View Full Version : Last Night at the Nerang... jack time!

25-04-2008, 01:15 PM
Went down last night with my mate alex and our "apprentice" jerry who we have been teaching to fish for the past year now... Started at around 10pm as the tide was getting full... Hammered a few large bream close to structure around jupiters casino with the biggest 42cm to the fork... At around 1am the tide was nice and full, we left the casino spot and went for a dark bridge close to big dads pies... we were fishing off the bridge and the tide was on the turn when alex's drag started to buz and was losing plenty of line... (he was using a herring as bait)Quickly tightening his drag he was able to steady the fish and bring some line back... Jerry and I by then had wound up our line and run over, waiting for colour...... Colour came and then went, as it darted back trying to find rock shelter... We knew it was a jack by then and i ran down to land it with my hands as we forgot the net.... :( cutting my feet on the way down i grabbed it and brought it up.... bloody heart was pumping... From then on we didnt get much till about 3am, when it was my turn...

We changed spots again and laned a few poddy mullet in the cast night at a new spot close to there... I was using mullet fillet as bait on 6lp fireline and 10lp leader... I felt the line being "sucked" and thought it must be a flatty, it took off under the bridge and i fought it for 5mins, not risking it as the gear was so light... Gave the rod to alex as a ran down and grabbed it... Bloody big cod... A good nights fishing... Bloody got home at 6am... Bed time now :P Had to use the phone camera, but next time il bring the digitial...

the gecko
25-04-2008, 05:07 PM
good work on light line, nice to see em still around. 42 FL is a serious bream.

Did you measure the jack and cod? Thats not the same 42 bream in the photo is it?


26-04-2008, 10:04 AM
42cm to the fork is a decent bream they go hard at that size if that is the 42cm bream next to the jack and he cod they must have some size about them

26-04-2008, 10:34 AM
na, that was a smaller bream about 32-33cm... i need to go to BCF and get one of those fish measuring mats... we'll be heading down again monday night so hopefully we can produce the goods.. il be sure to bring the digitial this time

Cheers Fellas

the gecko
26-04-2008, 04:26 PM
yes, I figured the jack was about 42-45 and the cod about 50-55. But those are both excellent lengths anyway. I havent seen a jack for 4 weeks now, so your doing great.

I know those bridges near Dads pies, they fish well. A mate of mine fishes em regulary, and he gets the same sort of fish. Its just pot luck as to when they are there.

Thats a good mixed bag for the nite.


27-04-2008, 08:02 PM
cant wait to head down again and catch another bloody ripper bloody unreal jack. But i got a feeling we are just going to see nothign but bream for a while yet

28-04-2008, 01:30 PM
Which Big dads are you talking about??? The One on Makeri St?