View Full Version : Scallops, any ideas?
Rosie M
11-05-2008, 09:15 PM
Hello everyone:) ,
Out and about on Mothers Day and bought some scallops from the local Fisho, any ideas on preparing these things, never done it before.
Thanks, Rosie.:)
11-05-2008, 09:21 PM
sashimi them hehehe...
apparently u sear them with a bit of garlic n butter...
11-05-2008, 09:29 PM
Cooked some up for lunch today. They cook very quickly, don't over cook them. I made the recipe up as I went;
- some extra virgin Olive oil in a pan, heat till hot.
- put in the scallops
- squeezed half a lemon over them as they cooked
- keep the scallops moving in the pan
- grind some salt and pepper over them
- added some hot peri peri sauce, would have used fresh chilli if I had it.
- stir the sauce and then serve
The whole cooking process is probably 3 minute max, do not overcook them.
11-05-2008, 10:06 PM
sounds nice;D
Bubba Gump
12-05-2008, 05:53 AM
Wrap each scallop in bacon and secure with a toothpick. A little salt and pepper and then fry in a little butter/olive oil for couple of minutes either side, yummmm!
12-05-2008, 06:47 AM
a fine beer batter also ,,,,,,,, with a touch of curry powder and garlic,,
the sefood shop next to the sundowner pub on bribie road had hervey bay scallops for 4.99/kg last week,,, in the shell,,,
for the price,,, i had to get some,,, thought they would be priced according to quality,, but they weren't,,,, 5 kg later and i'm still here
12-05-2008, 09:37 AM
Do the occasionally for The Boss (good for some brownie points).
Normally do them in cast iron pan, get it smoking hot. Marinate the scallops in a mix of olive oil, garlic, and very finely chopped shallots. Sear them in the pan for 1min or so each side, basically i start putting them in one at a time, and by the time i've got them all in, start turning. Add a knob of butter and spash of wine, then serve them up.
Serve them with a little dollop of basil pesto or sundried tomato pesto or olive tapanade (nice little starter, alternate the "pest" looks pretty "super plash!"
spoon the sauce from wine and butter around the plate or over scallops.
12-05-2008, 04:05 PM
i,m hungry guys,i,ll have to go to the fisho when i get over this flu
12-05-2008, 05:19 PM
Get a few dozen big green prawns and shell them, two fresh green sand crabs and break them up and wash clean, and one decent fillet of fish not worrying about type too much and chop it into double bite size chunks. Drown the lot in 50/50 brown sugar and water, a teaspoon of freshly ground ginger and a tablespoon of chilli sauce. Let it sit for about 3 hours then drain off.
Pop it in a hot smoker for about 10 minutes and serve it out.......bon apetit.
Mrs Ronnie H
12-05-2008, 07:22 PM
I like to do them just in a hot pan with a little butter-- not too long though. Had our last lot lightly beer battered and crumbed some as well-- yummie with abit of homemade seafood sauce and tartare.
12-05-2008, 07:34 PM
I think they're best simply done. Fried on a very hot pan, less than a minute either side. Garlic goes beautifully with scallops and any of the mixes above would fit well. If you feel like showing off a bit a quick fry then put them back on the half shells, a drizzle of garlic and olive oil and top with a small amount of cheese and challots and a quick melt under the grill. Looks fantastic and tastes awesome too!
Rosie M
13-05-2008, 04:26 PM
:D Hi everyone,
Wow and double wow,:D there are some great cooks out there, thank-you, thank-you to all. I'm going to be hitting the fisho a few more times yet and try out some of these lovely recipes.
Rosie. Thanks again:)
14-05-2008, 08:58 AM
most are on the Money here, what it comes down to is, good quality, FRESH Seafood should not be boiled away or cremated with a dozen herbs and sauces, simply cooked until just done will have anyone coming back for more every time.
No Tiller
14-05-2008, 08:45 PM
As noelm says simplicity is king. We steam ours. Shuk and clean then put 3 or 4 on a shell, hot pan add water little bit, apply lid 1min they are beautiful. 1 min does not seem long but if they get even a little chewy they are overcooked. Cheers Brett
18-05-2008, 06:08 PM
I think they're best simply done. Fried on a very hot pan, less than a minute either side. Garlic goes beautifully with scallops and any of the mixes above would fit well. If you feel like showing off a bit a quick fry then put them back on the half shells, a drizzle of garlic and olive oil and top with a small amount of cheese and challots and a quick melt under the grill. Looks fantastic and tastes awesome too!
