View Full Version : lost lure bag at Tweed

22-03-2008, 07:51 AM
I have lost a game fishing lure wrap and lures at the rramp at Kennedy Drive, Tweed Heads at 4.30 pm on Friday the 21st March. Came back in after a long day annd was going to give it a rinse at the tap but I left it behind. It contains some expensive lures, wind on leaders, rigs and other accessories.

I would very much like it back. If anyone knows anything or hears anything, I would be very keen to hear.


22-03-2008, 09:41 PM
mate that would have to hurt loseing something like that i know just how much some of this gear is.

i hope it finds its way back to you.

23-03-2008, 05:13 PM
Hey Jemery
Maybe try giving the guys @ Angler Warehouse or the other local tackle shops a call. They may have heard something. Hope you get it back.
Cheers Kim