View Full Version : Brisbane River alive & well!

16-03-2008, 08:50 PM
Gidday all,
decided to head down to the sunken wall on Saturday arvo- flicked all sorts about: hardbodies (rapala minnows, mask vib's & some old lazy ikes), SP's (Berkley 3" pogy's, 4" prawns in nuclear chicken etc etc, poppers - not a touch. All the way from the boat ramp up to the sunken wall (by foot) nadda!
(Saw a fisho out in his tinny with cattle dog on the bow, cast netting for prawns I think. That was on the inside of the sunken wall). Saw heaps of fish jumping but nothing I threw at them was looked at.... so I trudged back to the big concrete plant on the riverside, flicking as I went. Just as I decided to head back, I saw a big grey tanker being towed in by a pair of tugs. As it moored up next to the concrete plant, all the water was being churned up by the tugs and tanker. Give it a few minutes, the tide had just about turned, and I thought I'll wander over and have a flick a bit closer to the churned up water. Making sure I was n't level with the ship (Maritime Law) I proceeded to flick about an Atomic curlytail in a light metallic silver colour. 7gram jighead with a crushed barb on a 6lb leader & 4lb Fireline. A few casts into the sesh BANG I come up trumps. Bumping over the bottom with a cast-15countdown-twitch-twitch-wind-twitch-twitch-wind motion and the fight is on! Was calling it for flattie from the start, a few rattles then wet bag, rattle-rattle and bogged. Anyhoo, finally got her in (left damn net in car in haste to get out) just as she rides in a wake wave and plops herself down, the jihead pulls from her lip. A quick snap and she was back to annoy someone else.. Confidence restored, I slapped a 6" Old Bayside jerkbait Sp onto a Tru-turn hook with a sliding ball sinker for weight. First cast out near a pylon I'm hit, but then it does n't feel too great... (this greedy lil cod decided to go my SP almost a third of his length!) He got plopped back and then I must've gotten his older brother! This was a bit more spirited, but still on light-ish gear fun for a while...
Just about to pack up and head home when an ambitious flick right next to pylon- coutndown then wind in the slack.... lift rod tip and twitch-twitch BANG! Same story, a little on the light side but much more lively! A few casts later, I'm hit and flash of copper brown makes me think cod or flattie. A few seconds later, a small but fiesty flattie is dehooked and a 9.7 on the re-entry.
Great day out on the water and confidence restored, so close to the city!
Happy Easter, y'all!
jimbo (no breambo)

16-03-2008, 10:02 PM
Nice little session mate, perserverance pays off!!!

16-03-2008, 10:31 PM
Nice one mate, There are some nice bream, 40 - 50cm cod, 50cm+ flatties and moses perch that i have seen caught off the sunken wall. Good stuff

17-03-2008, 04:54 AM
Good effort and nice fish,I see you put no breambos.They have been on the chew but were very quiet over the weekend. I had the same problem

17-03-2008, 07:47 AM
well done mate on getting out unlucky about the bream though but still a nice session.


17-03-2008, 08:05 AM
CHeers fellas,
went down again last night and no joy, although a few taps around the pylons. Will have to get the boat fixed up and attack the sunken wall with vigour!!
Tight lines.

17-03-2008, 08:10 AM
CHeers fellas,
went down again last night and no joy, although a few taps around the pylons. Will have to get the boat fixed up and attack the sunken wall with vigour!!
Tight lines.

thats the same as me i need to get my outboard working properly due to some friends of mine taking out a the boat on good friday.;D
