16-03-2008, 08:50 PM
Gidday all,
decided to head down to the sunken wall on Saturday arvo- flicked all sorts about: hardbodies (rapala minnows, mask vib's & some old lazy ikes), SP's (Berkley 3" pogy's, 4" prawns in nuclear chicken etc etc, poppers - not a touch. All the way from the boat ramp up to the sunken wall (by foot) nadda!
(Saw a fisho out in his tinny with cattle dog on the bow, cast netting for prawns I think. That was on the inside of the sunken wall). Saw heaps of fish jumping but nothing I threw at them was looked at.... so I trudged back to the big concrete plant on the riverside, flicking as I went. Just as I decided to head back, I saw a big grey tanker being towed in by a pair of tugs. As it moored up next to the concrete plant, all the water was being churned up by the tugs and tanker. Give it a few minutes, the tide had just about turned, and I thought I'll wander over and have a flick a bit closer to the churned up water. Making sure I was n't level with the ship (Maritime Law) I proceeded to flick about an Atomic curlytail in a light metallic silver colour. 7gram jighead with a crushed barb on a 6lb leader & 4lb Fireline. A few casts into the sesh BANG I come up trumps. Bumping over the bottom with a cast-15countdown-twitch-twitch-wind-twitch-twitch-wind motion and the fight is on! Was calling it for flattie from the start, a few rattles then wet bag, rattle-rattle and bogged. Anyhoo, finally got her in (left damn net in car in haste to get out) just as she rides in a wake wave and plops herself down, the jihead pulls from her lip. A quick snap and she was back to annoy someone else.. Confidence restored, I slapped a 6" Old Bayside jerkbait Sp onto a Tru-turn hook with a sliding ball sinker for weight. First cast out near a pylon I'm hit, but then it does n't feel too great... (this greedy lil cod decided to go my SP almost a third of his length!) He got plopped back and then I must've gotten his older brother! This was a bit more spirited, but still on light-ish gear fun for a while...
Just about to pack up and head home when an ambitious flick right next to pylon- coutndown then wind in the slack.... lift rod tip and twitch-twitch BANG! Same story, a little on the light side but much more lively! A few casts later, I'm hit and flash of copper brown makes me think cod or flattie. A few seconds later, a small but fiesty flattie is dehooked and a 9.7 on the re-entry.
Great day out on the water and confidence restored, so close to the city!
Happy Easter, y'all!
jimbo (no breambo)
decided to head down to the sunken wall on Saturday arvo- flicked all sorts about: hardbodies (rapala minnows, mask vib's & some old lazy ikes), SP's (Berkley 3" pogy's, 4" prawns in nuclear chicken etc etc, poppers - not a touch. All the way from the boat ramp up to the sunken wall (by foot) nadda!
(Saw a fisho out in his tinny with cattle dog on the bow, cast netting for prawns I think. That was on the inside of the sunken wall). Saw heaps of fish jumping but nothing I threw at them was looked at.... so I trudged back to the big concrete plant on the riverside, flicking as I went. Just as I decided to head back, I saw a big grey tanker being towed in by a pair of tugs. As it moored up next to the concrete plant, all the water was being churned up by the tugs and tanker. Give it a few minutes, the tide had just about turned, and I thought I'll wander over and have a flick a bit closer to the churned up water. Making sure I was n't level with the ship (Maritime Law) I proceeded to flick about an Atomic curlytail in a light metallic silver colour. 7gram jighead with a crushed barb on a 6lb leader & 4lb Fireline. A few casts into the sesh BANG I come up trumps. Bumping over the bottom with a cast-15countdown-twitch-twitch-wind-twitch-twitch-wind motion and the fight is on! Was calling it for flattie from the start, a few rattles then wet bag, rattle-rattle and bogged. Anyhoo, finally got her in (left damn net in car in haste to get out) just as she rides in a wake wave and plops herself down, the jihead pulls from her lip. A quick snap and she was back to annoy someone else.. Confidence restored, I slapped a 6" Old Bayside jerkbait Sp onto a Tru-turn hook with a sliding ball sinker for weight. First cast out near a pylon I'm hit, but then it does n't feel too great... (this greedy lil cod decided to go my SP almost a third of his length!) He got plopped back and then I must've gotten his older brother! This was a bit more spirited, but still on light-ish gear fun for a while...
Just about to pack up and head home when an ambitious flick right next to pylon- coutndown then wind in the slack.... lift rod tip and twitch-twitch BANG! Same story, a little on the light side but much more lively! A few casts later, I'm hit and flash of copper brown makes me think cod or flattie. A few seconds later, a small but fiesty flattie is dehooked and a 9.7 on the re-entry.
Great day out on the water and confidence restored, so close to the city!
Happy Easter, y'all!
jimbo (no breambo)