View Full Version : Pumistone - not a bad sesh

13-04-2008, 02:43 PM
G'day all,
How good was the weather this weekend?
On Saturday, me and the deckie headed to the passage for some fishing and crabbing. Dropped the pots and headed to some new ground to flick some SP's. A couple of minutes later, the deckie is on to a nice flathead. I get a shovely. Deckie is on to another nice flatty. I get a grinner. The deckie gets another nice flatty! I get an undersize whiting. I tell ya, if this keeps going on I am going to leave her at home.... but then I guess we wouldn't have fish for dinner.
By this time, the pots have been in the water for a bit over an hour so we headed off to check them. 1 nice muddie (pictured), and we are also down 1 pot. Bummer. Dropped the remaining pots in some deeper water and continued fishing. Deckie gets another flatty. I have got the sh!ts with the SP's by now so I throw out a lump of squid. It all went a bit quiet, and the sun went down. Time to pull the pots. I start to pull in the rod with the squid on and realise there is a fish on the end. Up comes a nice flatty. ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!!! It is completely dark by now, so I get the spotty out to pull the pots. As I am manouvering the boat to pick up a float, I notice a familiar piece of rope floating on the surface. It is my lost pot! Somebody must have run it over and their prop cut the float off. What a stroke of luck! Pulled the rest of the pots and scored another huge buck.
So the wash up for the day was 3 nice flatty, and 2 muddies. Not bad.

We went to south straddy today and caught bugger all. Put in at Jacobs Well. That place is INSANE! I felt like we were at central station, and the boat traffic around the pin was crazy! I think in future I will stick to good old Pumistone.

13-04-2008, 02:58 PM
Hay lunatic sounds like you had a good time at the passage weell done. Just would like to know what type of boat you got size brand etc. And hoe does it go?

13-04-2008, 03:31 PM
G'day LifeStyle,
I have a 3.95 Bluefin with a 30hp Merc on the back. It is an absolute ripper of a boat with nice high sides, so it is good to take out around the bay as well as working the estuaries and creeks. I have got the full floor in it with marine carpet. It comes standard with welded aluminium sidepockets as well. When I bought it Bluefin boasted that it was the deepest 3.95 on the market. I put one of those hydrofoil fin things on the outboard, and now it gets up on the plane at surprisingly low speed.
I don't reckon that you can go wrong with one!
If you see me out and about, stop and say g'day. I have the blue Ausfish stickers on both sides of the boat, and I tow it with a 99 Toyota Hilux sigle cab 4X4.


13-04-2008, 06:24 PM
i saw at caloundra on thursday a hire boat dropped a pot out near the red beacon in front of the boardwalk and later through the night a white float with a hell of a lot of rope floated past so i am guessing the knot came undone, i tried to fish out the float but the tide was racing too quivkly so sorry if it was your pot.


14-04-2008, 12:03 AM
Hey Lunatic,
Would have to agree with the weather and the passage this weekend, where'd you put in ? I was up from Sydney taking the olds out on 4.5 Polycraft with 50 Evvye on back, put in at Toorbul, Sunday arvo funny things at the boat ramp, couple guys in a heavy f/glass boat went in without the BUNG ! funny stuff had to put it back on the trailer pronto, these guys where almost up to their knees in water... If only i had a video I could've won funny home vidoes or something. Anyway headed south and fished near white patch looking for flatty, hmmm you did better than I, caught about ten undersize approx 25cm only thing for the pot was a good size flounder, did get couple of sandies though, three shovellies, small squire. Got our boat and fishing stuff checked out by two hotties working for fisheries, they said they had caught quite a few fishos with under size fish today and had given out several fines! Karma to those taking illegal fish I say, but these chicks could stop me anytime...still up this way for a few days and was wondering should I have headed North Mission point way ?? instead to chase larger flatty, don't really know the area that well as my folks have recently retired to Tourbul and moved from Sydney, they've now taken up fishing and I'm trying to find what the go is, looking forward to being out there midweek if this weather stays the same, so nice to be on glassy water, last time up here I had to fish in about 25 knots of wind. Have a good one!

14-04-2008, 07:00 AM
nice work fellas

14-04-2008, 10:06 PM
G'day Poopeypetey,
For the flatties we were working the banks up toward the Donnybrook side of the passage. Also targeted some good drop offs that we saw on the sounder.
I hope that helps.

Scott Ashe
15-04-2008, 09:14 AM
hi mate,
Good report, you gotta be happy with that, a couple of nice flatties and a few muddies thrown in, what more could you ask for.?

Well done.
