View Full Version : Do You Eat Your Fish??? I Dont!!!

15-04-2008, 05:11 PM
I Love Fishing As Much As Anyone Does, I Go Atleast Twice Every Week, But I Dont Eat Fish That I Catch, I Will Eat Fish Bought From The Shop If Its Crumbed Or Battered For Me, But I Just Cant Eat My Own Fish, I Clean And Cook It For Others
The Fish I Buy From The Fish And Chip Shop Is No Doubt No-where Near As Fresh As The Fish I Catch But I Just Cant Do It, How Many Of You Out There Are The Same?? Its Not A Cruelty Green Thing, Infact I Dont Mind Killing Them And Throwing Them On The Ice, Its Like A Chook I Guess, I Couldnt Eat My Own But I Love Chicken

15-04-2008, 05:14 PM
I have no problem eating any legal fish I catch.....

15-04-2008, 05:18 PM
SASSYJNR, I dont eat everything I catch but, I eat what I need for a feed; BUT only if is a fish worth eating..........BTW check your posting habits the capitals on every word is a bit hard to read!!!

For Steve
15-04-2008, 05:32 PM
I'll eat fish I catch if it's a good table fish, not too big, not too small. Usually it's squire in the 40-50cm range. I have no problem letting them go if I have no need for them.

15-04-2008, 05:33 PM
this is easy for me no i don't like the taste of fish and i never have. people seem shocked when they say nice fish he would be good on the plate and i say as much as i love fishing i don't eat them.


chief 1
15-04-2008, 05:36 PM
Same with you Steve,i will eat a good sized bream and whiting but i wouldn't eat a massive flatty

15-04-2008, 07:05 PM
I eat the odd reef fish and whiting but never eat barra or jacks they are just to nice to eat.
I mostly catch ,photo and release

cheers BK

15-04-2008, 07:50 PM
i eat my fish if im hungry enough and i dont already have something planned. And i only take 1 fish at a time , unless i promised someone if i catch mor ei would give them one.
This one time i crisined my new rod with a 32cm bream, and i was tossing up, but since i had something waiting for me, i threw it back.

15-04-2008, 08:31 PM
Yep ... love to eat any fish I catch .... seem to taste better than any purchased fish. My wife won't though. She will eat fish and chips from the take away, even filleted fish from the shop..... but whole fiish ... no way..... not even if I fillet the thing.


15-04-2008, 08:32 PM
I love eating my own catch, (something about the whole hunting and gathering thing I suppose) I keep enough for a feed for me and the missus, then the rest are caught and released for fun.

16-04-2008, 06:21 AM
I love a feed of fresh fish, especially when I can bring it home myself.

I'd love to be able to say that I release legal size fish when I have a feed, but I'm not that good a fisherman:(

16-04-2008, 07:19 AM
i usually dont eat my fish but do love a feed of fish occasionaly

16-04-2008, 07:56 AM
I'll catch enough for a feed or 2 or even 3, then go home, mission accomplished.
I hate cleaning fish!
Generally I won't fish again until the previous catch have been eaten.
The exception would be say 2 decent mornings in a row when I can take my 4.2 tinny over the local bar and fish inshore. Such calm, flat conditions are fairly rare so I don't mind taking advantage of them.
Must also add that I will take a few extra choppers or small mac tuna to do up as bait, salted and frozen they are excellent.
Personally I don't really want to catch a fish purely for fun, but each to their own.
Sharks would prob be an exception, they are very durable!

16-04-2008, 07:56 AM
;D Wife & I consume fish we catch 3 times a week , when we miss out its down to the slip,slop fish shops, but i must admit the last lot we purchase was fresh.
I know quiet a few anglers who do not eat there catch, its got me confused.
Would not like to be a Tiger ah ah.
Cheers Ged.

16-04-2008, 09:46 AM
I and my family love to eat fish, i have a few old pensioner couples in my area that i supply with a feed at times and they love it , I put a lot of effort into keeping my catch fresh and fillet and bone all of my catch,I love to fish and enjoy sharing my catch with others that enjoy fish, I have offered fillets to new friends and if i get a complaint like "oh!!! it was alright but" I never offer again, I limit my catch to what i need for my friends.

16-04-2008, 10:04 AM
Im with you Keechie,I can't stand the taste of fish.I love fishing and spend as much time and cash as the fun police let's me,but can't aquire the taste for it.I have tried all sorts of species and none of them do it for me.
Give me cow,pig,sheep,chicken any day.

16-04-2008, 10:12 AM
I rarely eat fish and then only what I catch.

You want to think very carefully about the fish and prawns that you buy over the counter.

If it is from overseas then the quality control is suspect.

They dont give a damm about our health.


16-04-2008, 12:16 PM
I didn’t have any issues with eating my legal size catch's but I never took more than I needed, and now I’ve been put on a diet where my meal plans are set, so its catch and release only for me now! But for me it is defiantly all about the fishing itself and a good feed is just a Pleasant side affect!!

Reel Nauti
16-04-2008, 01:14 PM
Sassy I'd be very happy to take your catch off your hands! My family love fish, but I can't keep up the supply! Terrible to admit that at 46 yo and after probably 41 years fishing that I'm still learning!



