View Full Version : bassart knobs/carbon handle??

08-04-2008, 09:05 PM
Can anyone advise as to what carbon handle fits a daiwa alphas 103??also loking to purchase bassart knobs.Can anyone tell me where to purchase and if there is any extra bearings/parts required?Have seen them on japantackle but they can be a little vague on exact fitment -cheers

08-04-2008, 09:49 PM
When u buy the Bassart handles, you usually just get the handle and thats it, no bearings or knobs. Some JPN e-tailers used to offer a complete set with bearings and knobs but there really isnt any point in getting standard knobs all over again.

Its been ages since I got Bassart handles for my Alphas(and CVZ) but if I remember correctly, you can ad an additional bearing to the knobs(each) and ditch the bushings (so u have 4 bearings instead of just 2)

Cant tell you the exact model number because the handles come in 80,85 and 90mm and I dont know what length you want, just email Japantackle or Plat and they will more than likely be able to supply with the correct handle.

08-04-2008, 10:15 PM
I'm surprised that you can't get the right info from Japan Tackle:-/


09-04-2008, 08:24 AM
yes the language barrier can be a bit of an issue at times....on all recent daiwa baitcasters all the knobs are interchangeable and the handles all have the same slot cut in them to fit over the shaft. being an alphas though which has a cast handle you will most likely need a few parts from a reel that comes with a pressed handle with exposed cap nut like a steez or zillion. as these reels are available here you should have no trouble sourcing the parts from your local daiwa dealer

09-04-2008, 10:22 AM
I'm surprised that you can't get the right info from Japan Tackle:-/

I too am surprised about no replies to e-mail.Have emailed jun 4 times-no reply.Maybe because they dont have stock at the moment...