View Full Version : Garmin 525 Vs Garmin 555

06-05-2008, 06:53 PM
Hi guy's,

Just wondering what the difference between these 2 units are.
I have been doing some research and it appears that they are the same unit except one is sold in U.S and one in OZ. They have the same features ( Resolution etc). But there is over$1500 difference between the 2.
Has anyone got these units and what are they like??? Can the 525 be used over here and do I need to buy any software upgrades??
Any info would be appreciated.



06-05-2008, 07:25 PM
A few here use one including me, it's simply a different number but identical unit, I also bought the vision chart from O/S. the oz unit also comes with the normal bluechart for that price I think, the US one will have none loaded that is worth using.

One thing though they are/mine is not nmea 2000 which poops me.

cheers fnq

06-05-2008, 08:44 PM
I have to agree with fnq. My understanding is the 525 unit is loaded with a basemap that is worldwide (and I think poor to view but other usual GPS functions seem to work ok) so it's worth buying an sd card of the local coastline. The new blue vision G2 cards aren't bad. Garmin offer a back up service of one card update (when available) if you return the original card. The 555 has a basemap of Australia and there is an equivalent unit with a basemap of England (I think). Apparently Garmin don't or can't distribute the 555 to US shops. I don't know whether it is US rules, some trade agreement or something else. GME have sole distribution rights in Australia (I am told). This maybe one of the reasons for the price difference buying here rather than from a US shop. The ???loopwhole for us is the US dealers can supply the Aussie sd maps. I found the package to be much cheaper than I could buy locally and my heart goes out for local dealers for whatever constraints they have to operate under.

John Martin
06-05-2008, 09:12 PM
Hold off buying Garmin products until 1st July when Garmin International will distribute the products in Aus/NZ themselves. I read in a magazine yesterday that they have already started setting up their business and the existing importer will (GME I think) will no longer have access or distribution to the products. Maybe the prices will come down (it should) or the models will be consistent across the range between USA & Aus?

11-05-2008, 02:21 PM
So I am helping a friend out trying to get him either a Garmin 520 or 525s from overseas and they come loaded with world map...... has anyone got any advice as to whether he would still need to buy additional maps? Basically after entire eastern coast of Oz.

Any links to what the preloaded global maps look like...?

11-05-2008, 06:34 PM
have a squizz around this site:-



11-05-2008, 08:10 PM
So I am helping a friend out trying to get him either a Garmin 520 or 525s from overseas and they come loaded with world map...... has anyone got any advice as to whether he would still need to buy additional maps? Basically after entire eastern coast of Oz.

Any links to what the preloaded global maps look like...?

I got a 525 about 9 months ago and the pre loaded maps aint worth a cracker:'( . had to by the G2 Vision chart to make it a worthy plotter. AM updating to a bigger unit shortly so will have mine on the market if your interested.. just down the road;)

12-05-2008, 07:12 AM
Can you get an update that you can load onto the unit from garmin that would make the map better. I have a garmin car gps and got free downloads and a free update cd.


12-05-2008, 05:16 PM
Dale, you don't get any Free updates with a G2 Vision card.. you have to buy the new card when it is released to get the update.

12-05-2008, 09:09 PM
Matey agree with the Spaniard, I have the 525 combo good unit once you buy the g2 vision card, the preloaded base map is useless. Polky

Fat Chilli
12-07-2008, 06:11 PM

I got a 525 about 9 months ago and the pre loaded maps aint worth a cracker:'( . had to by the G2 Vision chart to make it a worthy plotter. AM updating to a bigger unit shortly so will have mine on the market if your interested.. just down the road;)

Garry or anyone else knowledgeable,

Is the base map that comes with the US 525 the same as the pre loaded base map that comes with the Australian 555?



12-07-2008, 08:12 PM
The 555 has way more detail.. as its aimed at the Australian market but either way you will need a card to get the real benefits of the unit.. thats why I originally went with the cheaper 525 :)