Sounds nice mate ill use this recipe when i cook some;)
26-05-2008, 05:17 PM
Everyone has oysters kilpatrick, but try scallops kilpatrick if you can get them in the shell. A little chopped bacon with a small teaspoon each of worstechire sauce & lime juice in the shell & under the hot grill for about 2 minutes.
Mate, I nearly wet myself every time I eat em.
26-05-2008, 06:34 PM
mmmmm scallops
and what a way to cook them;D;D
26-05-2008, 08:34 PM
Straight out of the shell for me , better than an oyster , cheaper too.
Bubba Gump
27-05-2008, 03:44 PM
楼主,你写得实在是太好了。我惟一能做的,就只有把这个帖子顶上传奇世界私服 (去这件事了。楼主的帖子实在是写得太好了。文笔流畅,修辞得体,深得runescape (魏晋诸朝遗风,更将唐风宋骨发扬得入木三分,能在有生之年看见楼主的这个帖子。实在是我三生之幸啊。看完 楼主的这个帖子之后,我竟产生出一种无以名之的悲痛感——啊,这么好的帖子,如果将来我再也看不到了,那我 该怎么办?那我该怎么办?直到我毫不犹豫地把楼主的这个帖子收藏了,我内心的那种激动才逐渐平静下来。可是 我立刻想到,这么好的帖子,倘若别人看不到传奇私服 (,那么不是浪费楼主的心血吗? 经过痛苦的思想斗争,我终于下定决心,牺牲小我,奉献大我。我要拿出这帖子奉献给世人赏阅,我要把这个帖子 一直往上顶,往上顶!顶到所有人Dofus kamas (都看到为止!在遇到你之前,我对人世间是否有真正的圣人是怀疑的;而现在,我终于相信了!我曾经忘情于两 汉的歌赋,我曾经惊讶于李杜的诗才,我曾经流连于宋元的词曲。但现在,我才知道我有多么浅薄!楼主,你的高 尚情操太让人感动了。在现在这样一个物欲横流的金钱社会里,竟然还能见到楼主这样的性情中人,无疑是我这辈 子最大的幸运。 让我深深感受到了人性的伟大。楼主的帖子,就好比黑暗中魔域私服 (刺裂夜空的闪电,又好比撕开乌云的阳光,一瞬间就让我如饮甘露,让我明白了永恒的真理在这个世界上是真实 存在着的。只有楼主这样具备广阔胸怀和完整知识体系的人,才能作为这真理的惟一引言者。
Quite the philosopher?
johnny roger
31-05-2008, 02:06 AM
Hello everyone:) ,
Out and about on Mothers Day and bought some scallops from the local Fisho, any ideas on preparing these things, never done it before.
Thanks, Rosie.:)
hey rosie,
for the first time ever, i cooked some scallops. i didn't know what to do with them so i just threw them on the bbq. yep...and that was it. :)
tasted bloody lovely too.
26-06-2008, 11:34 PM
my fav is wrapped in bacon, i cook the bacon a bit before i wrap them.
i have to highly recomend a cast iron skillet with raised ridges on the bottom- it sears griddle marks on the surface- like a barby only on the stovetop
14-07-2008, 08:56 PM
how about a scallops mornay???...combine milk and corn flour and tasty cheese till thick...add 20 cleaned scallops...mix em out into those small white corningware bowls...add some more cheese on top...under the grill till the cheese is brown...serve with those little dinner rolls...UBER YUMMY :D (Mrs Benno1)
Aunty Jack
15-07-2008, 04:03 PM
I haven't tryed it with scollops yet but with prawns.
In a pan or on the B.B.Q cook with a of splash oil@butter
and sweet chilli sause and cook is good tucker
19-09-2008, 10:40 PM
Scallops in burnt sage butter...
For a dozen scallops..
In a pan add some butter, bout 80 g, when the butter has melted add 15 or so sage leaves, cook for 4-5 mins swirling often till sage is crisp and the butter is a deep nutty brown. Careful not to overdo it. add a little pepper and salt to taste.
