View Full Version : Mary River Cod

05-04-2008, 09:04 AM
http://bp2.blogger.com/_Vkjc264dBrQ/R_cVVpt3W4I/AAAAAAAAAAc/998Hke8pwPU/s320/cod+maryriver+rene03.jpg (http://bp2.blogger.com/_Vkjc264dBrQ/R_cVVpt3W4I/AAAAAAAAAAc/998Hke8pwPU/s1600-h/cod+maryriver+rene03.jpg)
Re above photo. Mrs Trip with Mary River Cod. Caught and released (Mary River) at Kenilworth homestead (cira 2003).
Used a Celta 4 with long shank hook (took off the 3 prong). Trolling with hand line behind kayak past submerged logs. She caught one, I caught one. She caught the best. Both released safely as they are an endangered species...Trip01

30-04-2008, 08:55 AM
nice looking cod,good to hear both fish released safely..

18-05-2008, 06:47 PM
nice fish mate congrats

23-11-2008, 07:39 PM
great murray mate great stuff and to get em on a handline