View Full Version : SYDNEY BREAMIN... What a day ??

27-04-2008, 02:38 AM
Hi Ausfishers ....... Well we finally had a break in weather (Sydneys had 14 days straight of crappy) ...... & what a day it was ( in more ways than one)
With the forecast predicted to deteriorate .... again , there was no way that I was going to miss this opportunity ( the gear was all sough-ted out ... during the crappy) ..... but I still needed to reinstall the recently repaired Minn Kota .... So up fairly early ... fitted the motor! ( Then a quick test) %&@$ing thing wont engage , so I pull off the cover & find this ...:-[ 25677 They couldn't even manage to put the leccy back together properly .... GREAT!
Anyhow ..... That out of the way ..... Off I go ! ...... But rather than fishing the Southern end of Botany Bay .... I decided to give the Northern end & Cooks river a crack ....... 5 mins later ..i'm at the Cooks river ramp:) ..... Do the boat launch prep ..... Shite the trailer winch webbing is broken ..... hmmmm ( & quick knot ...... as I drive on & off the trailer- - - NO PROBLEM!)
My first location is only 200m from the ramp ..... 1.5 hours to the change in tide ... I'm going to fish SPs for bream ..... 3rd or 4th cast .... I'm into a nice bream ( 27cm) ..25680.. let it go ( these fish are potentially radioactive:freak: .... so its a C&R fishery only ) ..... Not long after ... I manage another & another! .......... Then the vermin move In25681 ( 1 pkt of Prongs ...... goooonnne)
Time for a move ....... Up past the Tempe bridge ( This place has a rep ..for good bream) ......... & it certainly lived up to its reputation! So fishing a stretch of mud(& industrial waste) bank on a falling tide....... The afternoon yielded over 20 bream ( all 27-30cm) ...... & for me the most aggressive bite I have ever encountered ( The breambos were out enjoying the weather too ... & the water looked like a soup of small 2cm baitfish) ..... The bream smacked most offerings ...... Cultiva mira shad , SX40s, pigmys ....... but they loved the mira in green:P ..... I replaced 6 owner trebles25679 ... on this one lure due to breaks & straightened ........ eventually this lure was taken by a bigun ... 40cm + ( at the boat ..... ping (GONE!) ......... Several other big fish followed lures to the boat but were missed! ...... other by catch included a couple of 45-50cm flatones ..... & a couple more larger vermin
As the afternoon drew to an end ..... I decided to venture into the bay proper ( conditions were fantastic) ....... So off I went to a little reef that yield good bream & the odd jew ( very shallow .... so stealth is the go!)
So with the leccy barely ticking over ...... I cast to the reef with 100mm Squidgy fish on a ball head jig ...... I'm hoping Jew:P ...... Well ... 1 hour passed ( the sun set) ... then another .... & the tide had turned! ....... Then while slow rolling .... I get smashed ( Its then I realised that .... Oh shite , I'm only fishing 4lb & 10lb Fluorocarbon::) ...... So I let the fish run .... & run it did! ..... after about 5mins ( & 3 net shots) ... a 39cm bream is landed! . I"M OVER THE MOON!!!!!
So .... another cast ..... BANG! ... I'm on again ........ & this fish is screaming line ( I'm thinkin ..... JEW:P ) ....... This fish managed 30m or so of line ! so I'm after him on the leccy ... ( JEW for sure .... even a couple of tail beats & head shakes) Oh well .. I'll settle for a 41cm bream25682 ( a quick pic .... & off it goes)
.... Ahhhh it starting to get late ... so I fix myself a sanga & coffee before I head home! .... The phone rings ( mighty whitey) ..... I told him about my day :P " How come you didn't ring me???" ........ Mate its your shopping day with the missus:-* !.... i said;D )
Well ..... my good run just came to an end:'( The boat wont start ( plenty power ... but not firing)
With no others around ...... i'm on the leccy for the 10km run back to the ramp:(
With a days fishing behind me .... there is not much juice left ( I covered about 7km when I got the attention of another boat ( 2 others ignored my spotlight signals ):angryfire: :rifle:
Anyhow ..... A top bloke (Sam) ..... got me back in! ........
Oh shi# .... how will i go with the broken winch cable ??? No dramas .... Sunk the trailer deeper than normal .... floated the boat over & on she went! .... Phew!
WHAT A DAY::) Home @ 11.30pm (wash the boat) ..... Have a couple of beers , turn on the cricket ..... & say hello to Ausfish!
Yep ..... What a day !



