View Full Version : tank for campertrailer

28-06-2008, 01:26 PM
hi everyone ive just purchased a rivergum camper its more of a on road camper im only taking it on the beach and parks at this point ! it doesnt have a water tank i have 130 mm between floor and axle is there anywhere i can get a tank that thick ? the ideal size would be 130x380x900 any help welcomed thanks

28-06-2008, 10:10 PM
Anything here useful? http://www.tjmgeebung.com.au/polyrv.htm

29-06-2008, 07:43 AM
hi everyone ive just purchased a rivergum camper its more of a on road camper im only taking it on the beach and parks at this point ! it doesnt have a water tank i have 130 mm between floor and axle is there anywhere i can get a tank that thick ? the ideal size would be 130x380x900 any help welcomed thanks

G'day Fisplukka.
Just wondering why you are wanting to mount the water tank directly above the axle?

You have allowed suitable clearance for the maximum movement of the axle towards the body?

Almost every tank i have ever seen fitted is either behind or forward of the axle and often cases on both sides.

Give the guys at Kratzmanns a call for the name of a good supplier of quality tanks, they will know who is offering the better deals.


29-06-2008, 01:04 PM
i got mine from camel! i have 2 , one in front and one behind the axle, there bloody strong! click this link this is what sold it for me!

29-06-2008, 06:14 PM
thanks for responce people ill have a look at those sites ! tunaticer i wasnt going to put it under axle i just didnt want it to be to much lower than axle and spare wheel thanks !

09-07-2008, 04:54 PM
I didn't fancy the tank under the trailer for obvious reasons whilst offroad. Without too much thought and having the extra space I mounted my tank on the roofrack of my Landcruiser (permanent) - 60l
Provides sufficient gravity feed for shower/hose. I have a length of hose permanently attached with tap at the end. Photo available if interested. PM me.