch alot of them down nsw way off the rocks while chasing drummer and bream.

cheers matt

30-06-2008, 08:41 PM
Not a bad session. Nice bream too.

Cheers Tom

01-07-2008, 06:32 AM
Well done tailor on 3 pond string what size jig. I took the risk last weekend fishing with 4lbs for squire seemed to get the bite
i was useing a nitro owner bream pro 1\24 on a size 2 hook