View Full Version : Pumping Yabbies at Colmslie Ramp??

21-05-2008, 06:41 PM
Hi all, Just wondering if anybody could tell me if I can pump yabbies at the colmslie ramp in Brisbane? If not, is there a place nearby rather than having to go out to Cleveland etc?

21-05-2008, 06:55 PM
Never pumped any at colmslie, but you can get them on the other side of the river down near luggage point. You might have to wait until the lower low tides though. Was there on the labour day holiday and got maybe 30 odd for 30 minutes work, not great numbers, and quite a few little ones, but there was the odd big white nipper among them. Bit of a hike to get to though.


21-05-2008, 07:15 PM
Hi slyman...thanks for the quick reply. I am not sure where that is, is it East or West of the colmslie and near what street? Also have you ever gotten them at Wynnum or Manly?

21-05-2008, 10:22 PM
mate dunno about the river but I used to get them out from lota creek. walk out at low tide and you should get them opposite the first channel marker.

22-05-2008, 05:24 AM
The flats off of Lota is usually quite good for yabbies.

Wello Point on the sand bar going out to King Is carries them also, but it is alot harder pumping as the sand seems very gritty and hard packed there.


22-05-2008, 12:55 PM
Its on the other side of the river milo, and right out at the mouth opposite the port, a bit of a drive from colmslie, have a look on google earth or your UBD. But like watta and mike have said, Lota is a pretty good spot too.


22-05-2008, 08:45 PM
Mate you will pump up plenty of beer bottles Last night i caught a 2 and a half foot bully of that jetty thing it cut my fingers to pieces it was a 20 min fight F*$@%!g hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggest fish i have ever caught
mate try lota it produces good size yabbies and take a light rod with you also and have a flick with some live yabbies

Bully basher