29-06-2008, 08:02 PM
Brent and I decided to head off from Manly at 10:30 am for a trip around our beautiful bay. First stop was Harry's and everyone must have had the same idea as us because it packed like the Queen Street Mall two days before Christmas. I had a few drifts but I felt uncomfortable about getting too close to other boats. We decided the weather was good for a trip over to the 4 beacons and we saw alot of bait and good structure but the fish were not on the chew. Brent and I then decided to head over to Cowan which resulted with the same result. The swell and the wind started to worsen so we headed to mud. At this stage, we had already done 70 kms with no fish. Brent and I needed to get our prefish done for the comp in the next few weeks. So we sounded around until we found some bait and I saw a little bit of water action. I said to Brent look over there and Brent cast over there and then I quickly followed Brent with a long cast. I let my 3/8 jig sink and once it was close to the bottom I got a almighty thump and then a massive run and no head shakes but just a waving/pulling motion which felt like a large turtle. Brent before I could say anything had the engined started and we were in hot pursuit. I said to Brent don't be too concerned as it feels like a turtle. Once we motored towards the fish ran, I regained most of my line back with small runs through top to bottom and it eventually tired out and to my surprised it was a 73 cm (4kg) snapper. We had a few more drifts in this same area which resulted in another 40 cm snapper and it was getting late and we decided to head home via Green. Once at Green, Brent and I had an exciting session with squire and tailor just on the chew just on dusk. We decided to call it quits and headed for home. I would like to thank Brent for coming along it was a great day we covered over 100kms and we had ok results. Unit next time
Cya Steve
Cya Steve