View Full Version : Where to fish at Airlie Beach?
10-06-2008, 09:20 PM
My legend boss is shouting a weekend (this weekend) at a plush resort at Airlie Beach. 8-)
He's talking about hiring a 5 and a half meter bowrider for a day and doing some fishing.:D
Can anyone give me an idea of where to head. I'll take my GPS so if anyone has some marks to share?? please do.:-/ because i wouldn't have clue where to go. PM me if you like;) Even a general area to head and what we can expect.
Thanks heaps
11-06-2008, 05:27 AM
Go north to Roseric Shoals, then west to Grimston Point or, try north again to Double Cone Island....DO NOT fish Armit Island, it is green zone.
Check it out on Google Earth.
11-06-2008, 10:37 AM
Thanks Bobby. I dont know the area at all and couldn't find references to any of those places (other than armit island) on google.
Would you be a legend and mark the spots on the attached clip from google.
Thanks mate.
11-06-2008, 10:52 AM
5.5 Mtr Bow rider? Don't go to Roseric shoal. Go and fish the outer islands. Check your charts for green zones. Fish the drop offs. I fished there for 15 years.
Also it is now the time for spanish mackeral and spotties. There is an old boat on anchor around 2 nm nth west of Abel point marina. You can't miss it as it is the only boat anchored out wide. Float your pillies out there around it or troll . It is a good spotty spot. Go early or late afternoon.
Go out to Nara inlet for your spanish macks. Fish the entrance on the left side heading in for some fusilier then anchor up just inside the inslet on the out going tide and float your fusilier at a depth of around 5 mtrs on a balloon just off the edge of the reef.
While waiting for your spaniards (I also caught a 53 KG black marlin in that spot) throw a bottom rig down on the drop off. Again ealry morning and late afternoon are best.
If you do go to roserick you are best to fish it overnight and drift over it. Personally I think you are wasting your time.
11-06-2008, 11:16 AM
" If you do go to roserick you are best to fish it overnight and drift over it. Personally I think you are wasting your time."
Last time I was there, we got some good trout to 9 lbs and a few grassys to 4 lbs. It is a bit exposed, though.
Tried a few places around the west side of Hook and only managed 1 batfish, a few small trout and about 100 fusiliers. Tried the east side of Whitsunday Island for a lot of windy weather!!
Roseric is half way between Double Cone and Airlie. Grimston Point is the top of the skinny piece of land where it says "Woodwark Bay"
11-06-2008, 12:15 PM
I am doing a week long trip up that way in July with the out laws.
Talking to Tol at Mossops and he said..sure watch the Green Zones but fish the area the same way you fish the Bay. Drop offs, Reef edge etc etc
11-06-2008, 01:09 PM
what sort of fish you after and how do you fish? bottom bashing or plastics?
macs are on and still getting coral trout at moment. i would head to the cones and troll for macs. also hit north mole, hook passage(queenys being caught their) and out around the bombmies out from the passage. winds are going ta be a bit rough this weekend but nothing a 5.5m wont handle..
11-06-2008, 01:11 PM
oh you will need 80 pound leaders...
11-06-2008, 04:02 PM
Trolling for macks isn't the best way to catch them. Never has been. Catch your fusilier (abundant on dropoffs) and float them out. Nothing beats them for bait.
With these trades , you should avoid the cones unless you want to be thumped head on all the way home. Trust me, go to nara inlet on hook island. You will be sheltered from the sth easters and will have them behind you coming home.
Also there are still plenty of good trout spots around the islands. These guys above just don't know them. The last time I went bottom bouncing I got 9 trout and a sweetlip on a drop off along side Hook island in the middle of the day. The cones gets flogged.
Gogetter is right about Hook Island though. Half way along the eastern side there are a series of bombies. They fish well for trouties. Not in sth easters though.
12-06-2008, 07:49 AM
Thanks everyone. Thats a good number of options to get us started. Lets hope saturdays weather is better than whats predicted:-/:P
Would love to get amongst some spotties.
12-06-2008, 09:04 AM
::) ::) ::) If your looking for white pointers, there is a lagoon at airlie beach. They seem to be swiming close to the shore.
12-06-2008, 09:15 AM
::) ::) ::) If your looking for white pointers, there is a lagoon at airlie beach. They seem to be swiming close to the shore.
There is a closed season on them now, apparently they discovered that it is a mating ground for them::)::);D
12-06-2008, 09:58 AM
Mmm white pointers:-* what bait do you recommend;D i've had trouble hooking one since i've been married;);)
Only problem, i'll have white pointer repellent on board............. the wife::):P
12-06-2008, 10:01 AM
Trolling for macks isn't the best way to catch them. Never has been. Catch your fusilier (abundant on dropoffs) and float them out. Nothing beats them for bait.
With these trades , you should avoid the cones unless you want to be thumped head on all the way home. Trust me, go to nara inlet on hook island. You will be sheltered from the sth easters and will have them behind you coming home.
