View Full Version : Tinaroo

05-03-2008, 08:36 PM
Hi all

went up to tinaroo on sunday morning even though it was pouring rain. we tried the barron arm first with no luck. there were a couple of ski boats up there so we pushed right up and there was alot of bait around but the fish wern't biting for us. so we headed to the mazlin and fished there again with no luck. we were just about ready to call it a day but thought we'd better give the severin a go so we made the trip over there and found a nice little bay. the wind was gentler and blowing straight in to a corner. when we pulled up we passed a bony bream floating in the water. i joked and said to my mate maybe we should put it out under a float. just as i had finished saying it there was a big boof behind us and the little bream was gone. we quickly threw the pick out and started throwing lures around like crazy. after about the tenth cast my mate hooked up to a nice little 64cm fish that took about 10 min to get in. he new every snag in the area and we thought we'd lost him a few times. after that we didn't see any other action so we headed off home to watch the cricket. but i'm not going to let the rain stop me going fishing again.

cheers shayne.22521

05-03-2008, 08:44 PM
nice fish mate bet you nearly s...t your pants when that boney got smashed,congrats cheers bdowdy..brett

06-03-2008, 08:07 AM

Great to see you got one that day (saw you up Barron and Mazlin) as the weather was terrible and got worse as the day went on.

Great work in VERY trying conditions


06-03-2008, 10:30 AM
Nice fish and good read.

Heard on the radio this morning that the water is a metre and half over the spillway. The barron must be fairly running at the moment, perhaps White Water Rafting this weekend?



06-03-2008, 03:00 PM
hello barraboss

i do remember seeing you how did you guys go. i'll be back up there fri sat and sun this weekend but i think now that the weather has cleared up a bit every man and his dog will be up there maybe i might have to take a day off work next week to get some quiete time on the water but we'll see how it goes.

cheers shayne.

06-03-2008, 10:39 PM

I don't think it will be too bad for the crowds this weekend as I think there is more wet stuff on the way. I hope I am wrong though!!!! I will also head up on one of my days off.

I just posted a report of the weekend as well. No bigguns landed, but did not care as I was still fishing;D

