View Full Version : Bad night vision?? Need Help

kozy cobia
09-03-2008, 08:44 PM
Hi everyone,

Just got my new lock up cabin 3100 series noosa cat on the water last week and when returning at night i got a unpleasent surprise. All of my electronics and gages were reflecting on the glass windscreen combined with salt water spray on the outside it was very dangerous.

Possible things to fix it

1, Get a Radar to fit my navman $ 2100
2, Change one of the 3 windscreens to open out (will get wet) $1000 to $ 1300
3, Heavy duty wiper $600 to $800 (i just instaled one 2 week ago $190 whitworths)
4, New Boat (this could be expencive and i wish to avoid)

Are there any other options and how do you fix this problem in your boat?

Regards Kozy ;)

Scott nthQld
09-03-2008, 08:52 PM
easy way out, when traveling just cover the electronics with a towel....no light, no reflection, problem solved! you can check intermittently on gauges, and GPS to make sure you're still on course.

09-03-2008, 09:14 PM
get some big spot lights lol . can you get a dimmer switch for the gauges ?

09-03-2008, 09:15 PM
Put a hood over your instruments, something like extending your dash mat so the light doesn't reflect on the windscreen. Then lean forward so the light is not in your periferal vision and damaging your night vision.

On Aircraft we use Red instrument lighting and Red map lights, a bit of caution there when reading maps off a Red light, any red drawing or feature will not be seen any longer by your eyes, they magically disapear.

09-03-2008, 09:44 PM
Check that there isn't a control for the light on the display , I know on my Raymarine you can set the level of brightness on your screen , for day or night I dim it down to cut the glare at night , and right up for day light ,


Greg P
09-03-2008, 09:56 PM
Maybe something like this ?


5th down

3M Notebook & LCD Monitor Privacy Filters

3M's privacy technology narrows the viewing area so that screen data is visible only to persons directly in front of the monitor Will not blur or distort on-screen images Reduces screen glare Guards against scratches and abrasions to protect your monitor investment
Unobtrusive design will not interfere with LCD speakers or monitor controls. Easy to attach and remove; filter can be left in place even when your notebook computer is closed

10-03-2008, 07:55 AM
Hey Kozy ...

Traditionally the Aircraft industry use red lighting for light aircraft, which is the way I'm going to set my dash lights up when I finish doing the reno on our cat.... helps to keep your night vision in tact.

I'm also going to throw on a dimmer switch as well.... probable total cost between $20 to $30 max.

Another oldie but a goodie is to use yellow lensed safety glass that can be picked up just about any where for under $20.

They're also excellent for either fog or when its still daylight and its pretty dark and over cast or raining. ... just like using driving lights ...


10-03-2008, 08:54 AM
I had the same problem, so I disabled most of my dash lights and put red filters on the bulbs of the others. I still have to use a towel over the dash, if i need to look thru the windscreen at night but I prefer to unzip the clears and look above the screen.

10-03-2008, 10:13 AM
Eat more carrots:P .


You could get a sheet of theatrical filter gell and drop some of that across the top of your instruments.

A heavy blue or red would work, but better still some neutral density grey.

you will still be able to read the instruments but they will all be less bright.

when buying you want one of the brands that is either colour all the way thru or colour sandwedeged, so the colour doesnt scratch off

rosco #27 medium red..... rosco #59 indigo are pretty dark may be too much so
rosco #26 light red......rosco #80 primary blue are a bit lighter

rosco sun #3404 is a 3 stop neutral density

you might have to experiment...... my choice would be the #3404... if it wasnt dark enough add another layer

this stuff is $20to $30 a sheet depending on the sheet size

In you are in brisbane... "the production shop" at wellington rd.. is probly the best place.


10-03-2008, 10:59 AM
get those ebay reflector shelds. so no more glare.

Fish Guts
10-03-2008, 03:18 PM
how is the cat going kozy ?

10-03-2008, 04:41 PM
I had one of those monitor filters at one time....I cant say it was any use on the monitor.........I think they would be even less use in this situation because they arent going to reduce the light output of the instruments, which is the problem.