27-04-2008, 08:33 AM
Great read Nagg. I'd be happy with a 41cm bream as a bycatch ;) Pity about all the gear failures. Last thing you need after a bout of crappy weather.

27-04-2008, 09:24 AM
Dont you hate when you have a day when you just shouldn't have worried about leaving the house, when everything goes wrong.:'(

At least you got your fix while out there Nagg!! Congrats.;D

Now while it blows you've got something to keep yourself occupied with....REPAIRS....::) :-/

27-04-2008, 09:50 AM
Dont you hate when you have a day when you just shouldn't have worried about leaving the house, when everything goes wrong.:'(

At least you got your fix while out there Nagg!! Congrats.;D

Now while it blows you've got something to keep yourself occupied with....REPAIRS....::) :-/

Hmmm .... Repairs! (Oh well the motor is due for a service now ... anyhow) ..... but frustrating
The strap was a worry though ..... I would have expected more than 16 months ( maybe I'm naive) ..... Then again its held my boat for about 11,000km of towing:o thinking about it
But regardless ...... I wouldn't have missed yesterday for quids8-) ..... Besides we all know that "A BOAT IS A HOLE IN THE OCEAN ... TO THROW MONEY INTO!" ...... There goes the new reel::)



27-04-2008, 12:45 PM
Great report Nagg....8-)

I will be seeing a jew soon I am sure....8-)


27-04-2008, 01:14 PM
Great report Nagg....8-)

I will be seeing a jew soon I am sure....8-)


I was going to have a crack in the Cooks ...... but the tides were not really right !....... later this week could be a goer but now my motor is xxxxed:'(


PS ..... I could have used those vermin for live bait;) ( oops .... that would be against NSW regs)

27-04-2008, 05:20 PM
Yep ...... I've gotto hand it to the meteorologists ..... They got it right

The weather has reverted to crappy :(


27-04-2008, 09:56 PM

Geez mate I chucked back 4 x 30-40cm barra on Saturday and thought I had a shite day. I have mercy for you..hahahaha

I have also snapped a boat winch cable....tie a knot and move on, there's fishing to be had :)

Lets hope we can up the size of the fish you are catching when you get up at here in a couple of weeks!!!!!

Thanks for the report:)


Obi _ Wan
27-04-2008, 10:24 PM
G'Day Chris,
You say the Cooks River mate???????? geez when i lived down there thirty years ago the Cooks River was not much more than a drain full of car wrecks, oil slicks and that much rubbish you could almost walk on it.
And the fish glowed green in the dark, i hope you gave the Hornet a good wash when you got home or it will rot away below the water mark!!
Anyway mate thats a good bream in anyone's eyes, for gods sake i hope you haven't eaten it!!!!!
Looking forward to your report on Tinaroo, good luck there. I'm looking at going back to Awoonga in a few weeks time for a couple of weeks for more treatment hehehe.

And, mate you had better look after The Mighty Whitey, sounds like he is off the rails (I.B.D.) combined witrh too much VB. You had better go around to his place to check on how he is dressed, i think after his sucess at Awoonga, he may be wearing his underpants on the outside????

I got out into the bay for a fix on Thursday morning and managed to boat 6 snapper, 37, 38, 39, 46, 51, 53 cms all on light gear and the mighty plastic.


28-04-2008, 12:13 AM
Chris, great report once again ! Sorry to hear of your trouble but sounds as though you had some fun as well ..... Cheers


28-04-2008, 05:00 AM
haha nice report and some craker bream got a few good laughs out of it too

28-04-2008, 07:54 AM

Geez mate I chucked back 4 x 30-40cm barra on Saturday and thought I had a shite day. I have mercy for you..hahahaha

I have also snapped a boat winch cable....tie a knot and move on, there's fishing to be had :)

Lets hope we can up the size of the fish you are catching when you get up at here in a couple of weeks!!!!!

Thanks for the report:)


Thanks Matt ..... I'm always keen to upsize ( 30-40cm barra .....= hmmm bass gear!



