View Full Version : Brissy River 11-04-08

12-04-2008, 03:28 PM
Took my son Leo out river fishing as bonding father & son...

SW wind greeted and decided to fish sink wall most time...
We were meant to fish breams but never saw any of them strange Leo pulled his first squire on plastic, me sole & big pike...

Finished with a sandie, can't complain I had nice lunch on sole with lemon & pepper & sandie yummy...

Return Whtye ramp and already full on car park and wonder where they went to....::)

12-04-2008, 04:39 PM
Congrads to your young bloke on the squire, me and Garrett found the bream this morning for a great sesh .I;ll give you a pm

12-04-2008, 04:41 PM
The little fella must have been happy with that fish mate. Have you tried fishing the shallows around the whalfs neer the gateway there are loads of breem there espesially at night i got a 35cm one on a live potty mullet there trying for snapper i never target them there more of a pest but great fun for the kids

12-04-2008, 06:24 PM
Well done Silent.

There was very little at Mud today, you made a wise choice


12-04-2008, 07:09 PM
The little fella must have been happy with that fish mate. Have you tried fishing the shallows around the whalfs neer the gateway there are loads of breem there espesially at night i got a 35cm one on a live potty mullet there trying for snapper i never target them there more of a pest but great fun for the kids
Thanks I'll put a list for next explore along river...