View Full Version : Peel Today

24-04-2008, 07:34 PM
A bit lumpy heading out but the wind settled down. Very quiet and ended up with 2 bream and moses perch. A few little snapper (20cm) and rat grassies. Lost a good (fish?) ... no head shakes and yet defintely didn't feel like a sting ray. Anyone know, could it be a cod? Cheers 8-)

24-04-2008, 08:00 PM
Better then nothing at all. Which side were ya at? bait or plastics?

24-04-2008, 09:11 PM
should be headin out sunday hope i get my hands on a snapper:D

24-04-2008, 10:58 PM
No head shakes could have been a catfish.

24-04-2008, 11:16 PM
Unlucky CASTLEMAINE! I'm with Darryl (BEEFA), probably a cattie! Got a big stinky one at Mud yesterday - could tell straight away it was vermin but it gave the arms a workout nonetheless!

Take Care T

25-04-2008, 11:27 AM
ST, +/- 1 km from the Hanlon. squid & pillies, best fish on squid. I might give those expensive pillies away as historically (a big word for me), best fish have always been on whole baby squid.
Beefa/T1 ,,, never caught a catfish out in the Bay yet, but yup now come to think of it could very well be a catfish.
BB ... if it's not so lumpy, might head out again myself.

Went out again this morning, got a bit lumpy, dragging anchor and the wind wasn't holding me right. Got the shits by 10.00 and came home. Came home with nothing, only little Moses Perch (28cm, Grassies(20cm) and snaps(10cm). My wife wanted to take home the snapper "cos it looked so cute".

Cheers 8-)

25-04-2008, 09:08 PM
probable a shark