Get another pan hot, little bit of olive oil. Season scallops with salt and pepper. sear each side for about a min, don't over do it or they go tough but make the pan hot enough so they brown a little. Add a squeeze of lemon, again not too much and then drizzle the burnt sage butter over the scallops. eat.
Also goes well with Gnocchi and a little parmesan but it has to be good Gnocchi.
19-09-2008, 11:47 PM
This is a great Thai salad with scallops...
Finely chop 3 cloves of garlic and a birds eye chili, add to a wok and cook till the chili gas gets up your nose, just a little, don't overdo or it goes bitter, add the scallops and sear for about a min on each side,remove from heat and put them aside, squeeze a lime over the scallops add some salt and let them sit to finish cooking in the lime juice.
Meanwhile..... julienne (shred) about a 2 tablespoons of ginger and a deseeded red long Thai chili, can be a couple of birds eye (scuds) if u like hot.
in a bowl add the ginger and chili with about 1/3 cup of sweet sushi vinegar. In Thailand they make a syrup from coconut vinegar and sugar but
sushi vinegar is much easier and I think just as good.
Finley slice 4 red shallots , u can use red onion if your hard up for red shallots.
Get a small cucumber, Lebanese ones are the best, slice in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds with a spoon and discard, slice it up thinly crossway's.
chop a good handful of coriander leaves.
To assemble... just mix all of the ingredients, I normally slice the scallops crossways before adding to the salad.
This goes great with a red curry and sticky rice. You can also use fresh prawns or bug meat instead of the scallops. Enjoy :)
20-09-2008, 12:27 AM
Red curry of scallops
2 cups coconut cream --you need the unhomogenised coconut cream with no added starch, normally comes in a blue can.
1 tablespoon palm sugar
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 cup coconut milk
12 or so scallops
4 kaffir lime leaves
1 shredded red chili
handfulof coriander leaves
8 dried long Thai chillies, if all you can get is the smaller chinese ones double this amount
pinch of salt
5 slices of fresh galangal, if all you can get is dried then soak for a while.
3 tablespoons of chopped lemon grass
4 tablespoons of chopped garlic
3 tablespoons of red shallot
1 tablespoon or coriander root, scrape them with a knife to get the tough skin off
12 or so white peppercorns
1 teaspoon of shrimp paste, I normally toast it in a wok for 5 mins or so, up to you if you bother.
To make the paste,
Deseed the dried chili and soak them in water for half an hour or so,
Add dried chili and all the paste ingredients in a mixer or blender and blitz,or if your a sucker for punishment pound it in a mortar and pestle
till u have a fine paste. You could of course buy a premade red curry paste but the mix in normally wrong for scallops and it is never anywhere near as good.
in a wok, add the coconut cream, and cook it down till it cracks, i.e. the oil will separate.
This bit is important, you are frying the past in the separated coconut oil not boiling it in coconut cream, when this happens, add about 3 tablespoons of the paste and fry for about 5 -6 mins.
Add the fish sauce and the palm sugar to taste, then add the coconut milk a little bit of extra coconut cream and reduce a bit.
A tip with fish sauce is to add 3/4 of the recipe amount and top up to taste, too much and the salt kills the meal.
Add your scallops and about half of the shredded kaffir lime leaves and cook for about 3 mins, stir frequently.
Serve topped with the shredded chili, coriander and the rest of the shredded kaffir lime leaves. Goes well with a prawn version of the salad above.
20-09-2008, 06:59 PM
I'm with "nitroburner", just shuck em and down the hatch raw........ it's hard to stuff up a scallop, they are great prepared in any fashion!!!!;D;D;D
20-10-2008, 07:19 PM
I'm wondering how many to buy! Sounds great.
21-10-2008, 01:35 PM
raw or as simple as you can get, don't see the sense in getting top grade fresh Seafood/meat and fooling about with suaces and spices and stuff!
I like your mornay recipe MrsBenno, and Slainz's burnt sage butter recipe... butter and scallops go together like fish and chips. :) Any delicate flavoured seafood deserves a delicate-flavoured accompaniment, I reckon!
18-11-2008, 10:51 PM
My old man was a chef for the hilton.
I bought him home a bag of scallops.
He fried in a pan scallops butter and fresh cracked pepper.
Not too long you will kill the taste.
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