View Full Version : Overhead drag upgrade

31-03-2008, 09:37 AM
Looking to upgrade the drag on my overhead. It is a Newell P440-F star drag. Currently has a metal washer drag system. Any ideas on how I can uprade/improve the drag?


31-03-2008, 03:22 PM
Email Jack Erskine at; sportint@dodo.com.au and get a set of carbontex washers for it.

31-03-2008, 11:52 PM
Hey Apollo,
Are the metal washers ok??? The fibre/rubber washers over time will deteriorate and eventually fall apart. If all looks ok, I will usually strip the reel down and clean the washers to remove old ,oil/grease and muck (kero or turps), allow to dry. I will then treat all the washers to a very fine 'wet and dry' sandpaper (1200 grit and finer) and a mirror/piece of glass( the glass is used as a flat surface). Gently scuffing in circular motions to eliminate ridges and high spots. Does the reel run a 'wet' or 'dry' drag system?? If wet you can't go past Jack Erskines' 'Silky reel drag grease' I bought a small bottle 10 years ago and have only used a small portion of it. (I usually do all of my reels service every 3 to 6 months)
If all the washers need replacing I think the larger ##### stores stock (I think) HT100 drag washers for just about any reel. I will even treat the new washers to the sand paper as well. Its amazing the difference you will get.


01-04-2008, 06:20 PM
Mate do not know where you live but most tackle stores will get the washers in for you.


03-04-2008, 09:27 PM
Newell are great reels and I used to have one spinning off the rocks. Two things to make them hum, get some "rocket oil" off eskines for the bearings and with drag replace the fibre washers with oil soaked leather. Use split chrome leather, which is that blue looking stuff used as Chippies Nail bags. Get a hole punch for the shaft and cut outside with sissors or stanly knife. Soak in Teflon oil for a day and then reassemble. If the pressed metal washers are bent, then lightly sand with 800 grit wet and dry to smooth them up. Drag should then be great
