View Full Version : which blank??

09-06-2008, 07:00 AM
hi all,
i am currently saving up for a christmas present;D;D,
i have settled on a reel - a certate hyper custom 2500

now what blank to put it on, i was thinking a samauri 4-6kg

i will be using it for fishing plastics in water no deeper than 30 meters, using jig heads up to 1/2 oz maximum, will use 20lb braid and 16lb leader or thereabouts, i usually use around 3-4 kg of drag

after reading the loomis post and the various rod blanks around, it has got me thinking. am i on the right track?

a bit hard to try before you buy.
i could go and buy an egrell or simmilar but wouldn't have the satisfaction of using a rod i have rolled up
would appreciate peoples thoughts and suggestions

09-06-2008, 07:15 AM
The NV-7 is a fantastic blank & will suit the weights you mention..
You won't be making a mistake.

09-06-2008, 09:42 AM
I have heard nothing but great reports on the Samauri. Think you're on a winner there.


Mark Fisher
09-06-2008, 01:48 PM
Personal opinion, contact Peter Williams at GCCR Tackle in Surfers and speak to him about what you want. I'm sure one of the Hastings or GUSA blanks would be perfect. You wont regret it! A few to ask about would be:

703DHX 7' 4-6kg 1/4-3/4 Tip2.0mm Butt 14mm
70MHXF 7' 4-6kg Tip 1.8 Butt 14.4mm
P-UR70H 7' 6kg 1/4 - 1 Tip2.2 Butt 12.8mm


09-06-2008, 03:30 PM
thanks for the opinions
i will check out the hastings blanks, have had a quick look on a few forums and they seem to get rave reviews
would i be right in saying they might have a bit more pulling power than the samaurai?
anything will ba a step up form the current outfit, 6'6'' pacific composite 2-4kg and an old daiwa regal z, very interesting when the fish get over the 4kg mark

10-06-2008, 12:52 AM
the 3 that Mark suggested are great, the DHX is a fav of mine, i use a lot of the lighter blanks in the DHX series... but being a Graphite USA its a bit $$$, the PUR70H is a VERY nice blank and well worth the Dollars..

Mark Fisher
10-06-2008, 01:31 PM
Dazza, The GUSA blanks are a little pricey but the Hastings and Pioneer models are well priced. The actions of the blanks differ. The GUSA line, in general, are a more moderate action while the Hastings and Pioneer are a lot more tippy. My personal favorites are the GUSA's. They are incredibly light but super strong. Well worth every cent IMHO. I've used and built all the Samurai models and like them but I much prefer the GUSA/Hastings line of blanks.


10-06-2008, 03:29 PM
I can't disagree on the GUSA stuff. I own a 704DHX and Sandra has a 703DHX.
That said, my NV7 samurai has landed barra from 860-900mm and accounted for a 9-10kg Spanish mackerel on the weekend.
Not massive for a Spaniard, but a hand full on light gear.
It's one of those blanks where you always feel in control if that makes sense.


12-06-2008, 07:07 PM
apples and oranges...GUSA and Samurai are not in the same league, the old adage you get what you pay for rings very true in this comparison...needless to say all my own rods are now based on Hastings blanks, mainly from the GUSA lineup

12-06-2008, 10:20 PM
thanks heaps for the info guy's much appreciated, probably at this stage leaning toward a GUSA 703DHX, haven't read a bad report about them,
time to start saving

Mark Fisher
14-06-2008, 03:08 PM

I just finished a 705DHX for snapper fishing in SA for the big reds. Honestly, the blanks are so light your first thought is that they must be fragile. Don't be misled. These are one super strong unit and worth every cent IMHO. You wont be disappointed.


14-06-2008, 03:32 PM
mate the nv7 is an awsome blank iv landed jew up to 15kg snapper upto 8kg longtail tuna to 14kg an awsome rod

15-06-2008, 11:49 AM
hi all,
thanks heaps for the info.
i think i am going to go with the 703DHX
the only thing that concerns me about the NV7 is it is only 6 foot, was really chasing something 7 foot
i find 6 foot a bit short whan fising with plastics

15-06-2008, 01:11 PM
I am presently having a rod built useing a GUSA blank its a B70m 8-17lb 7 ft it was only $70 imported i dont know how much to import as it was 1 of 4 imported together i think this will be a top rod it is going to get titanium nanolite guides and fuji grip and reel seat ,i will be useing a 2500 certate in the bay and a 3000 tierra close of the cape and such ...matt

15-06-2008, 01:37 PM
hi mark,
just checked out the 705, looks awesome,
you guy's that do the weaves etc must be very patient, the workmanship is fantastic
the one i roll up won't be that flash