View Full Version : Lenthalls Inflows???

30-05-2008, 10:51 PM
I just saw on the late night news that there has been 100mm of rain today in Hervey Bay and a fair bit of flooding again and just wondering if Lenthalls is copping all this water because I know it's at 98% and if it it starts to go over again the rest of the decent size Barra and any Bass with ideas of spawning might go over. In which case I don't think I'll be making the trip to the Bass Electric there event in a few weeks

Thanks for any info, Josh

30-05-2008, 11:30 PM
Aparently not, last nights news said it was up to 94% and hardly any of this rain was falling in the catchment areas
And with the barra and bass if it over flows again i am quite sure more fish will be gone.
From what i seen i don't think there is many decent barra left in lenthalls anyways I went out there when the fish where dieing and it was discusting so many barra from under 30cm to 104cm we seen and hundreds of them and that was just the floating fish.
The barra they have recently put in lenthalls will not be big enough to want to get to salt yet.
Aparently the dam was just starting to clean up and catch the odd bass if this rain hits the dam it will stir the water up again and it will go back to what it was 2 months ago.
If I was you i would stick with gregory alot nicer no restrictions,big bass and no pin heads thinking there the boss.

cheers BK ;)

31-05-2008, 07:47 AM
[quote=BARRAkid;832127]Aparently not, last nights news said it was up to 94% and hardly any of this rain was falling in the catchment areas
And with the barra and bass if it over flows again i am quite sure more fish will be gone.
From what i seen i don't think there is many decent barra left in lenthalls anyways I went out there when the fish where dieing and it was discusting so many barra from under 30cm to 104cm we seen and hundreds of them and that was just the floating fish.
The barra they have recently put in lenthalls will not be big enough to want to get to salt yet.
Aparently the dam was just starting to clean up and catch the odd bass if this rain hits the dam it will stir the water up again and it will go back to what it was 2 months ago.
If I was you i would stick with gregory alot nicer no restrictions,big bass and no pin heads thinking there the boss.
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :whip: :whip: :whip:

31-05-2008, 02:22 PM
Haha I think I know what you're talking about............

We went down to the last ELECTRIC event that was on (a comp where if you start your engine you are disqualified) and they were still inspecting every boat as if there were a facist regime in power.

I say suck sh!t....... I heard Lenthalls was a very beautiful lake with lots of bass and good barra but the over the top restrictions that went on there for a while turned a lot of people off going there. Now they have raised the dam wall and it has filled and gone over...... there isn't as good a fishery, the place was all drowned and dying trees and shrubs decaying in the shallows. It wasn't very impressive at all for my first time and I wouldn't go out of my way back there for a fish. So Lenthalls Nazis....... You had it and kept it to yourself and now it's gone and by the time it gets back to it's previous glory there will be a long wait before anybody cares about it enough that you can flex your superpowers handed down from God (the local water board)

31-05-2008, 02:56 PM
It has gone down hill and i am sure they are happy for that to happin :-/
Since the trees got cut down and the restrictions it is not worth going there you can't even take a family dog there anymore.
My mates dad takes his little fluffy dog fishing with him everywhere he goes and he went to lenthalls the other week and said he wasn't aloud in because of the dog >:(
There has not been any progress out there last time it was because of the rain that nothing happined and its been 3 months with no rain still no progress i bet they will say its to wet out there to do anything after this rain aswell.
And for the boss's out there they arn't aloud to check in your boat they are only aloud to check the motor and look for a dog now i presume. They are not the dpi or police :P
If you have a problem you should report it to wide bay water with all the other complaints.

cheers BK

31-05-2008, 02:59 PM
its good but they come to the salt where i can catch em

31-05-2008, 03:03 PM
haha yer it's like stocking the river with barra ;D
Thanks to lenthalls there is a few well stocked fishing spots lol

cheers BK