Also there are still plenty of good trout spots around the islands. These guys above just don't know them. The last time I went bottom bouncing I got 9 trout and a sweetlip on a drop off along side Hook island in the middle of the day. The cones gets flogged.
Gogetter is right about Hook Island though. Half way along the eastern side there are a series of bombies. They fish well for trouties. Not in sth easters though.
come on..... your coment "these guys above just don't know them" great to see your laoction that you gave away... the side of hook..... good on ya. mate i catch trout every time i go out. i have been around these islands many times. anywhere around them you can catch trout whether you use lures, plastics or bash the bottom with some pillys.
you always fish on the side of the bombies that the current is running into.
macs, early morning trolling with spoonys are great.... i have caught great macs this way and i find trolling, lure and plastics fishing a lot more exciting.
the cones. when the macs are around the cones runs hot....
the winds. they are going to be a prob this wekend but its all about making your own choice were to go with what winds.. and i have seen plenty of south easters that don't arrive.
"9 trout and sweet lip" average... when the lipper on on you will bag out..::)
12-06-2008, 03:35 PM
I don't mind sharing one of my spots. Afterall I am now in Cairns. There are many great spots to fish in the Whitsundays. A sure fire way to get trout is to troll a lure to the side of any bombie.I found they love the gold reidies rattlers with the tiger stripes.
CT's are ambush feeders and trolling around the edges of any of the islands will produce good fish.
Anyway my point was that sending people to Double Cones is a little mean. It isn't that productive by comparison to the outer islands. It also gets weathered badly. If you a really sending this guy to the cones to catch fish then you haven't fished all around the other islands like you claim.
Also claiming to bag out on lipper in the middle of the day is a little dishonest. When did you ever bag out on lipper in the middle of the day. Even on the reef they come on after dark.
Friday is looking OK but Saturday/Sunday it's blowing its arse out again. Cones is loaded with Grey Macks (good fish too. plenty of 8 or 9 kg) and a few early Spanish. Will be rough.
Around Airlie itself there are a lot of big Blue Salmon, up to 8kgs and some doggies and spotties at the "wreck".
The lee of Hook and dolphin point on Hayman will offer some protection but still going to be a rough ride over the passage :-[
Worse comes to worst go get a feed of seafood at Fish D'Vine & The Rum Bar on the Esplanade and say hi. Treat the missus and the "views" can be spectacular.....and's hardly your fault if they are just walking past;)
Good luck. Better you than me this weekend
12-06-2008, 09:29 PM
Thanks KC. The weathers not looking to crash hot. Typical::):P
The boss and i are keen no matter what and the 5.5 would handle almost anything by the looks of it but not real sure about the women. :-/
Will play it by ear and see what the wind does.
You say Blue salmon are on around airlie itself. where abouts cause sticking close to shore might be the go with the SE. Where is the 'wreck' ?
Might see you at the rum bar.;)
13-06-2008, 09:35 AM
I don't mind sharing one of my spots. Afterall I am now in Cairns. There are many great spots to fish in the Whitsundays. A sure fire way to get trout is to troll a lure to the side of any bombie.I found they love the gold reidies rattlers with the tiger stripes.
CT's are ambush feeders and trolling around the edges of any of the islands will produce good fish.
Anyway my point was that sending people to Double Cones is a little mean. It isn't that productive by comparison to the outer islands. It also gets weathered badly. If you a really sending this guy to the cones to catch fish then you haven't fished all around the other islands like you claim.
Also claiming to bag out on lipper in the middle of the day is a little dishonest. When did you ever bag out on lipper in the middle of the day. Even on the reef they come on after dark.
one of the best places to catch a good size mac is around the cones around daylight and on dark and that is what he is after!!!!!
. snatch my freind you are dillusional!!! when did i say i was sending him anywhere!!! i merely made coments on some spots that he can catch macs and trout. the cones is closer than the outer islands and if the weather is ok its a great run for some great macs.
snatch, when did i state that i bagged out in the middle of the day. please read and understand before you care you make a comment. and for your info i have caught plenty of lipper throughout the day and if i can catch them anyone can...
and if you have fished so many spots around the whitsundays and now are living in cairns why cant you give this guy a better spot than the obvious. also with the winds this weekend if you know the area as good as you make out why not send him to a better spot as if the winds stay more southerly it will be ripping along that edge of hook.... oh and if you are talking about nara inlet mate, they are perdicting 20 to 25 knots s/se winds and i think you will find little shelter in nara. also as you should know snatch that in those winds the whitsunday passage can get fiarly rough and it is a long way to come back from hook to able... now thats what i call mean sending him that way in those winds... off north mole gets pretty nasty. at least from the cones its not far across to stated "trust me".... well i dout it, i was told many years ago never to trust a person who says trust me...
cheers8-) ::) :P ;D
16-06-2008, 08:00 AM
Boat hire company wouldn't hire due to high winds and insurance blah blah:P
Had a ball anyway.
Thanks for the heads up on the rum bar KC, sampled many of the 103 different types of rum. Too many i think::);D
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