View Full Version : black duck

shorty 01
24-05-2008, 08:30 PM
hey guys

just wanted to know what the go is for black duck. are thay shuting it down or are they going to fix it up and keep it open.

24-05-2008, 08:53 PM
this was posted 2 weeks ago on www.dirtbikeworld.net (http://www.dirtbikeworld.net)
"I was there yesterday an they are deffinately not closing down. The long distance 4wdtrack is closed and all the trails are open again in a week or two, they are putting some rails up on some of the iffy cliff edges. All the tracks are still open. We had a BALL CUS NO ONE WAS THERE. i have personally a number of times seen people being told to move on at the freestyle ramps if they looked like they were way over there head. The response when someone has a dingle has always been pretty quick. just yesterday a guy stacked it over the 80 on mx2 an in 1 min the track was blocked till he was clear. (needless to say he was on a xr250,trying the 80 so go figure)

I always enjoy blackduck. Close the parks down an theyl have to fence of every bit of bush in australia."

Full thread is here if anyone cares, not really related, more about the coroners report and the 2 wheeled side.

25-05-2008, 11:17 AM
公司拥有雄厚的技术实力和研发队伍喷漆设备 (http://www.zontai.com),长期致力于开发符合市场需求的高端产品,在涂装设备生产方面达到国内外较 先进水平。涂装设备 (http://www.zontai.com)公司拥有一支出色的技术专家队伍,喷烤漆房 (http://www.zontai.com/still.asp)竭诚为客户提供全方位的技术支持服务喷烤漆房 (http://www.zontai.com/still.asp) 近年来,公司产品在市场中取得了较好的业绩,取决于市场对中泰涂装设备的信赖。我们建立了完善的销售团队, 致力于把公司的产品推向全国涂装喷漆行业,涂装设备 (http://www.zontai.com)更好的服务于社会。

Yip,OK got that
WHAT THE!!!!!!!

shorty 01
25-05-2008, 01:43 PM
ok whats with the jap writing.

26-05-2008, 07:28 PM
I think it was kevin Rudd, practising his Mandarin.