05-05-2008, 02:05 PM
The plan was to get up early and head out to the cape, but when the alarm sounded at 4am the call was made to go back to sleep for a few hours :) Got up about 7, and decided to spend a few hours over at Peel. Having bever landed a table fish in the 'new' boat, I wasnt expecting too much. Went to our spot and before too long the TLD 15 copy was screaming zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and a few minutes later a gummy shark came aboard. He was just over 1m long, and had swallowed the hook completely, so off to the esky he went. Bait was squid.
Whist the mrs was doing the deed on the shark, her line started moving, so I plulled it in and there was a baby little reef(?) shark on it, so it went back.
I thought I'd try a pilchard unweighted on the spinning reel. Just left the bail open for 5 min and the slowly retrieve. bang! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. A few minutes later a 56cm Spotty Mackeral was in the boat! 1st mackeral, 1st pelagic... things were looking good. :) Any tips on a good way to cool Mackeral? Its already been fillited and skinned.
Not long after that more action on my rod, again the drifting pillie doing the work. Another gummy shark, this one a bit bigger at 108cm.
We also got a visit from the fisheries guys, who were friendly enough. Let me off with a warning for not having a rego label, which was nice of them. All in aall a nice morning on the water. Was funny sitting back at the ramp watching the idiots attempting to launch and retrieve.... ohh how I love public holidays :)
Baby reef (?) shark
Whist the mrs was doing the deed on the shark, her line started moving, so I plulled it in and there was a baby little reef(?) shark on it, so it went back.
I thought I'd try a pilchard unweighted on the spinning reel. Just left the bail open for 5 min and the slowly retrieve. bang! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. A few minutes later a 56cm Spotty Mackeral was in the boat! 1st mackeral, 1st pelagic... things were looking good. :) Any tips on a good way to cool Mackeral? Its already been fillited and skinned.
Not long after that more action on my rod, again the drifting pillie doing the work. Another gummy shark, this one a bit bigger at 108cm.
We also got a visit from the fisheries guys, who were friendly enough. Let me off with a warning for not having a rego label, which was nice of them. All in aall a nice morning on the water. Was funny sitting back at the ramp watching the idiots attempting to launch and retrieve.... ohh how I love public holidays :)
Baby reef (?) shark