02-04-2008, 03:33 PM
After being inspired by Childers nice greenback, and local feedback from an impeccible source of good tailor on the prowl, I figured I'd get off me bum and fish the moon-up this am.
Moon-up and moon-down are favourite fishing times for me, but occuring at un-godly hours means a bit of committment is neccesary.
So 2.00am I'm out of bed and after a coffee its a walk down the beach to spot A.
By about 3am, after a blood-red moon rise, its painfully apparent that a change of venue is called for.
A quick 300m hike to the next possie, and first throw, straight down the gullet of a nice 3.5kg tailor.
15 minutes later and a 2.5kg job joins the party.
Normally 2 tailor this size would be enough for me to head for home, but by now its 4.30 am or so, not much point worrying about going back to bed, just enjoy the morning, ho hum.
Next throw, 10kg jew swallows the bait, great first run, then peters out to the usual game of cat-and-mouse in the treacherous shore break.
This time my lucks in and the hooks hold. All I have to do is clean the bu$$ers and cart them home!
Arrived back home at 5.20am, quick shower and into bed for a quick hours kip!
Don't ya' love it when a plan comes together!
Bait was squid strips, on a triple gang of Gamakatsu Saltwater Fly hooks.
great hooks, sharp as anything, however the jew managed to snap the eye of the second hook, lucky for me he was pinned by the top hook, hehehe!
Moon-up and moon-down are favourite fishing times for me, but occuring at un-godly hours means a bit of committment is neccesary.
So 2.00am I'm out of bed and after a coffee its a walk down the beach to spot A.
By about 3am, after a blood-red moon rise, its painfully apparent that a change of venue is called for.
A quick 300m hike to the next possie, and first throw, straight down the gullet of a nice 3.5kg tailor.
15 minutes later and a 2.5kg job joins the party.
Normally 2 tailor this size would be enough for me to head for home, but by now its 4.30 am or so, not much point worrying about going back to bed, just enjoy the morning, ho hum.
Next throw, 10kg jew swallows the bait, great first run, then peters out to the usual game of cat-and-mouse in the treacherous shore break.
This time my lucks in and the hooks hold. All I have to do is clean the bu$$ers and cart them home!
Arrived back home at 5.20am, quick shower and into bed for a quick hours kip!
Don't ya' love it when a plan comes together!
Bait was squid strips, on a triple gang of Gamakatsu Saltwater Fly hooks.
great hooks, sharp as anything, however the jew managed to snap the eye of the second hook, lucky for me he was pinned by the top hook, hehehe!