View Full Version : Bankers Hours and ripper of a day

13-04-2008, 07:07 PM
:D Where do i start! What a good fun day
That four letter word starting with W... just needed to be shooed away and didn't the weather gods turn it on today!
Started at 10.30am (due to that 4 letter word) and came off at 1.30pm (4 letter word committment again!)
Decided to sit in the one spot off coochie and see what a couple of hours would bring.. With a new birthday rod and reel on-board (saros and berkely dropshot) oh blessed one, managed to thow back 12 undersized snapper, 4 undersized bream and keep 3 good bream (all over 30), 2 good snapper (37,38), 2 good sweetlip, 2 tuskfish, it hurts to type it!
But as skipper and not to be outdone I managed more throwbacks.....8-)
It was the first fishiing run for "Essence" who is the replacement for "dreamdays" and to have it kitted out properly, including the customboard (which didn't go up in smoke) was simply the best.

If you see us out, give a wave (and sit in the berley trail on the other side!!!)
Cheers8-) ::)

13-04-2008, 07:22 PM
Nice one fellers. Bait or sp's ? I guessing bait with the burley trail comment. What type ?

chief 1
13-04-2008, 07:29 PM
Would've been a great day

13-04-2008, 07:54 PM
Mainly prawns when we went out, close to 52 odd tinnies hammering the mouth of the logan with cast nets, figured if prawns were on, then the fish would be after them!
I managed a couple of 33cm (heartbreaking) squires on nuclear chicken, then went back to squidy podgies for a while, but was well and truly outfished on bait today

chief 1
13-04-2008, 07:58 PM
Prawns are the go,i personally haven't caught many fish other than cod and trevally on plastics,the odd bream and flathead but not much else

13-04-2008, 08:28 PM
Thats handy to know! Cheers

13-04-2008, 09:11 PM
Mainly prawns when we went out, close to 52 odd tinnies hammering the mouth of the logan with cast nets, figured if prawns were on, then the fish would be after them!

Yeah, what was that? We went past about 10.30am and they were still at it. Looked like a fishing comp weigh in or something.... they were really packed in there.


14-04-2008, 06:16 PM
Will have a go at uploading a pic from my phone, can't work out how to do it from here.