27-04-2008, 01:12 PM
On the water 4am.Travelled thru the dark up the river to buxton.First cast on a r2s bubble pop son andy lands a nice tarpon. i throw a 70??mm ecogear minnow in yellow and white. hookup straight away. nice fish bout 55cm. next 1 1/2 hours constant hookups. biggest 61cm. gr8 fun on the 2kg bout 20 to the boat.(back next weekend with the flyrod.)Back out to first marker. Andy asks if he can throw the popper.(dads thinking too late in the day but whatever)While i had the head down sploosh andy is hooked up to a nice little queenie bout 55.I throw out a 5"snapback on a 1/4 5/0tt jh and a school mackeral follows it in. fished like this till 11 when the burrum heads bakery was calling. ended up with a dozen queenies released couple tailor couple flathead and a couple mackeral so it was a top morning. all fish on light spin gear.On the down side soon as we got a couple fish we were bombarded with trollers some coming that close i could poke them with the rod. rude rude rude. after they went past we woood have to wait ten minutes then electric back in and start casting again.need less to say i never saw any troller catch a fish. All fish released. four squid kept.back to the two lane ramp only to find only one in use with fishing gear and four ppl fishing.Grrrr. after a gr8 mornings fishing i didnt want to ruin it with a confrontation. And not one of them lifted a finger to help load a boat. any how a nice day out with just a few peanuts to finish it.
cheers chewy........:D :D >:(
cheers chewy........:D :D >:(