View Full Version : PENN Kimberley 600

01-04-2008, 04:48 PM
Just interested to hear what any of you fishos out there in cyberspace think of the Penn Kimberley600.
First impressions are of 7000 ABU, but internals are very different.
2 anti reverse mechanisms, carbon drag, Japanese ball bearings.
For the price, I can`t see that the materials could be as good as a Sweedish
made ABU, but they are cheap. Interesting.

02-04-2008, 12:49 PM
More than likely made in the Omoto factory who also do a lot of ABU. You want 100% made and 100% assembled in Sweden best buy a time machine as far as I can tell

02-04-2008, 03:12 PM
You`re right Charlie, they are made by Omoto in Taiwan.
I`m going to put mine through the hoops and see how it performs.
Thanks for your reply.