View Full Version : Private Message storage limits

22-06-2008, 06:38 PM
Below is the number of Private messages the various Member levels are permitted.

New Member - 5
Bronze Member - 30
Silver Member - 40
Gold Member - 60
Platinum Member - 80
Addict - 250
Premium Member - 500

As of 29/08/2012

set at

New Member - 5
Bronze Member - 50
Silver Member - 75
Gold Member - 100
Platinum Member - 150
Addict - 250
Premium Member - 500

21-03-2009, 10:53 AM
How do I reply to PM's as when I press reply and then type a message and then submit it comes back member not available or something like that?

Thanks Nancy

22-03-2009, 10:42 AM
If you reply to a message the Membername should be fine. The message might be that you don't have enough space in your messages folder to reply. If you type in a membername check that the spelling and case are correct.

22-03-2009, 09:20 PM
I always thought that the number of PM's you can have was the same for everyone except platinum.

I guess I was wrong :)

26-03-2009, 03:24 PM
Its great being a premium member now and not having to constantly delete messages I might like to keep.

08-05-2009, 02:01 PM
Its great being a premium member now and not having to constantly delete messages I might like to keep.

Yep..it's really annoying.

08-05-2009, 03:22 PM
Its great being a premium member now and not having to constantly delete messages I might like to keep.
It's only a delay matey. Only a delay. :-/
I have 366 i want to keep.
I might have to write some numbers down I reckon.

Hey Steve...is it possible to be able to make some folders to sort the messages out?
Ah, forget that Steve. I just found you can make folders. Wacky do...something to do. ;D

Snap Dog
02-09-2009, 07:57 PM
Hi I was just wondering how you send someone a pm thanks.

03-09-2009, 09:43 AM
Just copy them and paste them into a word or spread sheet, sort them into sections, that way you can keep what you want. Record the day and time as well with the message.

Then delete them from the in/out box.


03-09-2009, 04:13 PM
Hi I was just wondering how you send someone a pm thanks.

Several ways -
1 - Click on Members CP - Private Messages - Compose

Then enter the members membername, etc, etc..

2 - Click on the memebrs Membername next to a post they have made and select Send a Private message to X, follow the prompts.

30-06-2011, 04:51 PM
Hi why do i repeatadly get a message that says ,a friend of yours is trying to send a private message ,but your inbox is full,but my inbox is empty .what do i do please

30-06-2011, 05:46 PM
It's only a delay matey. Only a delay. :-/
I have 366 i want to keep.
I might have to write some numbers down I reckon.

Hey Steve...is it possible to be able to make some folders to sort the messages out?
Ah, forget that Steve. I just found you can make folders. Wacky do...something to do. ;D

IF you get to many, you can download them to your puter finga. There is a drop down box at the bottom right of your pm.s that says "selected messages", click that and there is option to download.

01-07-2011, 08:37 AM
Hi why do i repeatadly get a message that says ,a friend of yours is trying to send a private message ,but your inbox is full,but my inbox is empty .what do i do please

Read the message, not just the tittle, it does not say "your inbox is full".

It probably says "However, your private messages box on Ausfish Australian Angling Forums has reached the specified quota.
In order to receive further private messages, you must delete some messages."

If you delete some messages from your private messages box you should be right.

29-08-2012, 08:15 AM
Now set at

New Member - 5
Bronze Member - 50
Silver Member - 75
Gold Member - 100
Platinum Member - 150
Addict - 250
Premium Member - 500

08-11-2012, 08:30 PM
hi Guys ,

for some reason my inbox will not empty , i have followed the prompts and its still says i have 5 emails in my inbox , what can i do ?

cheers Rob

09-11-2012, 06:36 AM

Is it saying you have 5 messages, or 5 messages in your inbox?

It could be that you have messages in your sent box that you have not deleted. The total refers to all messages, not just those in your inbox

30-09-2017, 11:01 AM
At the risk of getting banned, I'd like to express the opinion that I think the PM message limits are unreasonably draconian.

I can get lots of free accounts (gmail etc) where I can store thousands of messages. I can create free web servers with gigabytes of free storage.

I paid for this account and yet I get a limit of 5 PMs. I really think that sucks and probably negatively impacts building a community.

Yes, I understand that a sensible limit needs to be set to manage overheads - but I think it should be hundreds or thousands and not 5 or 50.

What do I know? A lifetime in IT and Engineering including running and administering web services.

Just my opinion, and opinions are like r'soles ... everyone has one.


30-09-2017, 02:15 PM
Look into how you progress through membership levels. I think it partly relates to post numbers... ie. participation and partly length of membership but I could be wrong

30-09-2017, 02:57 PM
Thanks. I understand the progression based on posts but it still sucks. Maybe if I keep whinging then I'll get to 50 and have less to whinge about?🤔

... Ron via mobile

30-09-2017, 04:40 PM

Thanks for your feedback.
I idea of the forums is to share information on the forums publicly so everyone can benefit from posts and replies on a subject.
This way everyone gets to benefit from the information posted. If done via private message no one else benefits.

The limit is also to help prevent spam to members via private message of new members that sign up purely for commercial gain.

The free accounts you mention are usually run by companies that are making millions, if not billions a year. The forums are mainly funded out of my own pocket for the last 20 plus years.

I have increased the limit on New members to 25. If your message limit is being reached you can simply delete some messages in your sent or inbox folders.

At the risk of getting banned, I'd like to express the opinion that I think the PM message limits are unreasonably draconian.

I can get lots of free accounts (gmail etc) where I can store thousands of messages. I can create free web servers with gigabytes of free storage.

I paid for this account and yet I get a limit of 5 PMs. I really think that sucks and probably negatively impacts building a community.

Yes, I understand that a sensible limit needs to be set to manage overheads - but I think it should be hundreds or thousands and not 5 or 50.

What do I know? A lifetime in IT and Engineering including running and administering web services.

Just my opinion, and opinions are like r'soles ... everyone has one.


30-09-2017, 04:43 PM
Thank you for doing that. At least it becomes workable for new members.

... Ron via mobile