28-04-2008, 07:59 AM
Chris, great report once again ! Sorry to hear of your trouble but sounds as though you had some fun as well ..... Cheers


Thanks Mark ...... Its actually been a fair while since I did some breamin ( with time out for a back injury , Barra trip , Bad weather & no leccy ....... So it was good to overcome my I.B.D ... walk away from the computer ......... & go for a fish!
Besides ..... Today we have a gale warning::)



28-04-2008, 08:29 AM
G'Day Chris,
You say the Cooks River mate???????? geez when i lived down there thirty years ago the Cooks River was not much more than a drain full of car wrecks, oil slicks and that much rubbish you could almost walk on it.
And the fish glowed green in the dark, i hope you gave the Hornet a good wash when you got home or it will rot away below the water mark!!
Anyway mate thats a good bream in anyone's eyes, for gods sake i hope you haven't eaten it!!!!!
Looking forward to your report on Tinaroo, good luck there. I'm looking at going back to Awoonga in a few weeks time for a couple of weeks for more treatment hehehe.

And, mate you had better look after The Mighty Whitey, sounds like he is off the rails (I.B.D.) combined witrh too much VB. You had better go around to his place to check on how he is dressed, i think after his sucess at Awoonga, he may be wearing his underpants on the outside????

I got out into the bay for a fix on Thursday morning and managed to boat 6 snapper, 37, 38, 39, 46, 51, 53 cms all on light gear and the mighty plastic.


G'day John ..... Hows your IBD ?
The Cooks river .... Yes I too remember the Cooks .. how you described it! However when I moved down to Ramsgate 5 years ago ..... I started to do the cycle path that goes from the bay to the Homebush stadium .... & most of it follows the river ( & I was surprised at how clean it was .... with nice parkland along the bank) ...... But you do need to keep in mind that the upper reaches do run through suburbia & Industrial areas:( But after 2 weeks of pretty solid rain ... It was going to be worth a look ( & I really only went up to the rail bridge at Tempe)
........ This was the first time that I fished that stretch ( Jack Olmos .... A pretty decent ABT bream fishoe raves about that stretch ........ & now I can see why)
Yeh ..... All fish were released ... it was always going to be C&R from the Cooks! ......... Even the two bigger ones that I caught at Watts reef were let go ( Those fish would have been senior citizens;D )
Boat was most certainly washed ...... I'm sure I pi@@ed off the neighbours washing it at Midnight::)
Anyhow ... nice to see you got onto the reds ( 50cm = good tucker)
I'm going to pop in & see the Mighty whitey in the next week or so ....... I'm worried about his posts ( I reckon the I.B.D is running riot;D ) ...... I do hope he is not wearing his undies on the outside....... Anyhow it will give me the chance to rub his nose in it (Tinarooooo) & drink his beer;)

Take care


28-04-2008, 06:54 PM
great report nagg nice fish to

28-04-2008, 07:58 PM
Chris, great report once again ! Sorry to hear of your trouble but sounds as though you had some fun as well ..... Cheers


Well Surprise Surprise ....... I recharged the battery last night ( I partially flattened it , trying to start the bugger) ...... Get home this afternoon , Lo & behold ..... Off she goes ( first turn of the Key:) ) my guess is that she was down on power & the minimal running around that I did .... Didn't get the battery up to full charge ...... add to this 3 hours of running a sounder & nav lights ..... & there just wasn't enough juice to fire it up ( though there seemed to be at the time)
So ... I'm feeling a bit better & will try again tomorrow!


30-04-2008, 10:34 AM
Well Surprise Surprise ....... I recharged the battery last night ( I partially flattened it , trying to start the bugger) ...... Get home this afternoon , Lo & behold ..... Off she goes ( first turn of the Key:) ) my guess is that she was down on power & the minimal running around that I did .... Didn't get the battery up to full charge ...... add to this 3 hours of running a sounder & nav lights ..... & there just wasn't enough juice to fire it up ( though there seemed to be at the time)
So ... I'm feeling a bit better & will try again tomorrow!


Buggered if I know ...... Boat fired up again ( no dramas)

I might have to go for another session after work 8-)


30-04-2008, 10:48 AM
You well and truly cleaned up - great report! I'm about to move down there again so this has inspired me that the fishing can be great down there! great stuff.


30-04-2008, 11:51 AM
You well and truly cleaned up - great report! I'm about to move down there again so this has inspired me that the fishing can be great down there! great stuff.


Thanks Cuzza

Sydney certainly has some good fishing & the estuaries have improved beyond belief ( bream , flathead , trevally , Jew & Kingies) can be actively targeted in all the Sydney Estuaries ...... & quality fish too