10-03-2008, 04:41 PM
I get my gel colours for nuthing, trouble is I don't need any.
But I would rather pull me globes out the instrument and dip in some red nail polish, Does the same thing.

But the problem is the instrument is back lite, it should be post light from the front that seemed to do the trick when I was flying and had no problems seeing outside. Mind you I was younger then and not half blind.

10-03-2008, 05:18 PM

for me the best answer was to be able to get my head outside. I got some zippered panels put into the canopy. Suspect your opening windscreen would be the equivalent option. Hooding the instruments might help but any light inside seems to reflect and make it really tough when you are coming in to the ramp.

Fish Guts
10-03-2008, 05:27 PM
make sure your brillance levels are right down. you can nearrly put them so dark you can hardly read them. then put a towel over the engine guages. do you have a freshwater washer that shoots over the windscreen ? cleaning off the salt spray with the wipers/washer helps a heap.

10-03-2008, 06:07 PM

KOZY was that your cat at moreton bay trailer boat club marina 2x200suzzy's?

10-03-2008, 07:16 PM
Hey Kozy ...

Traditionally the Aircraft industry use red lighting for light aircraft, which is the way I am going set my dash lights up when I finish doing the reno on our cat.... helps to keep your night vision in tact. I am also going to put them on a dimmer switch.... probable total cost between $20 to $30 max.

Another old trick but a goodie is to use yellow lensed safety glass that can be picked up just about any where for under $20.

They are also excellent for use in either fog or when its dark and over cast or raining. ... just like using driving lights ...

I have just done my gauses with red lights. The differancce is amazing... Before I would need to cove my instruments with a towl. Now there is no need too..... I also wear those yellow glasses, When I remember to bring them.... Red lights and yellow glass's make driving a boatat night a walk in the park....

kozy cobia
11-03-2008, 05:53 PM
Put a hood over your instruments, something like extending your dash mat so the light doesn't reflect on the windscreen. Then lean forward so the light is not in your periferal vision and damaging your night vision.

On Aircraft we use Red instrument lighting and Red map lights, a bit of caution there when reading maps off a Red light, any red drawing or feature will not be seen any longer by your eyes, they magically disapear.

Thanks for the good ideas


kozy cobia
11-03-2008, 05:56 PM
Maybe something like this ?


5th down

3M Notebook & LCD Monitor Privacy Filters

3M's privacy technology narrows the viewing area so that screen data is visible only to persons directly in front of the monitor Will not blur or distort on-screen images Reduces screen glare Guards against scratches and abrasions to protect your monitor investment
Unobtrusive design will not interfere with LCD speakers or monitor controls. Easy to attach and remove; filter can be left in place even when your notebook computer is closed

thanks for the idea


kozy cobia
11-03-2008, 06:06 PM
how is the cat going kozy ?

A lot better ride since filling it up and puting in 700L of petrol in it. Also i had a crash coarse on trimming it and the hole ride is a lot better and so is my confidance.


Kozy ;)

kozy cobia
11-03-2008, 06:10 PM
make sure your brillance levels are right down. you can nearrly put them so dark you can hardly read them. then put a towel over the engine guages. do you have a freshwater washer that shoots over the windscreen ? cleaning off the salt spray with the wipers/washer helps a heap.

Have you got this on your boat and were can i get it from (are the expensive?)

Regards Kozy;)

kozy cobia
11-03-2008, 06:12 PM

KOZY was that your cat at moreton bay trailer boat club marina 2x200suzzy's?

That was it

Regards Kozy

11-03-2008, 09:05 PM
Check out some auto wreckers. The Landcruiser washer systems are possibly the best. Big storage bottles. Use both spray outlets on your windscreen. Put the outlets at the top of the screen.

kozy cobia
13-03-2008, 08:08 PM
Check out some auto wreckers. The Landcruiser washer systems are possibly the best. Big storage bottles. Use both spray outlets on your windscreen. Put the outlets at the top of the screen.


Regards Kozy