30-04-2008, 02:58 PM
Recently purchased a boat (6m plate cuddy cab) and have discovered fishing….lots of lessons to learn. Here is a story about one I learnt yesterday.
Put in at the boat ramp on Harbour Parade Mooloolaba yesterday morning. Found this ramp to be a little shallow.
Are there any deeper ramps up this way?
Put in about 4:30am and away we went. Was a little rough but not enough to stop us fishing. Went to a few spots I have been told of, Inner Gneerings, 5 mile, and Murphy’s Pinnacle.
Caught plenty under size, cod, emperors, pearl perch etc. Only 1 to take home and eat (or so we thought), but a good excuse to be out on the water.:D
Ok, what happened with fisheries???
We were out at Murphy’s Pinnacle when we saw this zodiac looking thingy hooking out to us. So he pulls up, identifies himself as fisheries, and asked to jump aboard, “No drama.”
Had a look through the safety gear and all was sweet.
Can I look in your esky?
No dramas buddy, just one keeper, a cod.
It was under size!!!! What the???:-/
When we caught the cod we immediately grabbed the tide timetable and flipped to the back.
Cod 38cm
Flowery Cod 50cm
Two other types of cod with a size limit (don’t recall as I have tossed the time table for reasons that will become apparent).
Oh well better find out what sort of Cod it is. Look it up in the book and find it is a ‘Maori Cod’.
Back to the tide timetable……not listed separately so must fall into the general “Cod” category – 38cm. Measure the fish, 40cm, woo-hoo into the esky.
No no says fisheries, 45cm on Maori Cod, $150 fine, who caught it?:o
Showed him how we came about our decision to toss it in the esky. Thank god he believed us and could understand how we were confused…no fine. He was very decent about it and gave us a warning, slit open the fishes gut and tossed it back into the ocean. Gave me a DPI&F Size and Bag limit handout and also a book to identify fish.
I am sure that all the experienced fishers are fully aware of this, but thought my experience was worth posting for less experienced fishers.
I have no interest in breaking the rules, and fully support size and bag limits. We need to look after our fishing environment so it has a sustainable future.
I also love eating fresh legal fish.
Put in at the boat ramp on Harbour Parade Mooloolaba yesterday morning. Found this ramp to be a little shallow.
Are there any deeper ramps up this way?
Put in about 4:30am and away we went. Was a little rough but not enough to stop us fishing. Went to a few spots I have been told of, Inner Gneerings, 5 mile, and Murphy’s Pinnacle.
Caught plenty under size, cod, emperors, pearl perch etc. Only 1 to take home and eat (or so we thought), but a good excuse to be out on the water.:D
Ok, what happened with fisheries???
We were out at Murphy’s Pinnacle when we saw this zodiac looking thingy hooking out to us. So he pulls up, identifies himself as fisheries, and asked to jump aboard, “No drama.”
Had a look through the safety gear and all was sweet.
Can I look in your esky?
No dramas buddy, just one keeper, a cod.
It was under size!!!! What the???:-/
When we caught the cod we immediately grabbed the tide timetable and flipped to the back.
Cod 38cm
Flowery Cod 50cm
Two other types of cod with a size limit (don’t recall as I have tossed the time table for reasons that will become apparent).
Oh well better find out what sort of Cod it is. Look it up in the book and find it is a ‘Maori Cod’.
Back to the tide timetable……not listed separately so must fall into the general “Cod” category – 38cm. Measure the fish, 40cm, woo-hoo into the esky.
No no says fisheries, 45cm on Maori Cod, $150 fine, who caught it?:o
Showed him how we came about our decision to toss it in the esky. Thank god he believed us and could understand how we were confused…no fine. He was very decent about it and gave us a warning, slit open the fishes gut and tossed it back into the ocean. Gave me a DPI&F Size and Bag limit handout and also a book to identify fish.
I am sure that all the experienced fishers are fully aware of this, but thought my experience was worth posting for less experienced fishers.
I have no interest in breaking the rules, and fully support size and bag limits. We need to look after our fishing environment so it has a sustainable future.
I also love eating fresh legal fish.