View Full Version : snooded rigs

22-03-2008, 09:19 PM
hi guys is there any way to tie a snooded hook rig been trying, but seems to be beating me, it just wont hold not enough turns on hook?

23-03-2008, 07:04 AM
Here you go, mate.
http://www.marinews.com/fishing_line/fishing_line_to_tackle.html?PHPSESSID=fa313f970687 b7e6b7aecd88e95a25a2

24-03-2008, 11:08 AM
Hey Skipalong,

just a comment on snoods,

while they are a convienient way to rig up,
I've always had trouble with the knots biting down on the line & breaking when under a lot of strain, usually when you've hooked a thumper fish that you really don't want to loose.
I use big 3way swivels now, & though the rig looks a bit ugly it works well, & rarely loose a fish to the trace breaking.

Just a thought ,


24-03-2008, 02:01 PM
thanks for the help guys much appreciated