View Full Version : Jacks - whats your hookup rate?

the gecko
03-03-2008, 05:36 PM
If you fish for jacks, especially with live or dead bait, Id love to know your hookup rate is. Im talking about how often do you set the hook on the fish and get to play him, as opposed to jacks that run with the bait and then drop it, (hook and all), and get to swim off freely. This issue came up in another thread, and there seems to be a few different views.

I reckon my hookup rate is about 60%, whether I use livies or mullet fillets. Theres plenty of hits that get away from me, I say its all part of the game. And yes I know which ones are jacks, if you fish for em, then you can tell after a while.

It was a bit lower last year, but it improved a bit when I went back to fishing one rod instead of 2, with rod in hand all night, and using Gamma Octopus circle hooks 4/0. I also set my drag to a third of the line strength using scales, and Im not a believer in total lockup of drag. I will even lay down the rod tip about 12in when I feel a nibble, so that the bait gets down the fishes throat before I attempt to set a hook.

What does everyone else do?
What hooks do you use?


03-03-2008, 06:14 PM
I only lure fish jacks these days and I reckon its probably about 80% hookup rate with hard bods. I used to miss a lot more baiting so I have taken to lure work and although the hits are fewer in any local area I find I cover a lot more ground for similar results to baiting them. I have also found that using a single tail hook and a double belly hook on the lures improves the rates as well.


03-03-2008, 06:44 PM
I find the hookup rate changes a lot deppending on what sort of territory you fish in.... when fishing right up in close to snags i find it is nearly 100% due to them being so teritorial... however the problem is getting them out of the snags before they bust you off... however when fishing in more open areas such as rockwalls or steep mudbanks they are a lot less aggressive and play around with the bait a lot more... i would probably say the hookup rate would probably be around 70-80% still though.... this is fishing with bait in both cases...

03-03-2008, 06:57 PM
mine is a big fat 0%, but im keen to get out there, i just gotta wait for loophole to get his baot in the water!.


03-03-2008, 09:00 PM
I use 2 ganged 5/0 hooks when I bait fish for jacks. Hook up rate is close to 100%.and they seem less likely to swallow the hooks so releasing em is easier i find

03-03-2008, 10:02 PM
mine is a big fat 0%, but im keen to get out there, i just gotta wait for loophole to get his baot in the water!.


;D yer tell me aout it havent had a crack at the jacks this season missed it all>:(

im counting the days down now 45days left:P

the gecko
04-03-2008, 10:25 AM
I reckon 'it depends on the territory' is spot on. They do hit harder closer to home. perhaps I hookup 70-80% too, I was just being conservative saying 60%.

Somebody else was saying that jacks hook themselves, and a rod in a holder is ok, but I disagree. I was just curious what everyone else does. I do know some jew fishos that have a lot of success with dead rods tho.

Ganged hooks is interesting, I might try that. Im experimenting with 2 snelled hooks in larger slabs of mullet fillet.

Thanks for the feedback.

Good luck Cammy, its just time on the water. Youll get em soon. Just fish near rocks at night.