16-04-2008, 02:56 PM
I dont eat fish but love to fish, luckly my wife and son love fish so when i have a good catch they eat the fish and me and the daughter have steak, the funny thing is its me and the daughter that fish and the wife and the son dont:confused:


16-04-2008, 03:37 PM
I love eating my catch. I enjoy the entire process (even cleaning and filleting) and take pride in the preparation and cooking.
I reckon there is nothing that can beat fresh fish straight on the BBQ.

16-04-2008, 04:25 PM
i love to eat my catch [ although of late 14 mths] i have not fished, my mum can clean it .cook it just can,t eat it for some reason, and she used to fish with her dad [ my grandad] everytime he went out. beats me hey

16-04-2008, 04:33 PM
With work, kids sporting activities etc I rarely get to fish, so if I can get out, and Bonus of all Bonuses I actually catch something legal, high chance it will be on the table that night, hopefully to some sort of praise :)
I used to do a lot of crabbing, that was satisfying but when you get all your pots stolen over 2 outings, why bother.

16-04-2008, 07:52 PM
Im with you Keechie,I can't stand the taste of fish.I love fishing and spend as much time and cash as the fun police let's me,but can't aquire the taste for it.I have tried all sorts of species and none of them do it for me.
Give me cow,pig,sheep,chicken any day.

same as me i eat any other meat other than fish cause i simply hate that taste i will eat prawns but not fish. i spend all my money on fishing and golf but more of it is on fishing, saying this i still owe my dad $30, my mum $20 and my sister $10;D . its good to seee there is others like me;D


johnny roger
16-04-2008, 10:00 PM
yep. no worries there. i eat what i catch. as far as how to cook it, i go to the recipes forum. they got some good ones there.

16-04-2008, 10:31 PM
I dont eat what I catch,but if I did more saltwater fishing I probably would.

16-04-2008, 10:50 PM
i occasionally eat my fish but i mostly go to coles or woolworths to buy some there

Oh Gee
17-04-2008, 05:54 PM
Catch, Clean, Cook and Consume. Otherwise you only know part of the story.

17-04-2008, 08:19 PM
I absolutely love eating freshly caught fish.

I feel sorry for you blokes who dont like eating fish...:-/
Bearing in mind also how good it is for you.

Its recommended by many dieticians etc to eat fish at least twice a week.


18-04-2008, 01:18 AM
I enjoy killing the fish so I then eat them so I don't waste it.

18-04-2008, 02:08 AM
i let all my fish go. but if i get a tailor, it comes home to give to my mrs mum as she loves em. all the rest go back so i might be able to catch them again when there bigger, plus my mrs hates the smell of fish and has o.c.d so any thing that can make the slightest mess never enters the house. i do eat fish but if i want some i get a pice of flake from the fish and chip shop, no mess then to piss the mrs off.

18-04-2008, 11:49 AM
i have eaten fish before that i have caught like flathead and whitting but that was back in the day when i used to catch them on bait. now days catching fish on lures i dont really keep them unless they are perfect eating size.


18-04-2008, 11:53 AM
yes I eat my own fish buggered if I would throw good snapper over the side then head down the fish shop and pay $20 +/ Kg for it. Also at least you know exactly when and where your fish was caught and how it has been treated since it come out of the ocean. Only keep what i am gunna eat though

18-04-2008, 03:56 PM
i have eaten fish before that i have caught like flathead and whitting but that was back in the day when i used to catch them on bait. now days catching fish on lures i dont really keep them unless they are perfect eating size.


???? You don't eat fish because you caught them on a lure ??????
I don't get that logic ???????

I'd eat more of what I caught, if more of what I caught was edible:P:-[::);D

18-04-2008, 10:30 PM
I allways bring the fish home and clean it , give it to the folks to cook as I hate cooking fish , but don't eat fish as much as I used to because I have had 3 bouts of sigatera [ think thats how you spell it ] and it isn't very pleasant , thought I was having a heart attack the first time , ever since I am very cautious about eating fish, and only eat small portions. but I can't have too many prawns anymore as they and shell fish make me crook as hell . wasn't always the case but they say the iodine builds up in your system so I can eat less and less all the time and some tims can't stomach seafood at all , so I envey yous who can eat lots of fish and shellfish .


rally tomo
20-04-2008, 12:08 PM
hi i love to eat the fish i catch which is few and far between as im not that good a fisherman but my biggest problem is filleting do any of you other fisho's know of a good dvd on this as im bloody hopless i dont know if its a monkey see monkey do type of thing but hope ya can help in regards to filleting ave a good day regards rally tomo.ps ive got some really sharp knives got the scars to prove it

20-04-2008, 09:03 PM
We love to eat the fish we catch so long as they are legal size and good eating fish .Not fussed on taylor much unless bled and cooked straight away .
Don't usually catch much we like to get out in the boat to relax and get away from it all and wet a line to catch a fish is a bonus.


04-05-2008, 04:11 PM
???? You don't eat fish because you caught them on a lure ??????
I don't get that logic ???????

I'd eat more of what I caught, if more of what I caught was edible:P:-[::);D

LOL @ That :D:D
Gets like that sometimes hey :)

shorty 01
04-05-2008, 04:46 PM
ill eat my fish but not all of them

ute chick
14-05-2008, 10:07 PM
WOW weird aint we. me my self i just cant eat sea fish. more of a freah water, trout salmon etc. if i catch it and its actually eatable size i will kill it , scale it gut it and tae it home to eat. cant get eonugh. but hate sea fish.. weird i know. i cant eat the skin though,

interesting to know how many eat the skin???